Why are there bruises under the eyes in men?

Traditionally, men have taken little interest in their appearance. But today the tradition is becoming a thing of the past, which is why bruises under the eyes of men cause a lot of concern. In addition, black bruises under the eyes in men (not only black ones) can signal health problems.

The structure of the eyelids and why bruises appear under a man’s eyes: the mechanism of occurrence

If there are bruises under the eyes, the reasons for men can be quite different. But this depends on the structure of the eye and the skin of the eyelids. It is tender and thin here, regardless of gender, so the causes of bruises under the eyes in men are the same as in children or women. In addition, there are many sweat and sebaceous glands, and the subcutaneous tissue is loose and contains almost no fat. But the blood supply here is not bad, mainly represented by the branches of the carotid arteries. In addition, the outflow of blood from the veins occurs in the superficial temporal and lacrimal veins, which do not have valves, but have connections with other veins, which is why any inflammatory processes in the eye and face area spread quickly and are fraught with complications. In addition, the skin around the eyes is rich in lymphatic vessels. Venous stagnation here is fraught with the fact that red blood cells in the capillaries of the skin move slowly, which means that the tissues are sorely lacking oxygen. Therefore, there are many answers to the question of what bruises under the eyes mean in men: any problems in the body immediately affect blood supply and blood flow, and the skin around the organ of vision is thin and fragile, this is immediately noticeable.

But it often happens that the causes of bruises under the eyes in men are completely harmless. First, let's talk about them.

Why bruises under the eyes may appear in men: “everyday” reasons

Sometimes it happens that the skin of the eyelids reacts to diseases. But usually it’s not the right lifestyle that’s to blame. This is why bruises under the eyes appear most often in men:

  1. lack of sleep. Negatively affects metabolism, lymph movement and blood flow. It's enough to get a good night's sleep here. Go to bed early and wake up too;
  2. working on a computer. It’s just that the eyes are overstrained, and this provokes blood flow to the skin of the eyelids. The vessels dilate and glow through the thin skin of the eyelids. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, take breaks while working at the machine and do not forget about eye exercises that normalize blood circulation. Take a break from the car every two-thirds of an hour. Five minutes is enough for gymnastics;
  3. bad habits. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs deprive the blood of oxygen, and this is immediately noticeable on the skin of the eyelids;
    depression and stress. They also negatively affect blood flow. In addition, the hormone cortisol, which is released a lot during this period, can provoke rupture of capillaries;
  4. dehydration. It is because of it that the skin bleeds, first of all, on the eyelids;
  5. sun rays and ultraviolet. Affect pigmentation;
  6. injuries. Mechanical injuries also cause capillaries to rupture;
  7. poor nutrition.

It will be strange to eat anything and ask why men have dark circles under their eyes: the reason is hidden in the refrigerator, and fast food and fatty and sweet foods also affect the condition of the skin and its pigmentation. The body may lack the following substances:

  1. If there is not enough zinc, metabolism and the functioning of the entire immune system are disrupted. This is one of the reasons for blue eyes;
  2. Vitamin K is also responsible for blood clotting;
  3. vitamin A. Affects skin pigmentation;
  4. if there is not enough vitamin E, the structure of the skin deteriorates;
  5. vitamin C. Without it, the walls of the skin capillaries will not be strong.

So, sometimes it’s enough to take vitamins and normalize your diet.

Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes in men

Sometimes the causes of bruises under the eyes in men are purely age-related. Over the years, the skin becomes less elastic, which makes the capillaries even more noticeable. The capillaries themselves become thinner, so it is possible for red blood cells to move from their lumen into the tissue, which is why bruises under the eyes in men become permanent. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to give up harmful substances and get enough sleep;
Skin structure. Sometimes the skin itself and the capillaries located closely underneath it, the structure of the skull, too deep-set eyes, and even the habit of touching the face with your hands are really to blame. Even cosmetics can have an effect: men rarely use such products, but aftershave cream in combination with sensitive skin can lead to changes in skin pigmentation and even swelling.

Why do bruises appear under the eyes in men: the reason is health problems

If all attempts to get rid of blue eyes by putting life in order have not been successful, the answer to the main question, what do bruises under the eyes mean in men, should be sought in the therapist’s office.

Allergies and dark circles under the eyes in men

One of the popular answers to the question of why men have dark circles under the eyes: the reason may be hidden in allergens that reach us either through the conjunctiva or through the nasopharynx. But other ways are also possible.

In addition to circles under the eyes, there are other symptoms:

  1. swelling of the eyelids;
  2. itching;
  3. reddened whites of the eyes;
  4. sneezing.

