Why do men's eyes swell in the morning?

Some people notice swelling on their body in the morning. Moreover, this phenomenon sometimes persists until lunchtime, and sometimes does not go away until the evening. Yes, this happens due to excess fluid retention in the body. Moreover, swelling is expressed in physical, sometimes serious discomfort, negatively affecting a person’s aesthetic perception. In addition, if they occur frequently, we can talk about the presence of some disease or the need to reconsider your lifestyle. But be that as it may, swelling that occurs in the morning should in no case be ignored. After all, any, even the most minor, deviations can develop into chronic pathologies. And as in any other case, when swelling occurs in the morning, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner in order to begin its treatment.


Why does swelling in the morning spoil your mood? What are their main causes and treatments? Let's try to understand this issue.

Main reasons

What causes swelling in the morning? The main reasons for this are:

  1. Improper drinking regime. The causes of swelling in the morning lie not only in excessive water consumption. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by a lack of fluid. Based on accepted standards, each person needs to consume at least 60 ml of water per kilogram of weight. It is this amount that contributes to the stability of the water-salt balance in the blood. If it is disrupted, fluid will be retained in the vascular bed.
  2. Excessive salt intake. This product, if present in large quantities in dishes, also contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space.
  3. Frequent stress. Constant worry and anxiety, lack of normal rest are also important factors that cause swelling. This happens due to the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands. As a result, the body stops secreting the required amount of fluid.
  4. Alcohol. Alcohol can also dehydrate the body. Along with the liquid, some of the salts necessary to normalize blood pressure are also removed. This leads to the fact that water leaves the intercellular space and edema forms.
  5. Wrong place to sleep. Sometimes swelling in the morning occurs due to the fact that the head was too low during rest. This happens when using a very hard or too soft pillow.
  6. Passion for fashionable diets. Many girls, wanting to become the owners of ideal figures, do not eat cottage cheese and milk, legumes, eggs and meat. In other words, they follow a protein-free diet. However, it is worth keeping in mind that such restrictions are very dangerous for the body. And this is despite the fact that for some time the person continues to feel good. Of course, the process of losing extra pounds will be in full swing. However, this will not happen at all due to fatty tissue. A person on a protein-free diet loses muscle mass. After just a few weeks of eating this way, anemia, heart failure, excessive fatigue, and the development of edema are likely to occur.

Solutions to the problem

What can you do to avoid swelling in the morning?


For this it is recommended:

