Why are there pimples around my nipples?

If a woman has pimples on her nipples, this can be a rather serious problem. This phenomenon has its own classification according to the international disease code ICD-10. It refers to inflammatory pathologies of the mammary gland, which already indicates the seriousness of these neoplasms. In this regard, nipple pimples should be carefully examined immediately after their appearance, so that the patient receives timely and qualified treatment.

Causes of growths on the nipples and areolas


If pimples appear on the nipples or the areolas are covered with pimples or boils, then the causes must be sought in infectious diseases. Although there are a number of other predisposing factors for the occurrence of this phenomenon:

  1. Infection. It penetrates into the nipple and under the skin of the areola through the milky pores of the nipple. First of all, damage to a virus such as Staphylococcus aureus or simply staphylococcus is considered.
  2. Dermatosis. A skin disease caused by exposure of the skin to various fabrics, personal care products, or cosmetic creams and ointments.
  3. Physical damage to the nipple. This usually occurs during breastfeeding. Or as a result of other physical impact on the nipple.
  4. Candidiasis. White bumps around the nipples may be the result of a fungal infection of the breast. Fungus Cand >


In men, pimples on the nipples also occur due to hormonal imbalance, for example due to an overdose of steroid drugs. In addition, herpes, human papillomavirus, and candidiasis do not discriminate between gender. So pimples on a man’s nipples can also be due to these diseases.

Most often, pimples affect men with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV infection or diabetes.

Symptoms of the lesion

Pimples near the nipple in both men and women manifest themselves differently, depending on the pathologies that caused them and the individual characteristics of the body.

They can appear literally in a few hours, this is observed during breastfeeding, or appear only periodically under the influence of some influences - a cold, hypothermia, an allergic reaction.

Along the way, additional manifestations may appear - discharge of blood and pus, swelling of the tissue around the nipples, severe pain in the areola area, and so on. Most often, pimples on the nipples are accompanied by burning and itching.

With an infectious etiology of acne, the patient's body temperature rises, the cervical and axillary lymph nodes increase in volume, and general weakness is observed.

Neoplasms occur both on one breast and on both, regardless of the reasons that caused them.

What is the danger

Whatever the reason that leads to the appearance of pimples or other growths on the nipple and areola, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, discharge from a damaged nipple can, for example, infect the baby with dangerous diseases during breastfeeding. The aesthetic aspect of the problem should also be taken into account. Pus and other secretions leave wet, unpleasant stains on clothes.

Neoplasms on the nipples during lactation


You need to understand that most often, problems with nipples occur in women during pregnancy, and especially during breastfeeding. It is known that during this period a nursing mother is especially susceptible to various diseases, since her immune system is significantly weakened.

In this regard, she develops specific conditions - lactation mastitis caused by stagnation of milk, infection of the milk ducts, cracks and injuries to the nipple itself. During this period, a woman should be especially careful about her personal hygiene, nutrition, sleep patterns and her general condition. Why there are pimples on her nipples should be determined by her attending physician.

Diagnosis of the causes of pimples on the nipples


Diagnosis of the causes of pimples on the nipples in both men and women begins in the same way - collecting an anamnesis. The doctor questions the patient in detail about the timing of the appearance of tumors, the patient’s lifestyle, his diet and the presence of chronic diseases.

An external examination of the damaged skin surfaces is carried out, as well as palpation of the mammary glands themselves. At this stage, the doctor can determine the presence of lumps in the milk ducts and glands.

After this, the patient is sent for laboratory blood tests, scrapings from tumors and, if necessary, a biopsy of soft tissue samples.

Instrumental studies are used to clarify the diagnosis. For women, mammography and ductography can detect pathologies in the mammary gland and milk ducts. Men are prescribed chest x-rays and ultrasound diagnostics.

The most informative diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging. During such a study, it is possible to detect the smallest foci of cancer.



The treatment method for pimples and pimples on the nipples and areolas depends entirely on the diagnostic results. All medications are prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is not only ineffective, but in some cases it is extremely dangerous.

If the neoplasms are the result of a bacterial disease, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Usually this is Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Oxacillin, or Clindamycin. The dosage and regimen of use are prescribed by the doctor. There are topical ointments with an antibacterial effect - Clotrimazole or Levomekol. Before treating the affected skin with ointment, it is important to rinse it thoroughly with a weak soda solution.

