Constantly in Hands

Many mothers are faced with a situation where the baby constantly demands to be held and never wants to lie alone. This, of course, is very sweet and touching, but at the same time it creates difficulties for the mother - after all, it is difficult to do household chores and keep up with some housework.

However, this does not mean that in such a situation the mother is doomed to not have time to do anything! There are some useful tips to help you learn how to combine caring for a child and running a household:

  1. Use special devices for carrying a child - slings, backpacks. This will free up your hands and allow you to do things while keeping your baby close to you.

  2. Select special places for the child to rest for a short time - a crib, a playpen, a child seat. Periodically leave your baby there for a couple of minutes while you go about your business.

  3. Do as many things as possible with one hand without putting your baby down. This way he will get used to the fact that sometimes mom is busy with something, but at the same time he is nearby.

  4. Do not entertain your baby in your arms with games and songs. Let him just watch his mother and her affairs at this time. And leave games and communication for the moment when you finish your business.

  5. Develop a clear daily routine with periods of activity and rest for both yourself and your baby. This will help all family members adapt to the new rhythm of life.

By following these simple tips, you can learn how to combine caring for your beloved child and running a household. The main thing is patience and consistency. And of course, don’t forget to relax sometimes and enjoy communicating with your baby! After all, these minutes are priceless.