Primer for combination skin with enlarged pores

High-quality makeup allows you to feel confident throughout the day, from morning to evening. For the make-up to be perfect, lay flat, and last a long time, it is not enough to use foundation, paint your eyes, eyebrows, lips, cheeks. The main focus in modern makeup is on the skin. It should look well-groomed and even. It is possible to achieve such an effect using a make-up base. Another name for the product is base or primer. A particularly useful product is needed as a makeup base for oily skin with enlarged pores.

About the product

Primer, base is an invention that facilitates the work of foundation. Its composition provides protection of the dermis from all external influences and at the same time helps in solving various problems with pores and defects. The base is able to hide imperfections that cannot be erased with foundation. In translation, primer means first. It should be applied to clean, dry facial skin 5-10 minutes before applying makeup.

Important! The main purpose of the primer is to even out the face, correct imperfections in the dermis and build armor between delicate skin and makeup products, the environment, sun, dust, etc.

Girls who use this must-have for the first time are very surprised by its effect. The right primer can create wonderful transformations. In just 10 minutes, the skin becomes radiant from the inside, looks healthy, toned, pores, defects and creases, and small wrinkles disappear. Sometimes women use a decent product instead of foundation.

The main thing when choosing a base is to focus on the type of skin. There are different products for each type of dermis:

  1. For normal skin, a primer containing minerals and natural elements is suitable. This product will take care of the epidermis and help the makeup last a long time.
  2. A large number of primers have been invented for oily skin. The main thing here is to purchase products whose instructions indicate a mattifying effect.
  3. The epidermis, deprived of the required amount of moisture, needs a moisturizing base.
  4. Combination dermis requires a product with a minimal mattifying effect.
  5. Mature skin with wrinkles will also benefit from foundation. But you need to choose a product that removes dullness, moisturizes, and fights wrinkles. Makeup artists advise owners of such skin to pay attention to sunscreen primers.

The base evens out the tone and tightens pores

Rating of worthy funds

Base Maker by A-Pieu

Korean inexpensive cosmetics smooth out the epidermis and give it a healthy look. Natural components in the composition rejuvenate the dermis. The line includes several types of bases:

  1. for oily skin (pearly green);
  2. for dry, dull (creamy-milky);
  3. for tired, mature (pink);
  4. base that adds shine.

The cost of a 20 ml tube is 380 rubles.

Baby Skin Pore Eraser from Maybelline New York

The manufacturer promises flawless makeup. The cream is based on insta-blur technology that masks pores. The face becomes fresh, smooth, clean. The imperfections are smoothed out, the vascular network and pores disappear. Wrinkles are removed. According to reviews, the transparent base from Maybelline New York is not suitable for oily skin. The cost of 22 ml is about 450 rubles.

Lumi Magique Primer Light from L'Oreal Paris

The primer evens out, moisturizes the skin, and gives it a magical tone. Suitable not only as a base, but also as a highlighter, which is convenient to “highlight” your makeup. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin types. The cost of 20 ml is about 600 rubles.

Anti-age from Argo

This is a primer that rejuvenates the skin. The product corrects unevenness and errors. Can be used as a stand-alone product without foundation. Price 30 ml – about 630 rubles.

Primer from New Air Cosmetics

The product is suitable for both professionals and ordinary girls. The manufacturer promises a Hollywood transformation effect. The base interacts with the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of oily sheen for 9-14 hours. Suitable for oily, combination, mature skin. The price of 30 ml starts from 800 rubles.

Foundation Primer from Mary Kay SPF 15

The gel mass of light texture gives the skin a velvety feel and removes flaking. Suitable for combination and dry skin. The cost of 29 ml is about 1000 rubles.

Studio Secrets Base from L'ABOUTreal Paris

This creamy product is intended for epidermis prone to oily sheen and pimples. It mattifies perfectly, removes imperfections, and makes the texture even. Can be used as a stand-alone product without foundation. The cost of 15 ml is about 1000 rubles.

Studio Secrets Base from L'Оreal Paris

High Definition Primer from Make Up Forever

A tool used by professionals. Ordinary girls can buy it too. Ideal as a makeup base for oily skin with enlarged pores and acne. Masks problem areas, prevents the appearance of acne and greasy shine. The makeup “does not float” for 12-16 hours. Price – 1500 rubles.

Foundation for oily skin

A makeup base for oily skin with enlarged pores should cope with shine on the face and disguise imperfections throughout the day. In this case, the dermis should breathe freely, and not suffocate under a layer of product. New products that contain mineral, natural components and silicone have these properties. Despite the fact that these products contain silicone, they do not have any harmful effects.

