
Platyrrhina, a species of mammal of the bat family, order Chiroptera. The head has a well-developed nasal planum (platikka). The distance between the extreme rear points of the forearms is up to 80 mm. The front fingers are long, especially the first two, with which the animal attaches to surfaces. The wings are membranous, somewhat longer than the forearm. The horny scales at the beginning of the anus are well developed. Outwardly it looks like an ordinary pika. Due to some features in the anatomy and biology, Platyrinia should be classified, along with large arboreal and rock species of bats, such as Vespertilio murinus and Mormoops blainvillii, as so-called microbats, although the general systematic rank of the subfamily Microchiroptera is disputed by many experts. Interestingly, there is at least one species of platinum not recognized as such by some authors, but that is the bat rat, which belongs to the genus Sephomys.