Skin diseases and dark circles under the eyes in men

Most often, this is atopic dermatitis, and black bruises under the eyes of men (of any other color) appear due to the fact that not entirely healthy skin changes its pigmentation. And also hyperpigmentation appears due to inflammatory skin diseases.

Kidney diseases

Another clue why bruises under the eyes in men are common. Skin changes in this case are caused by fluid retention in the body. Toxins are also retained in the body. All this may be accompanied by problems with urination, increased blood pressure, lower back pain, serious changes in the composition of the blood and swelling.

If the blue color of the eyes is bronze or brown, we are talking about chronic renal failure or Addison's disease.

Important! A sign of kidney problems is that bags and circles are most pronounced in the morning.

Liver diseases and dark circles under the eyes in men

Something that causes bruises under the eyes in men quite often. The liver reacts negatively not only to the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, but also, for example, to the age-old male love of junk food and cholesterol: this organ is unlikely to be happy with fatty fried sausage and fried potatoes. With any liver disease, the level of bilirubin increases, so the pigmentation of the skin around the eyes may have a yellowish or brownish tint.

Other symptoms may include: pain on the right side below the ribs, bitterness in the mouth, changes in the color of the sclera and skin. In addition to liver diseases, yellow circles are characteristic of gall or pancreas diseases.


It affects both the condition of the skin and the condition of the capillaries. In addition, tissue nutrition is disrupted.

Eye ailments and bruises under the eyes in men

Inflammatory diseases of this organ are another answer to the question of why bruises under the eyes appear so often in men. Such ailments include blepharitis, iridocyclitis or conjunctivitis. All this is accompanied by swelling, itching, watery eyes and redness of the eyes.

Respiratory problems

This is, by definition, a lack of air, that is, oxygen starvation. Such problems include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis or sarcidosis.

Dark circles under the eyes in men and circulatory problems

For example, venous stagnation or VSD. With the latter, there is also dizziness, a person gets tired quickly, feels dizzy, has sleep disturbances, problems with blood pressure, depression, fainting and much more. Anemia, rhinitis and much more may also be to blame. So, if in addition to the bruises themselves there are some other symptoms, it is worth visiting not only a dermatologist, but also a therapist or family doctor and get all the tests done.

How to remove and treat dark circles under the eyes in men

If bruises under the eyes occur in men, treatment begins for the underlying disease. So, this should be done by either a gastroenterologist, or an endocrinologist, or an ophthalmologist, or a cardiologist, or a neurologist, or a urologist, or a dermatologist: it all depends on the disease that caused the problem.

If the tests show nothing wrong, but the whole picture is still spoiled by bruises under the eyes in men, treatment comes down to normalizing the diet, giving up bad habits and periodically living without a computer and TV.

In addition, there are several ways to remove dark circles under a man’s eyes as quickly as possible. So, you can massage the skin around your eyes with regular ice. In addition, masks will help, for example these:

  1. Grate uncooked potatoes, place them on gauze and apply them to your eyes. We remove it after half an hour;
  2. Boiled potatoes can be diluted with sour cream and placed on the eyes. Lightens, heals and refreshes the skin;
  3. Banal tea bags placed on the eyes will also help. And if it’s not tea, but chamomile in bags, then even better;
  4. In summer, a cool compress of the same chamomile or cottage cheese applied to the eye area is suitable;
  5. An even simpler option is egg white. We keep it in front of our eyes for about 15 minutes.

As you can see, there are many ways to remove dark circles under a man’s eyes. But they will not eliminate health problems.

But how to choose a cream for dark circles under the eyes for men is an individual question. Such products are produced by Vichy, Ile de Beaute, Weleda and many other manufacturers. It is important that it is age-appropriate and does not cause allergies; in addition, its structure should not be greasy and it should contain sunscreen filters.

Dark circles under the eyes in men can have a variety of causes. If something bothers you, go to a therapist without any philosophies: no cream for dark circles under the eyes for men will cure the liver or kidneys.

And one more important point: if such a cosmetic defect bothers you, you need to give up many “male” habits. This is not only alcohol and smoking, but also much more. So, you can play computer games less, and instead of “men’s food”, you should eat more healthy food for some time.

Men, compared to women, are not as attentive to their appearance and health, so they often ignore such a symptom as bruises under the eyes. The skin around the organ of vision is considered the most sensitive area of ​​the body, which reacts to any minor changes in the human body. The causes of dark circles under the eyes in men can be different, ranging from simple fatigue to serious pathologies of internal organs.

What does bruising under the eyes indicate?


Dark circles under the eyes may indicate health problems

Often, bruises under the eyes in women and men appear due to insufficient sleep or stress. At the same time, such a symptom may indicate more serious problems and malfunctions in the functioning of certain organs and systems.

