Search for Trivia

Trivia Searches: How to Have Fun in Any Weather

No one is immune from trouble, even while on vacation. But what if unexpected weather ruins your plans for the whole day? We offer a fun way to have fun in any weather - a game of searching for trivia.

The idea of ​​the game is to divide the participants into pairs - one adult and one child. Then each pair receives a task - to find a specific object, which can be either real or fictional. For example, a red flower, a green chair or a bear. Tasks can be chosen in advance or created on the fly.

The game is ideal for playing anywhere - at home, in a hotel, outside in a park or on the beach. It can also be a wonderful way to spend time with children and teenagers, regardless of the weather.

For example, if you are in a hotel, you could have children find all the windows in the lobby, dining room, and basement, while adults could look for specific items, such as a red flower or a green chair. If you are outside in a park, you can look for various plants or animals.

The game of trivia hunts can be educational as well as fun. In the process of searching, children can learn a lot about the world around them, as well as develop observation, logic and communication skills.

Bottom line, playing a trivia game is a great way to spend time with kids and teens, have fun whatever the weather, and learn to see the beauty in the little things.