  1. Eat better. The more efficiently a person’s digestive organs work, which is possible by eating less fried and refined foods, as well as alcohol, the more the load on the lymphatic system will be reduced. If the possibility of lymph stagnation is eliminated, the occurrence of swelling will also become impossible.
  2. Rub your ears. There are areas on our body with a large number of biologically active points. You can find them in the center of the palms, on the feet and on the ears. These points have a direct connection with the digestive organs. Of course, if you eat fast food and then rub your ears, it is unlikely that this will relieve the digestive system from the effects of the harmful product. But it’s just great if the procedure of lightly rubbing the ears becomes a daily, unnoticed habit during long stays in traffic, working at the computer, or becomes a ritual performed after taking a shower.
  3. Massage using a dry brush. Performing this procedure for just five minutes perfectly stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system. It is recommended to do this massage before taking a shower. The body must be massaged with a brush in movements directed from the fingers and toes to the heart. In problem areas where swelling occurs, it is recommended to perform manipulations in a circle. This massage will improve blood circulation. You need to choose a washcloth or brush for it that is pleasantly stiff, but do not press it on the body, but make long movements, the direction of which coincides with the lymph flow.
  4. Deep breathing. It is no coincidence that teachers constantly remind us of it during yoga classes. Deep inhalation and exhalation help speed up the lymph flow process. This should be taken into account during stress. Don't hold your breath when you're worried. On the contrary, during times of stress, you need to take a deep breath and exhale through your nose. The same is recommended during walks. It will help prevent morning swelling and deep breathing during work, for which you can take short breaks. This will benefit not only the lymphatic system, but also the nervous system.
  5. More movement. The key to good functioning of the lymphatic system is physical activity, which should be daily. You can do any exercise. The main thing is that the person likes them. A wonderful way to cleanse the lymphatic system and eliminate the problem of fluid retention in the body is jumping on a mini-trampoline. This sports equipment will take up no more than 1 square meter in the apartment. meters. But after just 10-15 minutes of exercise, it will have a beneficial effect on lymph flow and provide excellent cardio exercise.
  6. Compliance with drinking regime. With insufficient drinking water, the functioning of the lymphatic system deteriorates significantly. There is no need to be afraid to drink a lot. Swelling in the morning does not occur because of this. The opposite principle works here. That is, with an increase in the amount of fluid you drink, the likelihood of morning swelling decreases.
  7. Drinking green plant juice. Fresh greens contain large amounts of chlorophyll. This “plant blood” perfectly cleanses our blood and lymph. By drinking freshly squeezed green juices or smoothies, the body receives the necessary portion of chlorophyll along with beneficial vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals.
  8. Cold and hot shower. A sharp change in the temperature of the supplied water can also speed up lymph flow. This happens due to the alternating narrowing and dilation of blood vessels.
  9. Probiotics. Their consumption will be an excellent support for the functioning of the digestive system. This cannot but have a beneficial effect on the state of lymph flow. Probiotics will be good helpers for the body during periods of stress, weakened immunity or fun feasts.

Puffiness of the eyes not associated with pathology

What are the causes of swelling in the morning? A tumor in the lower or upper eyelid becomes noticeable due to the particularly thin layer of skin in this area.


The following are the causes of eye swelling in the morning, which are not associated with pathological processes in the body:

  1. Lack of sleep. Lack of rest always affects human health. It also causes swelling of the eyes in the morning. To prevent this phenomenon, wakefulness and sleep patterns should be normalized.
  2. Excessive fluid intake. Often, swelling of the eyes in the morning is caused by drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages, tea or coffee before bed. To eliminate this phenomenon, you will need to avoid excessive drinking.
  3. Tears. What causes swelling of the eyelids in the morning? They can appear in cases where a person had to cry before going to bed. The tear fluid contains a large amount of salt, which is why it retains fluid. In addition, salt has an irritating effect on the skin, which contributes to swelling and slight inflammation in the eye area.
  4. Violation of the rules for the use of cosmetics. A woman who forgets to remove mascara or eye shadow at night may wake up in the morning with puffy eyes. This happens due to the skin's inability to breathe. You need to cleanse your face of makeup every day, using a special makeup remover.
  5. Eating excessively salty foods. Such food causes thirst, which can be quenched by drinking plenty of water. But salt that enters the body retains fluid in it. This causes swelling of the eyelids.
  6. Age. Over the years, it becomes increasingly difficult for the skin to maintain fiber and fatty tissue. At the same time, water metabolism in the body deteriorates due to poor kidney function. The result of such changes is swelling of the eyes in the morning.
  7. Hereditary predisposition. With congenital excess fat in the eye area, the eyelids appear swollen from a very early age.
  8. Tired eyes. The blood supply to the eyelids may deteriorate when reading in poor lighting or when sitting in front of a computer for a long time. In this case, the eyes swell due to their tension, which provokes the transition of intracellular fluid into the tissue of the eyelids.
  9. Changes in hormonal levels. Why do my eyes swell in the morning? This sometimes happens at the onset of menstruation, due to the ability of the hormone estrogen produced in large quantities to retain fluid in the body.

Pathological causes of puffy eyes

With constant repetition of eyelid swelling, the development of certain diseases can be suspected.