The following factors can trigger the appearance of dark spots under the eyes:

  1. frequent stress and insufficient sleep during the day
  2. irrational and malnutrition
  3. increased eye strain when working during the day
  4. pathologies of the respiratory system
  5. lack of fresh air indoors
  6. pathologies of the heart and vascular system
  7. insufficient water intake
  8. allergic reaction
  9. circulation problems
  10. liver and kidney dysfunction
  11. increase or decrease in pressure
  12. pathologies of the stomach and disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  13. prostate diseases
  14. accumulation of stones and sand in the kidneys or gall bladder
  15. sedentary work
  16. genetic feature of the skin.

Often the cause of the formation of dark spots under the eyes is bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

Bruise as a sign of illness


Brown bruises indicate disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system

If bruises under the eyes do not go away for a long time, and changes in diet and lifestyle do not solve the problem, then certain diseases can be suspected. It is important to diagnose and begin the necessary treatment as early as possible.

What diseases cause dark circles under the eyes and what shade they can have:

  1. Darkening around the eyes is considered one of the symptoms of insufficient oxygen in the body due to malfunctions in the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system. This symptom in men can develop with obstructive pulmonary disease in a chronic form. Pathologies such as sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis can provoke darkening of the skin under the eyes.
  2. Dark spots under the eyes can appear with ischemic disease and congenital heart defects. An additional sign of such pathologies is increased tissue swelling and brown discoloration of bruises. The progression of heart pathologies in a man’s body can be indicated by symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain and constant fatigue. In order to prevent the development of dangerous consequences, it is necessary to visit a specialist at the first signs of heart pathology.
  3. Often, bruises under the eyes appear with diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and chronic kidney failure. Another disease that may be accompanied by darkening of the skin under the eyes is inflammation of the prostate in men. If kidney function is impaired, dark circles under the eyes usually appear in the morning, but with further progression of the disease they persist throughout the day.
  4. Bronze-colored bruises on the face in men may indicate a dysfunction of the adrenal glands. With this pathology, additional symptoms such as weight loss, apathy, abdominal pain and muscle weakness are observed.
  5. Experts say that almost all pathologies in which body temperature rises are accompanied by the formation of bruises under the eyes. Most often, this symptom appears with intestinal infections, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia and other disorders. The reason for the development of this symptom is the dilation of blood vessels, and this process occurs under the influence of high temperature. In the eye area there is quite thin and delicate skin through which the capillaries are visible. After the patient recovers, this unpleasant symptom usually disappears.
  6. In some cases, the cause of bruises under the eyes in men may be ordinary rhinitis, which is accompanied by breathing problems. The supply of oxygen to the body is disrupted, which causes bruising.
  7. Darkening under the eyes may also occur with pathologies such as diabetes. With anemia, this symptom does not disappear even after proper rest. A man’s skin becomes too pale and, against its background, the shadows under his eyes appear darker.
  8. The shade of bruises is yellow or yellow-orange in color indicates that the man has impaired functioning of the liver and biliary tract. The reason for pigmentation in this case lies in the accumulation of toxic substances in the body and an increase in bilirubin levels. This pigment, present in bile, causes the dark spots under the eyes to turn yellow.

Methods for eliminating bruises


Bruising is a symptom, treatment depends on the cause

In order to understand how to treat darkening of the skin under the eyes in men, it is necessary to find out the cause of this symptom.

There are various traditional and non-traditional methods that can be used to eliminate blue under the eyes and restore your health.

First of all you need to:

  1. provide the entire body with adequate rest and sleep
  2. control the state of the nervous system, avoid stressful situations and overexertion
  3. make your diet rational and balanced, fill it with fresh vegetables, fruits and protein foods
  4. give up bad habits and walk as much as possible
  5. take vitamin complexes and minerals

If, after following these recommendations, the bruises under the eyes do not disappear, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct a thorough examination of the man and find out what internal reason caused such a symptom. If any pathology is detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment, after which such an unpleasant symptom will certainly disappear.

Folk tips and recipes


Tea lotions will help relieve fatigue and bruises

If the appearance of dark spots under the eyes in men is in no way associated with any pathologies, then it is recommended to use folk remedies:

  1. At home, you can prepare a nourishing mask from fresh cucumber and sour cream. To do this, you need to thoroughly chop the vegetable, mix it with a few tablespoons of sour cream and apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes. A fresh cucumber mask refreshes, nourishes and whitens the skin.
  2. Another effective remedy in the fight against dark spots under the eyes is raw potatoes. It is necessary to cut the root vegetable into thin rings and place it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Potatoes have firming properties and help to quickly whiten dark skin under the eyes.
  3. At home, you can prepare a mask from milk and white bread that has a whitening effect. It is necessary to put the crumb in milk for a while, then apply it to the eye area and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Black tea is considered a simple and proven remedy in the fight against dark circles under the eyes. You need to brew a tea bag, cool it to room temperature and place it on the eye area. This remedy is effective in the fight not only against bruises, but also bags under the eyes.