Right choice

  1. When choosing, you should pay attention to certified products that are presented in stores specializing in the beauty industry.
  2. If the purchase involves a primer with a tint, then for oily skin it is best to take greenish, pinkish, beige tones. They are able to visually camouflage imperfections and redness.
  3. You should definitely consult with the seller and buy a product suitable for oily problem skin.
  4. If possible, the cream should be tested.
  5. It is important that the foundation and foundation do not conflict. Otherwise, the tone will not be able to lie flat on the primer.
  6. In addition to products for oily skin that were included in the rating, you can pay attention to products from brands such as Vishy, ​​Giorgio Armani, Rimmel, Givenchy, Urban Decay, etc.

Additional Information. When choosing a suitable product, you should pay attention to the expiration date. An expired product will not show the desired effect and may cause allergies.

Application Tips

  1. If the primer is in the form of a colorless cream, then it is applied to cleansed skin.
  2. If the base is in the form of a tinted product, then it can be applied to the epidermis moistened with a day tonic.
  3. You can apply the product either with your hands or with a special brush or sponge.
  4. The foundation should evenly cover the areas of the face, excluding the eyelids and lips.
  5. Special primers are sold for eyelids and lips.
  6. Beauty bloggers advise applying foundation 5-10 minutes before using decorative cosmetics so that it reveals its potential and starts working.

Makeup with primer lasts longer than usual

How to shoot

  1. Permanent makeup requires careful and gentle removal.
  2. It is recommended to use a remover. This is a specially formulated gel cleanser that gently removes and breaks down cosmetics.
  3. When using a silicone primer, a makeup remover product that also contains silicone substances and hydrophilic oils is suitable.
  4. After washing, the remaining paint is removed with cotton wool and cosmetic milk.

Primer for combination skin

  1. A makeup base for combination skin involves removing oily shine from the “T” zone, masking pores, and maximizing hydration of the rest of the face. In a store, you can choose such a product based on the inscription on the package or the consultation of the seller.
  2. Among the features of such products is a light mattifying effect that removes unnecessary shine, but does not discolor the skin.
  3. Among the worthy foundations for combination skin types are new products from Avon, Lumene, Dior, Kiehl’s, etc.

Tips for application and removal

  1. The product, just like a primer for oily skin, is applied 5-10 minutes before applying makeup. It is allowed to mix the foundation with foundation.
  2. Do not apply foundation over unwashed makeup.
  3. If the foundation is applied using your hands, they must be dry and clean.

Note! To achieve the desired effect, before applying foundation, you should treat your face with a light, non-greasy cream that matches your dermis type. This way the primer will fit better and perform its functions.

  1. You should remove makeup in the same way as with a base for oily skin.

Pros and cons of using a makeup base

The product has both pros and cons. Every girl who is thinking about buying a base for makeup should know them.


  1. With a primer, the makeup lasts longer and does not smear.
  2. The skin acquires a healthy color and smooth texture.
  3. Problem areas and pores disappear.
  4. The makeup base protects the face from the effects of decorative products to transform the face.
  5. Many primers act as a cream that protects the face from ultraviolet radiation.


  1. A good primer is not cheap.
  2. Using a base is an additional step in applying makeup, which takes time.
  3. The primer will hide skin defects, but will not get rid of dark circles under the eyes, scars, or skin diseases.
  4. According to reviews, the abundance of base only makes the makeup heavier.

It’s not for nothing that makeup base is a modern must-have. Thanks to her, you can make high-quality makeup even at home. Previously, primers were used only by professional makeup artists working with stars. Nowadays, a wide range of products are presented in retail chains. However, it is worth considering that girls should approach the purchase seriously and choose a foundation that matches their skin type.


For long-lasting makeup and a beautiful and healthy complexion, you need to use a makeup base. This is a new product that appeared on the world market ten years ago. Now millions of girls use it. Makeup base (primer) for oily skin is a cosmetic product that protects the surface of the skin. It hides imperfections, covers up blemishes, etc. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin throughout the day, preventing cosmetics from clogging pores. Helps makeup last a long time, regardless of weather conditions. At the same time, it allows the skin to “breathe”, it does not sweat or sweat. When applying primer, it is very convenient to shade concealers, foundations, powder, etc.

