Bandages and similar means for drawing out poison and widening wounds

Asafoetida is an excellent medicine for a bandage; they say that if you make a bandage out of it with the liver of a mad dog, it will help a lot, and many doctors testify to this. Garlic is a remedy for dressing and drinking, salted fish is an excellent, effective medicine.

One way to forcefully draw out poison from a wound is to apply aged human urine, especially with soda, to it. The ash of vines, alone or with vinegar, mint with salt and opopanax work wonderfully; the leaves of the garden kiss are of great benefit, as is fennel. They say that it is surprisingly useful to smear the bitten area several times with fish glue, or make a bandage from crushed ants, or take verdigris, and salt, both for four dirhams, and calf fat - twelve, and make a plaster from it. They also take bindweed - three parts, bavrac - two, sea foam - one, salt - four, goose fat - ten and two thirds, henna oil in the right amount.