Actovegin or Solcoseryl ointment works well to relieve inflammation from the skin of the nipples and areolas. But these drugs are strictly contraindicated during lactation.

For women who are breastfeeding, there are separate, specific medications, for example, Dexpanthenol or Bepanten Plus cream. Again, we must not forget about individual intolerance to the components of the drug and use it extremely carefully.

Herpetic pimples on the nipples are treated with Acyclovir, Zovirax or Bactroban. In addition, the patient is treated with vitamin and mineral complexes designed to strengthen his immune system.

The fungus is treated with Nystatin, Miconazole, Mycostatin and Clotrimazole. These drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

During treatment, special attention is paid to personal hygiene and wearing clothes that do not cause irritation or allergies.

Treatment of pimples on nipples using traditional medicine methods


The appearance of pimples and cracks on the nipples, especially during breastfeeding, is not a new problem. In this regard, traditional medicine has developed several methods for treating this condition. But we must understand that the effectiveness of such therapy will be much higher if it is used together with traditional methods. You cannot rely on traditional medicine and use only it.

  1. Mother's milk has a healing effect - that's a fact. Therefore, it can be used by smearing the nipple before and after feeding. You just need to let the milk dry completely.
  2. You can massage your nipples by first lubricating them with olive oil. Tea tree oil is also good for this. But this can only be done if there are no signs of inflammation.
  3. Aloe juice has a healing effect on cracked nipples. But we must not forget to wash it off before feeding, otherwise the baby may develop diarrhea.
  4. Compresses made from chamomile relieve inflammation well. The product is brewed like simple tea - 1 tbsp. spoon per 500 g of water.

Prevention of diseases that cause pimples and pimples on the nipples


To prevent diseases that cause pimples and pimples on the nipples, it is enough to follow just a few recommendations. This is much easier than treating a painful and unpleasant condition later.

First of all, this is personal hygiene. This is especially important during breastfeeding. Before each feeding, the nipple is thoroughly washed with warm water and a neutral detergent. In general, it is recommended to take a shower at least 2 times a day, especially during hot periods.

Linen should be made from natural fabrics, silk or cotton. Synthetics, wool and other materials not only rub nipples, but also cause allergies.

In order to reduce the risk of infection such as herpes, human papillomavirus, HIV and others, you need to avoid unprotected, casual sexual contact. You cannot use other people’s personal hygiene items – razors, towels, toothbrushes, or other people’s dishes. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to exercise regularly.


Sore nipples should not be taken lightly. After all, there are cases when this seemingly harmless condition hides incipient breast cancer. At the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The appearance of pimples on the papillae in women can be caused by both physiological changes in the body and the development of internal pathologies. Most often they occur in girls during puberty and pregnancy. If such neoplasms are detected in the breast area, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will accurately determine the cause and degree of danger of the skin reaction to the woman’s health.


Most often, the following factors contribute to the appearance of pimples on and around the nipples:

  1. formation of Montgomery tubercles;
  2. changes in hormonal levels;
  3. clogging of pores with sebum;
  4. the presence of chronic pathologies of the dermis;
  5. development of an allergic reaction.

Neoplasms in the nipple area are usually painless and cause a woman only aesthetic discomfort, but their appearance cannot be ignored. To protect your health and promptly identify a developing disease, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the formation of pimples.

Physiological reasons

Back in the 19th century, the famous Irish obstetrician W.F. Montgomery compiled a description of special structures - small, painless growths that appear on the skin of the pigmented area around the nipple (areola). According to medical scientists, they are not capable of causing harm to a woman’s health and well-being.

Montgomery tubercles actively form during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and upon completion of lactation they become almost visually invisible or disappear completely. The reason for their appearance is changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, provoked by changes in hormonal levels in a pregnant woman. At the same time, the specific chemical composition of the secretion changes - its bactericidal properties protect the areola, nipple and mammary gland from the development of inflammation.

Formation of pimples on the areolas variant of the norm for the female body. But if such neoplasms turn red and become painful, you should consult a doctor, since such symptoms usually indicate an inflammatory process. To treat the disease, local antiseptic and homeopathic drugs are used.

