Taking gelatin internally for the skin


The secret to the effectiveness of gelatin

To understand how gelatin works, you need to understand what it is. This is a substance that is obtained from the connective tissues of cattle. The finished product contains a lot of animal protein, which is a “building material” for the skin and promotes its regeneration. Gelatin also significantly improves the condition of hair and nails.

The pronounced effect of taking gelatin is due to the presence of the following beneficial substances in its composition:

  1. collagen – has powerful anti-aging properties, gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  2. amino acids (about 15 items) – stimulate the regeneration of damaged skin areas, inhibit the natural aging process;
  3. vitamin complex – nourishes skin cells, maintains the epidermis in a normal functional state;
  4. minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium) – stimulate metabolic processes and accelerate regeneration.

Gelatin is a valuable source of animal protein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the construction of tissues. This is a worthy alternative to meat. But it is worth remembering that gelatin is a high-calorie product. Its energy value is about 300 Kcal per 100 grams. So, those who are watching their figure should take gelatin in moderation.



How do I take gelatin?

To preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, you need the most common gelatin. You can buy the cheapest one. The main thing is to ensure that the composition does not contain any synthetic additives (preservatives, etc.). The rejuvenating drink is prepared as follows:

  1. In the evening, dilute a teaspoon of honey in a glass of cold water and add two teaspoons of gelatin. Honey is not a necessary component, but it works very well when combined with gelatin. Moreover, without it, the taste of the drink will be very unpleasant.
  2. Mix well and leave the mixture until the morning at room temperature.
  3. In the morning, pour the liquid into a saucepan and heat until the gelatin dissolves. But do not boil, otherwise the product will be useless.
  4. When the drink has cooled down a little, drink it on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in about half an hour.



Gelatin should be taken daily for a month. At least three months must pass before repeating the course, otherwise an overdose of protein will occur.

Convenient alternative

If you don’t want to waste time preparing a gelatin drink, you can buy gelatin capsules at the pharmacy. It is as useful as culinary, but is ready for use and does not require any additional manipulations.

As an alternative, you can also purchase a special collagen nutritional supplement from a sports nutrition store. It has a high protein content and high bioavailability. So, if ordinary gelatin is absorbed by the body by 20-30%, then a sports supplement – ​​by 90%. A shock dose of protein instantly enters the blood and is transported to the tissues.

But keep in mind that excess protein is no less harmful than its deficiency. So, if you are not sure how much collagen your body needs, choose regular gelatin rather than concentrated sports supplements. It will have a good cosmetic effect without side effects.

Expected effect

Gelatin contains substances of animal origin that are present in the human body. That is, it nourishes tissues and improves their functional state. After a month's course of gelatin therapy, you can count on the following effect:

  1. increasing skin elasticity and firmness;
  2. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. smoothing the texture of the epidermis;
  5. hair elasticity and shine;
  6. strengthening nails.

Thanks to its enveloping properties, gelatin has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Taking the drink in the morning can treat gastritis and overcome heartburn.


Why isn't everyone happy?

Despite the undeniable benefits of gelatin, there are not only positive reviews about it. Some women claim that this product was useless or had very little effect. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the body begins to intensively lose collagen from about 30 years of age. But many women begin to struggle to replenish protein deficiency only when visible age-related changes appear - after 40 years (or even after 50).

But by adulthood, the deficiency of collagen in the body (and especially in tissues) is enormous. When you start taking a gelatin drink, you simply make up for the resulting deficiency of nutrients. The body directs protein to the most vulnerable areas - cartilage, joints and blood vessels.

Thus, if you did not notice an anti-aging effect after the first course, this does not mean that gelatin does not work. It works, but first we will talk about internal transformations. In order to notice positive skin transformations, you need to take two, or even three or four courses. You will get cosmetic results only when internal problems are resolved.

