Placenta Double

If I needed to describe an object, I wouldn't have any problems. I would use only synonyms and metaphors. Unfortunately, I need to write a boring summary of the text rather than a beautiful, vibrant narrative. Therefore, I will attach the exact meaning to the name: Double type of placenta - (literally “placenta dui”) translated means two layers of placenta or two interconnected placentas inside the pregnant uterus. This diagnosis indicates poor functioning of the organ, and therefore the embryo experiences a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. The double type of fetus is not an independent pathology, since the main reason for such an anomaly lies in the woman’s previous history. This phenomenon is a consequence of miscarriages, in which the normal process of implantation of the zygote is disrupted, when only one layer is formed. The phenomenon can be diagnosed by ultrasound examination, clouding of the color of the “corpus spongiosum”