Types of face makeup base

The following varieties are presented:

  1. creamy base. It has a dense texture with a large number of pigments, due to which it can hide clearly visible imperfections, such as acne, rosacea, bruises;
  2. liquid base. Helps hide redness and light rashes, blackheads. Has a mattifying effect. Evens out tone;
  3. shimmering. The composition contains pearlescent particles that replace highlighter and give the skin radiance and a healthy glow;
  4. hard. Designed for camouflage, blemishes, scars and cicatrices;
  5. gel-like. Excellent for oily face types, as it prevents clogged pores and removes oily shine.

Primer colors

  1. peach. Refreshes dark skin color;
  2. blue. Makes the skin lighter, gives a healthy appearance;
  3. yellow. Masks bluish complexion, dark circles under the eyes;
  4. pink. Adds freshness and naturalness to a pale complexion;
  5. violet. Removes yellow spots, yellowness from smoking or alcohol;
  6. green. Copes well with redness and inflammation.

How to choose for oily and combination skin

Oily skin is characterized by an abundant secretion of liquid fat, which serves as a lubricant and protection for the skin. However, this is not always good for makeup and aesthetics. To always remain beautiful, girls with an oily type need to pay special attention to choosing a makeup base.

  1. Choose a facial primer strictly according to your skin type. This is very important, as sebum can affect the effectiveness of the foundation. For example, a crumbly foundation will clog your pores and curl into pellets on your face. In turn, the liquid base will quickly flow due to the abundant secretion of fat. The ideal option is a gel-like base that adheres well even to oily skin.
  2. You only need to buy a certified product. On the Internet on official websites or in special cosmetic stores, beauty salons.
  3. Be sure to study the composition of the base: it should not contain components that cause an allergic reaction or unnatural substances (petroleum refining residues, silicones, fragrances, etc.).
  4. To check for individual intolerance to the product, you can use a sampler. It is available in all specialized stores.
  5. The primer should match your skin tone. If you choose a tone lighter or darker, then no amount of beautiful makeup will brighten up the contrast between the color of your neck and face.

It is imperative to check the expiration date and never use expired base. Whatever they say, such an action can lead to allergies, rashes or even more unpleasant consequences.

Rating of the best foundations for makeup cream

Cosmetologists say that the most important thing in applying makeup is the right foundation. For oily skin, a foundation that will moisturize and mattify at the same time is suitable. Ideally, you can add an anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect. Active ingredients: glycerin, thermal water, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E.

Check out the best foundations for oily skin here.

TOP brands in this field: Rimmel, Giorgio Armani, Vishy, ​​Avon. To make it easier to choose which foundation is suitable for oily face types, you can see the rating below.

Lasting Finish, Rimmel

An excellent cosmetic product that not only ensures the durability of makeup, but also intensively cares for oily and problematic skin. Nourishes, moisturizes, tightens pores and masks imperfections well. Dermatologist approved.



Pre-wash with warm water and cleanser. Apply a moisturizing or mattifying cream (You can read the rating of moisturizing face creams here). Then apply with light circular movements to the surface of the face. Wait five minutes until completely dry. Apply cosmetics on top, blend if necessary. If not needed, rinse thoroughly with warm water and a cleanser and moisturizer.

No 7 Beautiful Matte Foundation

A good makeup base with a light and non-greasy texture that absorbs quickly and lasts a long time. In addition, it moisturizes and nourishes the skin, easily masks acne, comedones on the face, and pimples. Effect – up to ten hours of long-lasting makeup. Allows the skin to “breathe”, it does not dry out. Suitable for oily types, hides pores and removes oily shine. Dermatologist approved.


  1. thermal water;
  2. glycerol;
  3. tea tree extract;
  4. mineral components.


Pre-cleanse and moisturize the skin. Apply several layers. Wait ten minutes until completely dry. Then you can apply makeup. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with warm water and moisturize afterwards.

The makeup base will have a good effect on the skin if you use a mattifying or moisturizing cream before applying it.

Avon Personal Match - budget option

A budget option for a makeup base. Well masks any imperfections, from slight redness to pronounced red pimples. Moisturizes and removes obvious signs of an oily face. Penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis and restores dead cells. Restores tone and calms. Long and lasting effect in all weather conditions. Protects against external factors.


  1. thermal water;
  2. glycerol;
  3. natural ingredients;
  4. lactic acids;


Apply to previously cleansed and moisturized skin. For a long-lasting effect, you can first apply a mattifying bb cream. Then apply primer. Wait until completely dry. Then apply makeup. Apply mattifying powder on top to create the effect of a porcelain face.