Gelatin is a budget-friendly working product for comprehensive rejuvenation of the skin and the whole body. The sooner you start taking it, the more pronounced the cosmetic effect will be. The results may not be noticeable as quickly as you would like, but in the end you will notice positive changes. The value of gelatin is that it rejuvenates you not only externally, but also from the inside.

In what capacity are we used to using gelatin? As a thickener in the preparation of jelly-like dishes, most often desserts.

Gelatin looks like transparent grains, yellowish in color. Moreover, the yellower these grains are, the worse the quality of the product.

Gelatin is a product that is obtained from connective tissues of animal origin, such as tendons, bones, cartilage, which consist mainly of collagen. So women are thinking about whether it is worth buying expensive cosmetics that contain collagen or whether it is worth trying a natural product at a price ten times less than the products offered by cosmetology.

So, at its core, gelatin is split collagen. We all know that collagen is a protein that is responsible for the condition of the skin, for its firmness, elasticity and healthy appearance. That is why women all over the world willingly buy cosmetics that contain collagen, while the information that in cosmetics its molecules are too large to penetrate the skin and become fixed in it is kept silent. As for gelatin, in its split state it perfectly fills the skin when used, for example, in tonic face masks. It is this substance that can help with the appearance of initial signs of skin aging. Gelatin masks soften the skin of the face and slightly whiten it, helping to get rid of bright pigment spots that appear on the skin of women with age. We'll talk more about this a little later. Now I would like to say that gelatin can correct the condition of your skin, give it tone, healthy color and appearance. And for such rejuvenation you do not need to spend a lot of time and money. Personally, I was delighted with such an economical way to care for my appearance when I read reviews from women about the condition of their skin after using “gelatin rejuvenation”. Let me make a reservation right away that no one is saying that you can look ten or twenty years younger, but it will certainly be more pleasant for you to look in the mirror, because age-related changes will not be “conspicuous.”

How to dilute food gelatin?

Edible gelatin is sold in several forms: in the form of plates or grains. Depending on the form, it is bred in different ways.

The plates should be placed in cold water, not in a pack, but one at a time, and left for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water and place the plates in a water bath, that is, put them in a small saucepan, which is lowered into a larger diameter pan with boiling water. Wait until the plate has completely dissolved, after which you can prepare the intended version of the gelatin mask.
Soak gelatin grains in water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the substance per 5 teaspoons of water. Also wait about 10 minutes. If the gelatin is not swollen enough, you will have to wait some more time. Then also - in a water bath, stirring until completely dissolved.

Let's move smoothly to the issue of practical use of gelatin for the benefit of our beauty. Let's start with the fact that gelatin masks will be quite useful and effective for facial skin. Below I present several options for such masks, so you can try several of them and choose the right one depending on your skin type.

Gelatin face masks

Universal gelatin mask

A universal gelatin mask suitable for any skin type. It is used to give the skin a healthy appearance and elasticity, as well as to slightly remove age spots. So, let’s prepare a mask based on gelatin, that is, “live” collagen:
- 1 tsp. gelatin is diluted in water in a water bath in the manner indicated above.
- look for fermented milk products in the refrigerator: kefir, sour milk will do, you can take yogurt - 3 tsp.
- ground oatmeal flakes in the amount of 1 tbsp.

The mass should not be liquid, because it will drain, which is not very comfortable. While the mask is infusing, cleanse your face in the usual way and apply your usual moisturizing cream. Apply the gelatin mass as the top layer, take a comfortable position and relax until the composition dries completely, without needing to talk to anyone, laugh, etc. As soon as the film hardens, rinse it with warm water and blot the skin with kefir.

Rejuvenating gelatin mask

If you begin to notice that your face is starting to fade, it’s worth fighting for youth. And the sooner you start this fight, the easier it will be to win.

So, let's prepare a rejuvenating mask. Again 1 tsp. We dilute the gelatin in a water bath, add a little banana pulp to it to make a creamy mass, leave the mass to cool and brew for a while. Then put a thin layer of the resulting product on a clean face and wait half an hour, then you can wash with warm water.