It is recommended to carry out such procedures at home every other day, and after removing the mask, you need to wash your face with water and apply a nourishing cream.

Pharmacy products


Troxevasin is the most popular remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

To eliminate bruises on the face, you can use special medications in the form of gels, ointments or creams. Badyaga is considered the best remedy for dark circles, but it must be used with caution, since there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction. Dry the freshwater sponge and gently rub the powder into the skin.

Cornflower blue water is available in the form of a lotion, which helps strengthen capillaries and relieve visual fatigue. The best remedy for dark circles under the eyes is considered to be facial clay, which has whitening properties. If dark spots on the face appear due to a bruise or injury, you can quickly get rid of them using a product such as Arnica ointment.

If circles under the eyes appear under the influence of hereditary factors, you can get rid of them using cosmetic procedures:

  1. lymphatic drainage
  2. mesotherapy
  3. electrical stimulation
  4. laser treatment
  5. phototherapy

You can learn more about why dark circles under the eyes appear and how to eliminate them from the video:

Dark skin under the eyes is considered an unpleasant symptom that spoils a man’s appearance. The reasons for their appearance may be different, and before starting treatment it is necessary to find out what triggered this pathology.

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The stronger sex in most cases does not pay attention to changes in their appearance. However, bruises around the eyes in men can be a symptom of illness, since the delicate skin on the eyelids reacts to the slightest changes in health.

Causes of blue circles under the eyes in men

This phenomenon often occurs due to lack of sleep and stress, although it can also signal more serious problems. Dark circles around the eyes sometimes indicate a malfunction of certain organs. Factors influencing the occurrence of this symptom:

  1. stressful situations, insufficient sleep;
  2. high or low blood pressure (especially if the circles have a gray or purple tint);
  3. diseased liver;
  4. diseased kidneys;
  5. sore stomach, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (yellow-green circles);
  6. prostate disease (pink-purple circles);
  7. unbalanced diet;
  8. stones and sand in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  9. excessive eye strain during the day;
  10. diseases of the cardiovascular system (brown circles);
  11. respiratory diseases;
  12. lack of fresh air;
  13. lack of active movement during the day;
  14. hereditary feature of the skin (the location of blood vessels is too close to the upper layer of the epidermis).


Photo 1: Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol often cause dark circles under the eyes. Source: flickr (Ale with kaleidoskope eyes).


The stronger sex prefers to turn a blind eye to problems, exposing their body to danger. To be sure that dark circles under the eyes in men are not a sign of a health threat, you need to know what diseases are accompanied by this sign:

  1. respiratory diseases - smoker's bronchitis caused by excessive smoking, tuberculosis, fibrosing alveolitis (an inflammatory process affecting the lung tissue), sarcoidosis (benign lymphogranulomatosis);
  2. heart pathologies – defect (ischemia), heart failure;
  3. kidney disease (accompanied by blue and purple circles under the eyes) - pyelonephritis, cancerous tumors, difficulty passing urine, urolithiasis;
  4. liver disease (accompanied by yellow and brown circles under the eyes) and gall bladder;
  5. problems with men's health - prostatitis (manifested by pink circles), prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. eczema;
  8. conjunctivitis.

What to do to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

In addition to a mandatory visit to the doctor, you will have to change your habits to eliminate unwanted pigmentation. A healthy lifestyle helps with many problems in the body.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. complete cessation of bad habits;
  2. healthy eating, even a diet if necessary;
  3. walks in any weather;
  4. complete rest without irritating factors;
  5. playing sports;
  6. thorough diagnosis of all body functions.


Photo 2: One of the important conditions for preventing and getting rid of dark circles under the eyes is normalizing sleep. Source: flickr (Denis Evsyukov).

Homeopathy against dark circles under the eyes in men

Homeopathy remedies are part of complex therapy; they do not eliminate the symptom, but heal the person. They will help get rid of annoying dark circles under the eyes in men, specifically targeting the source of the problem:

  1. Belladonna(Belladonna) – helps eliminate cough due to bronchitis, especially dry smoker’s cough;
  2. Antimonium crudium(Antimonium crudum) – taken for problems of the gastrointestinal tract, also eczema;
  3. Bellis perennis - helps with bruises, including increased pigmentation around the eyes;
  4. Absinthium (Absinthium) – taken for an excited nervous system and sleep disorders;
  5. Apis mellifica – eliminates kidney inflammation;
  6. Ac>