Second Skin Foundation

Perfectly evens out skin tone, leaving skin clean and smooth. Moisturizes and nourishes. Perfectly hides small scars, scars, open comedones, rashes. Light non-greasy texture, does not spread. Especially for oily and problem types. The effect lasts up to twelve hours. Dermatologist approved.


  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. thermal water;
  3. orchid essential oils;
  4. lemon and chestnut extract;
  5. glycerol.


Apply to a previously cleansed, moisturized, soft and slightly damp face. Wait ten minutes until completely dry. If necessary, apply a second coat. Then you can apply makeup.

If you use mattifying powder, the durability of your makeup will increase.

Mister Mat Givenchy

An excellent inexpensive gel foundation especially for oily skin types. The dense texture allows you to hide the most visible imperfections and signs of oiliness in a matter of minutes. Moisturizes and nourishes, dries out acne, and keeps makeup on for a long time. It has a rejuvenating effect if you use moisturizing and anti-aging creams in parallel.


  1. lily oil;
  2. chestnut extract;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. mineral components;
  5. glycerol.


Pre-cleanse and moisturize, nourish the epidermis. You can use a rejuvenating and mattifying cream. Apply a thick layer to the surface of the face. Blend with a brush or sponge. Wait twenty minutes until completely dry. Then apply makeup and, if necessary, blend the foundation again.

Fluid Master Primer, Giorgio Armani with oil-based mineral components

Professional oil-based makeup base. It is used by makeup artists to create makeup and evening makeup for stars and TV presenters. Nourishes, moisturizes, soothes the skin. Penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, due to which it holds makeup for a long time. Light, non-greasy texture, but at the same time perfectly masks even the most visible imperfections. Protects from environmental influences. Keeps pores from getting dirty. Approved by dermatologists and cosmetologists.


  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. glycerol;
  3. chamomile extract;
  4. essential oils of tea tree, aloe vera;
  5. mineral components.


Deep cleanse your face first. Apply a mattifying agent for oily epidermis. Then apply a thin layer of primer. Let it dry for ten minutes and apply again to problem areas. Blend if necessary. Apply makeup and mattifying powder on top.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the best creams for oily skin in this material.

Benefits of using primers

Makeup base is a good thing that allows you to look chic and stylish for a long time. In addition to this positive effect, there are several other benefits of using a makeup base.

  1. Tightens pores. Especially relevant for fatty types. The components in the primer tighten pores and prevent them from clogging.
  2. Smoothes the skin. Removes wrinkles, hides dark circles under the eyes, evens out tone.
  3. Rejuvenates. Hides micro wrinkles, making the girl look younger, and also slightly rejuvenates and restores cells.
  4. Mattifies. Removes oily shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Suitable for any skin type. Each primer is made for different types of epidermis, but there is no skin that would be deprived of an assortment of makeup bases.
  6. Doesn't clog pores. On the contrary, it creates an invisible film that protects the skin from external factors, sudden temperature changes, cosmetic residues, dirt and dust.
  7. Easy to apply. Most of the makeup base is made with a light texture that is quickly absorbed and easy to apply.
  8. Gives you confidence. Every girl, seeing her beautiful reflection in the mirror, can feel like a real goddess, because imperfections are hidden, and only perfect makeup is visible.

Features of choice if you are oily and problematic

  1. Be sure to choose a primer specifically for your type.
  2. The base should not conflict with mattifying and healing creams.
  3. In addition to long-lasting makeup, the foundation should moisturize and nourish.
  4. There should be more natural ingredients than dyes, silicones, and fragrances.
  5. Different textures for different weather conditions.
  6. For problem skin, a solid foundation is better; for oily skin, a gel foundation is better.
  7. The primer should contain components that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.
  8. A foundation with an anti-inflammatory effect will not only mask and prevent acne from appearing, but also cure it.

How to apply and what is better

  1. Before application, you should cleanse the skin and moisturize with a special lotion, tonic or cream. Wait for the moisturizing effect and then start applying the primer.
  2. To avoid the “mask” effect (when the foundation turns your face into a mask due to its dense texture), you can mix it with the same proportion of foundation.
  3. It is better to blend with a brush, fingertips or sponge.
  4. Apply gradually, better in several layers than in one large one.
  5. For the area around the eyes, it is better to use a pencil or liquid foundation.
  6. For rashes, a foundation with antiseptic properties is ideal.

We also recommend that you read about how to choose the right foundation for your face here.


The video provides an overview of bases for oily and combination skin.


