Drinking aids

These include pills from bdelium, prepared according to known recipes, as well as pills with gums and cowries; Pills made from St. John's wort seeds also belong to this type of medicine.

Recipe: take yellow myrobalans, belleric myrobalans, emblic myrobalans, shiramlaj - in equal parts, and Basrian St. John's wort - five parts; moisten with apricot oil until the oil begins to squeeze out, and knead with honey; at one time they drink from two dirhams to three misqals. Such pills with sandarac are also useful.

Recipe: take sandarac, eggshells, broadleaf bugs, leek seeds - equally, ammonia - half and iron oxide - four parts; From this they make pills the size of a jujube fruit and take six or seven pills in the morning. They also arouse lust. They also take black, belleric and emblic myrobalans - ten dirhams each, burnt pumpkin - seven dirhams, vitriol - two dirhams and bdellium - twenty dirhams; all this is soaked in leek juice, made into pills and consumed. Here is another proven remedy: take copper slag, leek seeds and azhgon seeds - two dirhams each, dry caper fruits - three dirhams; At the reception, drink one handful with leek juice. They also take black myrobalans, fried in ghee, and fennel seeds - one part each, and two parts of watercress; take one spoon with wine every day.

They also eat black myrobalans fried in cow butter, with leek juice and nut oil, atriful al-sagir or atriful with iron oxide. Or they take sifted and crushed iron dross - three dirhams with two dirhams of white cress; This is drunk on an empty stomach with one ukiyei of leek juice and two dirhams of nut butter. They also take long aristolochia, salivagon, tribulus, bitter almonds and azhgon, add a handful of barley flour and knead with cabbage juice and apricot oil. Or they take ten dirhams of pure fresh juniper berries, soak them for several days in leek juice, dry them in the shade, grind them, add the seeds of harmala, Kerman stinking ferula, white cress, fenugreek and azhgon - each for eight dirhams, and the cress and harmala are fried on a nut and apricot oil, and the remaining substances are crushed; the composition is mixed in a glass vessel or in a ladle; for one reception they give from a misqal to two misqals. Here is one of the selected, tested remedies: the patient is given two dirhams of dry galbanum with water to drink and it cures him; If you drink this three times, it won’t happen again. Medicines taken for kidney problems include sagapen and maya. If the nature is soft, myrobalan powders with seeds help; This remedy drives the blood. It is useful for such patients, by the way, to constantly eat arum root with honey. As for atriful with iron oxide, it blocks the blood and helps against kidney problems.