
A pant belt is a medical device designed to support and strengthen the lumbar area in pregnant women. It is an indispensable thing for expectant mothers who are more than three months pregnant and have problems with the lumbar spine.

The pant belt was developed in Latvia by the Tonus company, which specializes in the production of medical belts and bandages. The devices are made from elastic materials such as polyester and spandex, which ensures comfortable use and long product life. The company provides several sizes of maternity belts, including those for the most demanding consumers with particularly complex hip and belly shapes. In addition, the belts come in several color options, including white and beige, allowing you to choose the color that best suits your outfit.

The use of the panty belt is very simple. It fits like regular underwear and is easily tied in the usual way. The fixing cord on the belt allows you to adjust the size and ease of use of the device. This type of belt works on the lumbar region of the back, improving its support and providing additional flexibility to the vertebrae. This helps reduce pressure on your back, relieving back pain, reduces the risk of injury during various movements, and adds comfort to your daily life.

According to the recommendations of doctors, the use of panty belts during pregnancy is necessary and important. It can significantly improve the overall condition of the lumbar back and prevent the occurrence of many health problems associated with this area. Also, the use of a pant belt significantly facilitates childbirth and postpartum rehabilitation. It is worth noting that the panty belt can be used either independently or in combination with other treatment methods, for example, massage, physiotherapy or drug treatment.