Polyantseva-Schraera Cut

The Polyantsev-Shraer incision is a surgical approach to the abdominal cavity, proposed in 1972 by Soviet surgeons Alexander Polyantsev and Abel Schrer. Despite the fact that the cut has been used for decades, its name still causes debate in the medical community.

The Polyaev-Schrader incision is an operative technique in abdominal surgery, which allows you to successfully treat diseases of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space. The technique of this method was developed by Soviet surgeons A.A. Polyaev and A.I. Schrader.

The authors created a number of important directions in surgery: the technique of hepaticocholedochostomy for cholecystitis and hepatitis, extrahepatic drainage of the bile ducts and their ducts, surgery to remove the spleen and lymph nodes of the upper mediastinum, etc.

The method consists of dissecting the tissues of the abdominal wall from top to bottom above the projection of the diseased organ or the vessels surrounding it. Subsequently, the incision can be narrowed or widened, which allows you to control the progress of the operation. To increase the tightness of the wound, surgeons recommend using tampons fixed with a ligature. Blood loss is minimized by clipping the vessels using special clamps. Relapses of the disease do not occur in the future. The postoperative period and rehabilitation are going well. In case of damage to large arterial and venous ducts, the operation is complicated by the addition of a hemostatic medium.

The Polyanskaya-Shrauzartmufee incision is a bicuspid incision that was designed for abdominal surgery. It is named after two Russian surgeons, Alexey Polantseaa and Alexander Shrauarftsu, who contributed to the development of this method.

Description of the study The Polyantsev-Shrauvaua incision consists of intersecting the peritoneum in the central part of the abdominal cavity, which allows access to the abdominal