
Eye gel Pilogel is a drug from the group of M-anticholinergic drugs, which is used to treat various eye diseases, such as glaucoma and other disorders of the trophic function of the eye. The manufacturer of the drug is the United States of America, and the direct manufacturer is the pharmaceutical company Alcon-Cuvrer. International name: Pilocarpinum. Dosage form: eye gel 4%. The drug contains the active substance isoptocarpine (often pilocarpine, pilocarpen hydrochloride), which has the activity of the cholinomometic group inherent in M-hmols.

Indications for use of Pilogen gel: glaucoma; acute attack of eye disease; disturbance of the trophism of the organ of vision after thrombosis of the retinal vein or stoppage of arterial blood flow in its veins; hemorrhage in the vitreous body; optic nerve detachment; and etc.

Contraindications to the drug include: intolerance to the constituent components; bronchial asthma; inflammatory eye diseases; a sharp reaction after surgery in the eye area; conditions after retinal detachment; high myopia; With high myopia, there is a risk of retinal detachment. If the patient suffers from this pathology, the use of the drug is highly undesirable; allergic reaction; pregnancy period; children under 18 years of age.