Iris Belt Pupil

The iris pupillary belt is the part of the iris of the eye directly adjacent to the pupil from the inside from the Krause area. The iris pupillary belt contains the pupillary sphincter, a circular muscle that regulates the diameter of the pupil, changing the amount of light entering the eye.

Contraction of the muscles of the iris pupillary belt leads to constriction of the pupil, relaxation leads to dilation. Regulation of pupil diameter is carried out by the autonomic nervous system in response to changes in illumination - in bright light the pupil narrows, in the dark it dilates. This way, the optimal amount of light reaching the retina is maintained.

In addition, the diameter of the pupil changes during accommodation - focusing the eye on objects located at different distances. The iris pupillary belt plays an important role in the regulation of visual functions.

Article "Zrachkova's iris belt"

The iris band pupil is the part of the iris adjacent directly to the pupil within the Krausra region. It covers the sphincter, the inner edge of the pupil and the anterior collagen fibers of types I and II, which form the funnel of the pupil during contraction. The front part of the pupil contains the light-sensitive cells of the retina, and the back part contains connective tissue. The sphincters play an important role in maintaining normal pupil diameter under various lighting and stress conditions. Etc. h. is part of the structure of the eye and is responsible for regulating the amount of light entering the retina depending on the brightness of external light, which allows us to adapt to different environmental conditions.