  1. The foundation extends the durability of makeup.
  2. Choosing a special foundation for an oily type is not easy, but it is doable.
  3. Primer comes in different types and colors.
  4. You need to buy only a high-quality and certified product.
  5. The best foundation for oily types is a gel foundation.
  6. A good base should moisturize and nourish the skin, and even better, treat acne.
  7. Popular manufacturers of foundations for oily skin are Rimmel, Giorgio Armani, Vishy, ​​Avon.
  8. The price category of the foundations is different and it differs due to the properties of the product.
  9. A properly selected foundation is the key to success and long-lasting makeup.

Read also about foundations for oily skin in this article.

When it’s summer outside, the problem of applying makeup for girls becomes more complicated: in hot conditions, low-quality cosmetics simply “flow” along with the secretions of the sweat glands. Therefore, it's time to talk about what serves the basis for flawless makeup, that is, about primers. We offer the TOP 10 makeup bases from the point of view of the fairer sex, omitting the superlatives used in advertising slogans.

Which makeup base is better: inexpensive or luxury?

The eternal question of whether to prefer an affordable price or buy something more expensive is something every woman decides for herself. It has long been proven that the most important thing in cosmetics is how it suits YOUR skin. Hence the relativity of compiling ratings - what has become a panacea for thousands of lucky women before you can fail on your face. However, the number of positive reviews indicates quality, so we explore women’s forums to evaluate makeup bases.

We take several indicators as a basis:

  1. how effectively the base evens out the complexion, hides skin imperfections,
  2. does it keep makeup in perfect condition for a long time,
  3. Is it suitable for all skin types (if not, then what kind of skin owners should beware of purchasing),
  4. Naturally, the cost.
Category Place Name Rating Price
The best makeup bases for any skin type: firming, moisturizing, mattifying 1 Hyaluronic primer Librederm 10 / 10 680
2 Givenchy Actimine 9.9 / 10 2 700
3 Holika Holika Sweet Cotton Pore Cover Base 9.8 / 10 650
Best makeup base for dry and sensitive skin 1 Clarins Eclat minute base illuminatrice de teint 9.9 / 10 2 240
2 Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base 9.8 / 10 4 520
3 Primer Pupa Professionals Smoothing Foundation Primer 9.3 / 10 810
Best makeup base for oily skin 1 Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat Blur Primer 9.9 / 10 3 860
2 Relouis Prime Step 9.8 / 10 440
3 Essence All about matt! Oil control make-up base 9.7 / 10 390
4 Revlon Photoready Primer 9.5 / 10 550

The best makeup bases for any skin type: firming, moisturizing, mattifying

The multifunctional fixing base for makeup from the domestic brand Librederm provides complete hydration of the skin throughout the day. The primer is designed to even out the texture and complexion of the face, mask minor imperfections and mattify. For its ideal price-quality ratio, many Russian women in reviews recognized this primer as the best.

The texture of the base is quite thick, but on the face it becomes light and airy, spreading perfectly over the skin. The primer smoothes pores well, hides shallow wrinkles and lightens redness. It is not felt on the face, significantly extends the life of makeup, and prevents oily shine. But after applying the foundation, you need to give it time to absorb, and only then use foundation. Tube volume - 50 ml.

  1. affordable price;
  2. very economical consumption;
  3. does not clog pores.
  1. not detected.


The French makeup base of the Givenchy brand is presented in six transparent shades with different purposes: Milk (whitening and refreshing), Strawberry (healthy glow), Kiwi (disguising acne, redness and rosacea), Plum (neutralizing yellowness of the skin), Mango (for dark-skinned women ) and Peach (a universal primer for everyone). There is also a limited-edition Poetique Tulip shade with a subtle tan effect.

The texture of the base is weightless, fluid, with subtle shimmer. It gives the skin a natural glow and sleek look, significantly increases the durability of makeup, moisturizes, nourishes and softens. Suitable for local application. Tube volume - 30 ml.

  1. possibility of individual choice of shade;
  2. UV protection filter SPF15;
  3. economical consumption.
  1. impressive cost.

The Korean makeup base Sweet Cotton Pore Cover Base from Holika Holika contains a healing cocktail of extracts of cotton, purslane, orange, lemon, blueberry, lotus and noni. Thanks to them, the primer improves the condition of the skin, controls the activity of the sebaceous glands, heals and refreshes the complexion and is suitable even for problem skin.

The texture of the foundation is silky, delicate, slightly pigmented, but looks colorless on the face. The base is perfectly absorbed, does not give a filmy feeling, wonderfully moisturizes and evens out the skin, and layers well. However, to achieve maximum effect, you need to let the previous one dry before applying the next layer. Tube volume: 25 ml.