  1. Diseases of blood vessels and heart. If, in addition to swelling, a person begins to be bothered by chest pain and shortness of breath, then it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a doctor.
  2. Allergy. In this case, swelling of the eyelids is caused by certain substances - allergens. If this phenomenon is accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin, then taking antihistamines will help eliminate it.
  3. Kidney diseases. With such ailments, swelling of the eyelids is associated with disturbances in the processes of removing fluid from the body. To eliminate this phenomenon, you will need to see a doctor and undergo the appropriate course of treatment.
  4. Inflammatory processes. Swelling of the upper eyelid in the morning is often infectious in nature. Sometimes swelling is caused by sinusitis, sinusitis, a sore tooth, as well as an inflammatory process involving the facial nerve. In this case, contacting a doctor is mandatory.
  5. Facial injuries. Blows from the top of the head or forehead can cause swelling of the eyelid. In these cases, the intercellular fluid falls down.
  6. Pregnancy. Swelling of the eyelids is caused by hormonal changes. This phenomenon does not pose any danger. However, to clarify its cause, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested.

Swelling of the face

Sometimes a person can be very upset when he sees himself in the mirror in the morning. And the reason for this is facial swelling.


What factors provoke the occurrence of this phenomenon? The causes of a swollen face may be the following:

  1. irrational drinking regime;
  2. excess salt in food;
  3. frequent stress and little time allocated for rest;
  4. drinking alcoholic beverages before bedtime;
  5. allergy;
  6. incorrect body position during sleep;
  7. diseases of the urinary organs, provoking the development of renal pathologies;
  8. disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Facial swelling in the morning in women often occurs due to hormonal imbalances.

Taking preventive measures to help prevent this unpleasant phenomenon lies in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In the presence of pathologies, which may be indicated by various additional signs, a person must undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Swelling of the hands

Sometimes a person notices how his fingers swell in the morning. This phenomenon can spread to all hands. A similar problem occurs in people of all age groups and does not depend on the lifestyle they lead.


The reasons for this phenomenon are divided into two types - functional and diagnostic. Let's take a closer look at them.

Functional reasons

Swelling of the hands in the morning can be caused by:

  1. excessive salt consumption;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. premenstrual syndrome.

Organic causes

Swelling of the hands provokes various diseases. Among them:

  1. osteochondrosis of the spine (cervical spine);
  2. rheumatoid and rheumatoid arthritis;
  3. skin infection;
  4. vascular thrombosis;
  5. allergy;
  6. consequences of injuries;
  7. neurology;
  8. kidney and heart diseases.

Swelling of the legs

The reasons why the lower extremities swell are similar to those that cause swelling of the arms in the morning. But in addition to them, the legs can swell due to venous disease, which is especially common in women.


Also, a similar phenomenon occurs under heavy loads and wearing high-heeled shoes. It is also provoked by a sedentary lifestyle.


You can get rid of swelling, if it is not caused by pathology, without taking medications:

  1. An infusion using 1 tbsp will allow you to return your face to its former shape. l. corn silks. This volume of raw material is poured into 1 glass of boiling water, left for 3 hours, and then taken twice a day before meals.
  2. Mint, previously crushed and placed in gauze, will perfectly relieve swelling under the eyes. Make a compress with it, applying it under the eyes for 10 minutes.
  3. Allergic swelling is relieved by a mixture of red rowan fruits, which should be crushed and mixed with sugar. This potion is boiled over low heat and added to a cup of tea in a volume of 3 tbsp. l.
  4. For edema caused by heart pathologies, a tincture of St. John's wort and plantain, nettle, bearberry and rose hips will help. Raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of water and boil for several minutes. The drug should infuse for an hour. Take it at any time, divided into 4 servings.


It is impossible to take medications without a diagnosis and prescription of a course by the attending physician.

Only in this case will a person get rid of the problem of puffiness in the morning.

Malfunctions in the body's functioning inevitably affect appearance. Any violation will certainly affect the skin, hair, and nails. The face, unfortunately, was no exception. On the contrary, it primarily indicates problems. Swelling is a manifestation of a malfunction of one of the vital systems, so the symptom cannot be neglected. It’s also worth knowing not only why your eyes swell in the morning, but also how to get rid of this unpleasant effect.


