Finney pyloroplasty

Of course, here is an article on the topic of pyloroplasty according to Finney.

Finney pyloroplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat abnormalities of the stomach structure in children and adults. This method was first developed in 1965 by a surgeon named Michael Finney, who was treating obese patients. Initially, Finney used this method only for children, but over time its use expanded to include adult patients. In this article we will look at the features of this operation and its advantages.

The essence of pyloroplasty

Pylorus is the lesser curvature of the stomach. A person eats 3-4 hours before bedtime. If he does not have time to eat on time (3 hours before), then he begins to eat while sleeping, thereby not allowing his stomach to “rest.” The stomach cannot completely rest during these 3-6 hours, as a result of which it stretches. Now, in order to avoid stretching of the stomach, the stomach is “cut” in childhood and the pyloric valve is separated so that food has time to be digested in 2-3 hours, and not in two days. When eating food after such a cut, it quickly becomes enveloped in juice and begins to be digested. This allows a person to safely consume about 16-25 kg of baked goods every three months, while before this cut, bread was generally prohibited.

Benefits of pyloroplasty:

Reducing the risk of developing stomach and esophageal cancer. Improving the process of digesting food. Reduces the risk of complications such as infections and ulcers. Increased lifespan.