Pimples on the papillae in women photo

Pathological factors

In addition to non-pathological changes of a physiological nature, sensitive breast skin can react to the development of such dangerous internal diseases:

  1. Furunculosis. The upper layer of the epidermis in and around the nipples is very thin, therefore, in the presence of microtraumas on its surface, it is susceptible to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of an infectious lesion, purulent-necrotic inflammatory nodes - boils - develop. Inflamed, painful bumps on the mammary glands are examined and treated by a dermatologist.
  2. Acne. When there is a hormonal imbalance in women, there is often a disruption in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which provokes clogging of the ducts with sebum. This process is accompanied by the formation of red, inflamed pimples with a white head (blackheads) or “blackheads” (acne). In the treatment of such a disease, doctors give preference to following the rules of hygiene using special cleansers, adjusting the diet and wearing “breathable” clothing made from natural materials.
  3. Eczema. The cause of the formation of small red pimples on the papillae can be eczema, a skin disease that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, nervous strain, or an allergic reaction. To cure the disease, the doctor selects medications (antihistamines, restoratives, sedatives, anti-inflammatory) and prescribes a regimen for taking them, taking into account individual history, clinical picture and characteristics of pathogenesis.
  4. Paget's disease. Neoplasms in the nipple area can “signal” the development of a malignant lesion of the skin of the breast. Only a doctor can identify an oncological process, establish its nature and degree of neglect, and prescribe appropriate treatment after receiving data from a comprehensive examination. Discharge from the nipples and pain in the mammary glands are considered alarming symptoms.
  5. Atheroma. To protect the skin from cracking or infection, a special lipoid secretion is secreted from the nipple. When the excretory ducts are blocked, a benign neoplasm can form that looks like a slightly painful white pimple. Atheroma is not dangerous for the female body, but to prevent the development of an inflammatory purulent process in it, it is necessary to promptly seek medical help.
  6. Allergy. The appearance of foci of inflammation with a characteristic itchy rash indicates the development of an allergic reaction. The discomfort of this condition can be eliminated by taking antihistamines prescribed by your doctor.

Every woman should be attentive to her health and seek medical advice in a timely manner, because the main step in solving health problems is to accurately determine the causes that provoked the development of pathologies.

The pimples on a woman’s nipples are rudimentary glands, the functions of which have not yet been studied. They often have a negative impact on the appearance of the breasts, and can also bring significant discomfort to the woman. How normal is this process and why does this happen? There can be a lot of reasons: from standard changes in hormonal levels to an infectious disease. These are the ones that need to be examined in more detail.

What do the pimples around the nipple mean?


The tubercles in the area of ​​the areola of the juice are modified sebaceous glands. The tubercles in the nipple area secrete a secretion, but what it is intended for is not completely clear. One version is that this lubricant, which contains a lot of fat, serves to protect the areola from drying out. Another version says that these secretions from the glands have bactericidal properties. In many cases, it was noticed that during pregnancy milk came out from these tubercles on the nipples.

One of the most interesting versions is that it is believed that there is a direct dependence of the number of tubercles on the characteristics of baby food. After conducting a series of studies, it was possible to establish the presence in this liquid of substances that direct the baby’s sense of smell to them, such a kind of natural taste enhancer. At the moment, scientific work is being carried out on the artificial synthesis of this substance for further use in accustoming premature babies to breastfeeding.

Why do bumps appear and when does this happen?

There are many reasons for the appearance of unattractive protrusions in the nipple area. Here are some that are considered the most common:

  1. presence of Montgomery tubercles;
  2. tubercles formed in response to changes in hormonal levels (most often occurs during puberty and during pregnancy);
  3. blockage of the sebaceous glands with secretions (acne);
  4. pathological diseases of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  5. allergic reactions.

Similar rashes occur in women of different age categories and in varying quantities. They can be single, several on the nipple, or they can be multiple, filling a large area of ​​the areola. They look like a point that protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin and surrounds the nipple.

It is common to see up to 15 pimples on one breast.

When pimples appear in the last stages of pregnancy, this indicates the imminent arrival of milk, and as is already known, there is an opinion that the more units surround the nipple area, the more milk the new mother will have.

The appearance of this phenomenon during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. These bumps are clearly visible throughout the entire breastfeeding phase. However, when the moment of lactation passes, Montgomery succumbs to regression and passes without a trace.

The appearance or increase in the number of tubercles, in some cases, is the first examination of the onset of pregnancy. In some pregnant women, they become inflamed from the very first days after conception, becoming the primary source of successful fertilization of the egg.

If such pimples appear as a result of pregnancy, then women should not worry; their presence in this case is considered normal and does not cause any harm to health, and also does not require treatment. Some women try to squeeze out the contents of the bumps, but this manipulation is unsafe, since through open pores there is an increased likelihood of infection and subsequently harmless bumps will cause a lot of problems and lead to complications.