How does the symptom manifest itself in the morning after sleep?

Sometimes, waking up and dreaming of seeing a rested face in the mirror, a person cannot recognize his reflection. The eye area is rounded, the eyelids are heavy, and the skin is unpleasantly stretched. There are several types of manifestation of the problem. Let's look at the ones everyone knows:

  1. Bags under the eyes - appear with age as a result of the accumulation of fat under the skin and “wear and tear” of soft tissues. The area in the eye area is subject to daily stretching in the process of expressing facial expressions, and also bears stress during blinking.
  2. Bruises - the result of stress, sleepless nights or exhaustion. They are often a consequence of a long illness, even after recovery. Dark circles are also included in the list of symptoms of ailments such as anemia, vitamin deficiency, kidney failure and others.
  3. Edema - expressed by swelling of the upper or lower eyelid, sometimes both. They arise due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the interstitial layer. Unlike bags, with the use of therapeutic or preventive measures, they are removed without a trace.

We will talk about why eyes swell in the morning and how to deal with it in this article.


Causes of eye swelling not related to pathology

Among the factors influencing the fact that our eyes are swollen in the morning, there are a number of physiological characteristics that are not associated with serious health problems. They are easy to influence by changing your diet or daily routine:

  1. lack of sleep. It is especially noticeable after the age of 30, both in women and men;
  2. stress, tears before bed. If the child does not stop crying until he falls asleep, most likely the eyelids may become swollen in the morning;
  3. drinking too much. It provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body, which it does not have time to remove naturally;
  4. excess salt in dishes. Refusal of the ingredient eliminates swelling in a week;
  5. heavy load on the organs of vision. Fatigue, continuous work at the monitor causes dry mucous membranes and disorder of the tear duct;
  6. natural aging of the skin. The formation of an excess layer of fat forms the so-called “bag”;
  7. genetic predisposition.

And if the above parameters are applicable to everyone, then the following series of indicators are characteristic only of the female sex:

  1. cosmetics not washed off at night;
  2. critical days;
  3. pregnancy (hormonal changes).


While describing puffiness of the eyes in the morning and its causes, it is also necessary to explain the nature of the problem. Cosmetologists call this area sensitive and problematic for the following reasons:

  1. the intersection of many blood capillaries in this small area;
  2. looseness of subcutaneous tissue;
  3. fatty tissue between the orbit and eyeball;
  4. high probability of accumulation of fluid that has passed from the nose, forehead, cheeks;
  5. the tendency of thin skin to stretch, which also leads to wrinkles.

Pathological causes of swollen eyelids

In some cases, swelling is a symptom of a serious illness. If your daily routine is not disrupted, there are no other negatively influencing factors, and the swelling does not go away for a long time, it is worth paying attention to whether you have other symptoms of the disease.

Of course, swelling indicates various ailments. But only in combination with other health problems can we talk about the need to consult a doctor.

Improper functioning of internal organs

If you feel pain when pressing on the swelling, there is likely a problem with the respiratory system. It appears without symptoms if you have recently had a cold with a severe runny nose. But usually accompanied by:

  1. difficulty breathing;
  2. increased lacrimation;
  3. nasal discharge.

Often the problem is associated with diseases of the vascular system or heart. In this case, the bags become denser than usual and feel cold to the touch. Also observed:

  1. swelling of the legs;
  2. cooling of the limbs;
  3. changes in blood pressure;
  4. dyspnea;
  5. pallor;
  6. heart rhythm disturbance.


Kidney diseases

The most common cause of edema is kidney problems. Clear imprints of bed linen remain on the face. The swelling becomes yellow or brown. Illness accompanied by:

  1. sudden weight gain without an increase in appetite;
  2. concomitant swelling of the limbs, lower back, abdomen;
  3. frequent urge to go to the toilet and changes in the color of urine.

