Pincers (Acarina)

Ticks (Acarina) are a group of arthropods that includes representatives of the mite orders. Ticks are parasites that live on the body of animals and humans. Some types of ticks can be harmful because they can transmit infectious diseases to their hosts.

Ticks belong to the class of arachnids and are close relatives of spiders and scorpions. They have eight legs and differ from other arachnids in that their body consists of two segments combined into one flat body. Ticks also have a characteristic pair of jaws, which are used to attach to the body of the victim and suck blood.

There are more than 50,000 known species of ticks, which are found throughout the world, including the Arctic, Antarctic, deserts and tropical forests. They can be found on animals, birds, reptiles, insects and humans. Some species of ticks are important vectors of various diseases, such as borreliosis, Q fever, encephalitis and many others.

Ticks have unique adaptive abilities that allow them to survive in various conditions. Some species of ticks can live for up to several years without eating, some can tolerate extreme temperatures, and others can survive in high humidity conditions.

Overall, ticks are an important part of the ecosystem and play an important role in the food chain. They are also the subject of many studies aimed at understanding their biology and possible ways to combat harmful species.

Acarina mites are a group of arthropods that includes representatives of many orders of mites. They have many different functions and can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and animals.

Acarina mites belong to the class Acari, which includes more than 50 thousand species of arthropods. They differ from other arthropods by the presence of a chitinous shell covering the body. Acarina mites are small in size, usually 0.1 to 1 mm in length.

One of the most well-known groups of Acarina mites are red mites, which can be harmful to human and animal health by causing allergic reactions and infections. In addition, Acarina ticks can be carriers of various diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis and others.

However, Acarina mites also have useful functions. Some species of ticks are used as pets, such as tarantula spiders and tarantula spiders. In addition, some types of mites are used to control pests in agriculture.

Overall, Acarina mites are a diverse and interesting group of arthropods, the study of which can lead to new discoveries and understanding of their role in nature and human life.

Ticks are a group of arthropods that belong to the order Acarina. They are one of the most common and abundant insects in the world. Ticks can be harmful parasites that cause a variety of diseases, including tick-borne borreliosis and encephalitis.

Ticks are oval or round in shape and covered with a hard shell. They usually have six legs, but some species may have a different number. The most common types of mites include red mites, spider mites, hangnail mites, and several others.

Each type of tick has its own specific role in the ecosystem. Some species can be used to study genetics