Pincus Fibroepithelial Tumor

**Pincus fibroepithelial tumor** is a rare neoplasm of the soft tissues of the head, which is characterized by an atypical shape and structural polymorphism. The tumor develops mainly in children and women, reaches enormous sizes, and affects several areas at the same time. Initially, it is detected by chance, its existence is determined only during surgical treatment, since surgery is required immediately, but one should not wait, the patient needs immediate hospitalization and immediate treatment.

Symptoms * in the area of ​​pathological formation there is a feeling of heaviness; * pain that appears periodically; * the tumor gradually grows, which leads to increased pain; * soft tissue deformation occurs.

The main clinical manifestation of the disease is perhaps constant pain in the affected area. The presence of pain may not always be a sign of a disease, so even if you experience discomfort, consult a doctor for a consultation before the disease has fully manifested itself. Often, at the onset of the disease, the appearance of pain is extremely rare. The pain can be aching or constant, of high intensity. The shape and structure of the tumor also vary. Asymmetry of the face covered with tumor occurs. Small depressions may form on the face and chin. Due to the constant presence of edema, gaps appear between the teeth, which causes difficulty in chewing and swallowing food. When a tumor grows into the jaw, discomfort occurs while eating. If the tumor reaches a large size, it can fester and eat away nearby tissue.

The Volga Federal District has a favorable prognosis. If diagnosed at the initial stages of development, it is possible to carry out conservative treatment, including detoxification, pain relief and local anti-inflammatory therapy, aimed at maintaining the quality of life of patients and improving its overall level.