Pathology of the endocrine system

If hormones are not produced in sufficient quantities, subcutaneous tissue malfunctions. Its accumulation provokes the formation of swelling around the eyes. Doctors call other symptoms of the disease:

  1. rapid weight gain;
  2. instability of emotional state.


Allergic reactions

The problem can be caused either by an insect bite followed by an inadequate response of the body to it, or by the presence of an allergen in food or air. Common ailments include:

  1. rashes;
  2. itching;
  3. redness of the eyes;
  4. stuffy nose.

An allergic runny nose, like an infectious one, can also lead to swelling. In severe cases, when the patient breathes through the mouth for a long time, bags under the eyes in the morning cannot be avoided.


Eye diseases

Edema occurs with the development of inflammatory processes, infections or bacteria, or blockage of glands. They can be caused by the following diseases:

Hernia in the cervical spine

The disease is often hidden and does not appear for months. In this case, one side of the face or eyelid swells. Also accompanied by:

  1. headaches;
  2. "goose bumps";
  3. muscle weakness;
  4. lack of coordination.

The video shows exercises that help relieve the symptoms of a cervical hernia.

Pathology of the liver and gallbladder

There is a high probability of detection in people who consume fatty foods, sweets and alcohol in large quantities. Characteristic:

  1. swelling of the fingers;
  2. bitter taste in the mouth;
  3. pain in the side;
  4. peeling of the eyelids;
  5. darkening of urine.


If there is severe damage to the nose, forehead or crown, the subcutaneous fluid is transferred to the eye area. This leads to swelling of the eyelids, even when the blow was not applied to this part of the face. If the hematoma is located just under the eye, swelling cannot be avoided for at least 2-3 days.


Treatment options

First of all, it is necessary to find the cause of the external defect. If this is a symptom of an illness that has been confirmed by a doctor, the initial stage of treatment will often remove the swelling completely. If no other signs of the disease bother you, you can resort to self-treatment.

General approach

Proper nutrition will help you in the fight for a healthy face. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Cleanse your body in the form of a diet: eat more fresh salads, drink fruit drinks and compotes. Remove canned food, processed foods and fast food from your weekly menu.


Make sure your day includes more time spent outdoors. In the bedroom, also open the window more often - if possible, throughout the night. Oxygen-enriched blood circulates better and does not stagnate.


To remove excess fluid from the body, which becomes a source of edema, diuretics are used. It is important to remember that overuse of this method can lead to potassium deficiency. Gentle diuretics:

  1. Amiloride;
  2. Triamterene;
  3. Spironolactone.


Folk remedies

Based on the experience of generations, it is known that puffiness around the eyes is well relieved by:

  1. potato - slices are applied to the bags;
  2. cucumber — it is recommended to hold the vegetable cut into circles on the eyelid for 15-20 minutes;
  3. kefir - Apply it to a cotton sponge and apply it to the problem area.

Ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula works well to eliminate morning swelling.


The cosmetics industry offers a wide range of patches, gels, and face masks. It is worth paying attention to the composition - it is desirable that it contains extracts or extracts of natural plants, as well as oils. If you choose a mask, pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Apply it only to clean, freshly washed skin;
  2. The time it takes to keep the mask on your face is on average 15-20 minutes;
  3. When distributing the cream or gel composition, do not rub it into the skin.



An excellent remedy, familiar to our grandmothers, are compresses in the form of tea bags. The only thing that has changed since then is the quality of the tea. Make sure that the product does not contain harmful additives, essences or dyes. Otherwise, the treatment may have the opposite effect or irritate the eye mucosa.


Of course, no one will put their head in water, but it’s worth making foot baths that improve blood circulation. The recipe is simple - take cold water and add ice to it. Shock therapy tones even small capillaries and helps the vascular system increase activity. You should also not neglect chamomile and mint decoction.


