Pneumonia Gangrenous

Gangrenous pneumonia is an acute infectious disease caused by a specific pathogen - human Mycobacterium tuberculosis and occurs in the form of focal inflammation of the lung tissue without a pronounced cellular response and the spread of inflammation along the respiratory tract. Pneumonia has a parenchymal process as an etiological factor. Pathogens occupy first place in the structure of mortality, ahead of causation by 6 times. The average age of patients suffering from gangrenous pneumonia is 30 years, with the average age index in medicine being 40 years. The severity of gangrenous pneumonia is quite high, but more than 50% of cases, if properly treated at an early stage, can be avoided. The duration of the disease ranges from a week to six months. For stage 2 disease – no more than a month. And in times of crisis - no longer than a month, sometimes a week.