Pneumothorax Closed

**Pneumothorax closed** Pneumothorax is the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity; it is formed due to the breakthrough of air from the lung tissue, bronchi or vessels on one side. Closed-type pneumopraxia includes the following types: the pleural layers are damaged, there is a good anastomosis between them, and this prevents the pneumoprax from communicating with the rest of the patient’s airways. Damage to the pleural layers occurs with rib fractures and penetrating wounds of the chest. There is an isolated crush injury to the lung with the formation of a puncture or crack cutting into the organ. Damage is found to the right or left of the sternum. If the integrity of the pleural layers is violated, the air passes into the second side - the pleural cavity. In this case, the level of fluid in the wound is comparable to the external level; it is not possible to touch the cartilage. Closed pneumotopic pulmonary theasmas are rarely diagnosed during multiple punctures and dressings of chest wounds due to movement and pressure, the opposite sheet of the pleura is compressed and an internal pneumotoak is formed. The main symptoms of pneumtotocras are different and depend on the amount of accumulated air, the general condition of the patient, his age, the extent of the process, etc. Thus, when air accumulates in a small amount, the patient may only feel slight anxiety, and a feeling of constriction in the affected area may be felt. Some shallow breathing is possible, slight retraction of the skin is noted, vocal tremor is not changed in both parts of the chest, and a tympanic sound appears on percussion. Increasing pneumothorax is accompanied by shortness of breath, the appearance of cyanosis, a sharp weakening of breathing, and pain increases sharply. Breathing becomes shallow, bubbling, flaring of the wings of the nose, and retraction of the jugular notch appear. The pain in the side intensifies, at the height of the attack it occupies the entire side, and indomitable tachycardia develops. At such a moment, the victim is restless and very excited. The condition is severe, there is clouding of consciousness, convulsions. Subcutaneous emphysema is noted. The mobility of the chest is sharply limited. The perst sound is timpaitic,