Sea salt does an excellent job of toning. For better results, increase the amount of granules and walk on them with your feet. Stagnation will go away, and with it disruptions in the body’s functioning.


Light palpation stimulates blood supply to the eye area. Follow the steps by lubricating your hands with a mixture of olive and cosmetic oil:

  1. Touch the skin pointwise and tap it with your fingertips.
  2. Rub your palms together to make them warm. Apply to closed eyes. After 10 seconds, open them. You will feel the vigor of your facial muscles and visual acuity returning.
  3. Gently run your fingers over the skin. Move first from the nose to the temples, then in the opposite direction. This exercise also helps smooth out facial wrinkles.


Are your child's eyes swollen after sleep?

This is not a reason to panic. Remove chips and crackers from the student’s diet, and at least partially replace sweets with fruit. Check whether your child sleeps after bedtime or continues to use social networks until the morning. If preventive measures are followed and the swelling does not subside, you should contact your pediatrician. Bags under the eyes may indicate:

  1. lack of iron in the body;
  2. infection with parasites (worms);
  3. possible allergies.

Sleeping on a schedule, reducing the amount of time at the computer, and eating a diet rich in beneficial microelements will help reduce the likelihood of edema in your baby. Children also need fresh air, daily walks and a break from school and training.

In the case of infants, if swelling occurs systematically, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Self-treatment can take away precious time during which the baby would have already recovered with the help of a doctor.


Which doctor should I contact if swelling occurs?

If you are concerned about the problem of swelling of the eyelids, consult a physician. Young patients are cared for by a pediatrician. Finding the source of the problem is possible through inspection, collection of tests and professional diagnostics. Only after visiting the clinic will it be possible to decide on a specialist. Elimination of diseases, the symptom of which is swelling, is carried out by:

  1. allergist - if the problem is the body’s sensitivity to the allergen;
  2. endocrinologist - in case of hormonal imbalance;
  3. infectious disease specialist - will help with liver disease;
  4. nephrologist - cope with kidney diseases;
  5. urologist — will improve the functioning of the urinary system;
  6. cardiologist - will help with the heart and blood vessels.


Prevention of edema

In most cases, problems with puffiness around the eyes can be prevented. There are simple recommendations from doctors that, with a high degree of probability, will help you wake up tomorrow without swelling:

  1. Don't drink a lot of fluids at night, and to do this, make sure that there are no too salty or spicy dishes for dinner. Reduce the amount of fast food in your diet, because it is known that it contains an abundance of additives (not always natural) and spices to add flavor.
  2. Play sports or increase the load if you are already exercising. Let excess fluid and salt leave the body through sweat rather than accumulate under the skin. Going to the sauna in doses will also have a positive effect.
  3. Establish a daily routine in which you sleep at least 8 hours a night. This way you will allow your body to recover and strengthen for new victories in the coming day. And a healthy-looking face, without bags and bruises under the eyes, will help you feel confident in it!

The reason why eyes may swell in the morning is not always known to us, but now we can quickly and effectively correct the cosmetic nuance. But if the situation repeats itself day after day, you should ask your doctor why this is happening. The problem may not be as serious as it might seem, but the sooner treatment begins, the faster the swelling will go away for good!

In the video, a dermatologist talks about the problem in more detail.

Swelling under the eyes in the morning occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the tissues.. An unsightly, unpleasant manifestation can occur anywhere: on the arms or legs, on the torso, on internal organs or on the face. The peculiarities of the processes and the composition of the accumulated liquid differ depending on the causes of formation.

Few people can boast that they have never wondered how to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes in the morning. Especially often, everyone encounters such a nuisance after a stormy night, or vice versa, after a serious emotional shock, accompanied by tears. To distinguish severe swelling under the eyes that occurs as a result of natural physiological processes from symptoms of serious pathologies, it is worth carefully understanding the reasons for their formation.