There are incidents in which an inflammatory process occurs in the tubercles, which is quite common. A mammologist or gynecologist can diagnose such a problem. During inflammation, the tubercles turn red and pain is present. At the first manifestations, a chamomile decoction will be useful; it can cope with the initial stage. But if symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor. It is not advisable to expose your breasts to overheating or apply hot compresses; these are favorable conditions for the development of bacteria. If an inflammatory process occurs during breastfeeding, you should stop feeding for a while until a definitive diagnosis is made.

Abnormal causes

In addition to natural physiological causes, there are also pathological deviations, as a result of which pimples appear on the nipples. There are several types of this pathology:

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    Furuncle. The skin of the breast areola is very delicate, so when this area is traumatized, infections quickly begin to arise in them, especially if this occurs along with reduced immunity. Such an infection in some cases leads to the appearance of furunculosis. This reason for the appearance of tubercles on the nipples is not exceptional and occurs quite often. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, you should consult a dermatologist, since this process is a dermatological disease.
  2. Acne. During hormonal changes during puberty, the functioning of the sebaceous glands worsens in girls. The ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with the secretion produced and red, inflamed lesions with a white purulent top and sometimes with black dots appear. Such rashes appear mainly on the face, but can also occur on the nipples.
  3. Atheroma. The secretory fluid produced from the glands near the nipples serves as a protective barrier against infections and prevents cracking. However, when the duct becomes clogged, this secretion accumulates in the thickness of the skin, and a white purulent pimple forms on its surface, when pressed on, discomfort and pain are felt. Such a lesion is called atheroma and it belongs to the category of benign neoplasms that do not pose a threat to a woman’s life. Although, like other pathological phenomena, it should not be ignored and measures must be taken to eliminate it.
  4. Paget's syndrome. Its appearance is caused by a malignant mole on the chest, which can cause a malignant tumor. This disease affects the surrounding area of ​​the nipple. Breast cancer causes the appearance of pimples in the breast area. The diagnosis is established after a series of tests. If characteristic signs of this disease appear, you should not postpone your visit to medical institutions.
  5. Eczema. A common disease of the epidermis. When the epithelium of the mammary glands is damaged, small warts appear on its surface. Often, the provocateur of such an illness is nervous tension, allergic reactions, disruptions in the endocrine system, and underwear made of synthetic materials.
  6. Allergy. Allergic manifestations on the nipples are characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory rash. After microcracks appear in their thickness, infection develops, accompanied by a small rash, itching and redness of the affected areas. Outwardly, these look like small blisters, from which clear or cloudy liquid can sometimes flow. Allergic reactions are reversed by antihistamines and the exclusion of allergens from daily life.

Treatment of pimples and bumps on the nipples


Of course, to initially solve the problem, a correct diagnosis must be made. A visit to a dermatologist or mammologist will help in this matter; if the inflammation coincides with the period of pregnancy, then a consultation with a gynecologist will be enough. Often a woman worries in vain about an ordinary mole that does not cause harm or discomfort. But there are also formations that do not require delay in treatment. Some manifestations are difficult to detect with the naked eye, and only a professional can handle this.

Montgomery's bumps are normal and do not require treatment. If there is inflammation, redness, pain and discharge of purulent contents, it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor. For such symptoms, physiotherapy, ointments with an antiseptic effect, and homeopathic remedies may be prescribed.

Treatment of eczema involves individual selection of the most effective technique, since the causes of this pathology are purely personal for each patient. Whether it is chronic diseases of internal organs or mental disorders, it is necessary to conduct tests, based on the results of which therapy is selected.

Drug treatment may consist of antihistamines, sedatives and immunomodulating drugs, as well as ointments or creams for external use that relieve itching, inflammation and irritation.

Acne can be easily removed with basic personal hygiene rules and the correct selection of cosmetics and underwear. Shower gels can have a slightly drying effect, and underwear is made from natural fabrics that allow air to circulate without difficulty.

Along with drug treatment, you should slightly adjust your usual routine. It is recommended to follow a diet. Include foods rich in vitamins in your diet, consume more vegetables, fruits, grains, replace steamed dishes with fried ones. And try to eat at the same time. It is better to give up fatty, smoked, sugar and baked goods. And also maintain daily hygiene. It is good to use tar soap several times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.