Causes of swelling

When studying why there is swelling under the eyes in the morning, users mean swelling of the upper or lower eyelid due to an increase in the amount of interstitial fluid. Our body consists of 60% water. The overwhelming amount of fluid is concentrated inside the cells, and the rest is in the space between them. Water-electrolyte balance, uninterrupted operation of individual organs and systems, allows you to maintain this ratio without changes. When the balance in the body is disturbed under the influence of any reasons or diseases, bruises and swelling appear under the eyes.

Why does it swell under the eyes in the morning, and not in another area? This is due to the anatomical properties of the tissues located in this area. Here the skin is quite thin, and the subcutaneous fatty tissues are distinguished by a rather loose constitution and the absence of sebaceous glands. In this zone, muscle activity is also quite low. It is also worth noting that bags and swelling around the eyes are two different concepts.

Bags form as a result of loss of skin elasticity. Edema causes the accumulation of intercellular fluid, which is formed as a result of an imbalance.

Serious symptoms

When your face swells in the morning and there are bags under your eyes, you should consider the possibility of a failure of internal systems. Often, excessive fluid accumulation indicates pathology in the kidney area. In this situation, the lower eyelid suffers more:

  1. the swelling has a watery consistency;
  2. a bronze tint appears;
  3. As a concomitant symptom, it is worth talking about rapid weight gain as a result of fluid accumulation in all organs.

In an adult or a child, swelling under the eyes in the morning may appear due to a nasal infection. After removing the nasal infection, the swelling will go away without additional impact.

Pathologies of the endocrine system can cause swelling under the eyes in women and men. The cause is insufficient hormonal stimulation, leading to the accumulation of mucous formations under the skin.

Cardiovascular disorders lead to the formation of swelling in the evening. Some attribute this to general fatigue. However, if the phenomenon is constantly repeated, it is worth considering the need to visit a specialist.


When considering dark puffiness under the eyes, you don't always need to rush to the doctor. In some situations, it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle. Among the bouquet of reasons provoking such phenomena, the leading ones are:

  1. alcohol (drug) consumption;
  2. heavy consumption of carbonated drinks with sugar;
  3. short sleep that does not bring rest;
  4. bright lighting that blinds the eyes.

When looking at how to get rid of puffy eyes in such situations, apply the following measures:

  1. control of daily diet;
  2. walk, airing the bedroom before bedtime;
  3. sufficient physical activity;
  4. complete rest.

In addition to the above recommendations, professionals advise maintaining a drinking regime, consuming at least 1.5 liters of water daily. If there is edema, 65% of the liquid should be drunk before 14-00. Moreover, you cannot replace it with drinks or sweet soda. If there is not enough clean, non-carbonated water, the body begins to store it.

Dangerous cosmetics

When starting treatment for morning puffiness under the eyes, pay attention to cosmetics that can provoke such phenomena. The use of cosmetics in itself should not lead to a negative reaction. In such aspects, the culture of their application is of greater importance. To avoid swelling, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Carefully remove any products applied in the morning. At the same time, the cleansing ritual should not be postponed until bedtime. The skin should breathe a little after washing.
  2. To remove stubborn cosmetics, use special products. Don't get carried away with toilet soap. This leads to negative consequences.
  3. Read carefully and study the composition and effect of the night cream. When a film forms as a result of its use, swelling may appear in the eye area in the morning.

One of the most important rules in the fight against puffiness is moderation in everything. By generously applying decorative cosmetics in the eye area and removing it poorly in the evening, you can get irritation, allergies, and other troubles.

How to get rid of swelling

Practice shows that the treatment of swelling under the eyes, which is not a symptom of a serious disease, is quite easy. You can get your face into proper shape without the help of specialists, at home. For this purpose, no major material investments are required. Simple procedures will not take much time or require much effort.

Preventing swelling is always easier than treating unsightly swelling. An active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition will ensure a fresh look for many years. It is also important to arrange for yourself the correct position while resting. The head should be slightly higher than the rest of the body. It is recommended to sleep on your back rather than on your stomach or side.