For combination or normal skin types, banana can be replaced with kiwi and peach.
For dry skin – persimmon and avocado.
For oily skin types – strawberries, red currants and pears.

Softening gelatin mask for dry skin

Diluted gelatin 2 tsp. + glycerin 2 tsp. (which can be bought in pharmacies) + 2 tsp. honey The amount I received is enough for several times, so I store the leftovers in a sterile container. If you need a mask for one use, take a smaller amount of its component.
The principle of application is the same: apply a thin layer of the mixture to a clean face and rest for 20 minutes, then wash everything off.

Gelatin mask for oily skin

In this case, we add the white of one egg to the gelatin and beat the resulting mass thoroughly, one might say, into a foam. Cover the skin with the solution for 20 minutes. This mask will relieve your skin of shine, tighten pores and give elasticity.

Whitening gelatin mask

Fresh cucumber can whiten the skin of the face, so we prepare the mask as follows: dissolve gelatin in fresh cucumber juice, and at the end of preparation, add finely grated cucumber to the mask. On the face also for 20 minutes. Keep in mind that the mask is suitable for all skin types.

Gelatin inside to improve facial skin, hair and nails

Lately, I often hear that gelatin in its pure form should be taken internally in order to have a positive effect on the condition of the facial skin, the structure of hair and nails.

In reviews on this topic, you can find the following recipe: every morning on an empty stomach for 10 months, eat 1 teaspoon of gelatin with a glass of water half an hour before breakfast.

The reviews are different, some say that the appearance and general condition of the skin, hair and nails have improved, while others say that they haven’t noticed anything.

After reviewing a bunch of articles and reviews, I came to the conclusion that your health will not be worse if you take gelatin orally. Once in the body, it is broken down into substances that we need, including collagen and amino acids.

If you find it unpleasant to “chew” dry gelatin, then it can be perfectly used in preparing jelly treats that will always please your taste.

Some people suggest brewing gelatin at night and drinking the jelly in the morning on an empty stomach. In short, whatever is more convenient for you. As they say, both benefit and pleasure.

You can learn more about what lamination is by going to another article. I will say one thing, if you want to get smooth and shiny hair without serious material investments in your beauty, then this recipe is for you.

So, gelatin by nature can give your hair not only shine, but also protect each hair from the harmful effects that our hair is exposed to every day, because gelatin forms a protective film on it. As a result of lamination with gelatin, after several procedures you will notice that the hair has become not only smooth and shiny, but also thickened, thereby making the hairstyle more voluminous.

Lamination can be done after every hair wash, but you have to believe that this economical method of hair care is real and you will really feel the effect. In this case, it will take you no more than one hour.

So, let's prepare a gelatin composition for laminating hair. 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin should be diluted in 3 tablespoons of boiled water, cooled to a warm state, if your hair is not very long or not too thick. If necessary, you can increase the volume of the solution. Leave the gelatin to swell, and wash your hair in the usual way, possibly using hair balm. Dry clean hair with a towel. Add a small amount of hair balm or hair mask to the swollen gelatin to make the gelatin easier to wash off later. We apply the composition for lamination to the hair, but you should not apply it to the roots, retreat about 1 cm. (The scalp may react to the composition with a slight tingling, to avoid this unpleasant sensation it is better to retreat the indicated centimeter.) Next, we proceed as when applying any hair mask : We put a special cellophane cap on our head or a regular bag. On top is something warm: a towel or some old hat that you don’t mind getting dirty. Use a hair dryer on warm mode to warm up your hair for 15 minutes. Then we leave the laminating composition on the head for another 45 minutes, after which we go to wash it off. This is not difficult to do due to the fact that a balm or mask was added to the composition.

Gelatin lamination should be done at least once a week. If you wash your hair more often, do it more often. After you see the result, you will understand how often you need to carry out this procedure. The main thing is that it needs to be done periodically.

You can also add other components to the gelatin composition for hair lamination, depending on the condition of your hair. If they are severely damaged, then add a few drops of burdock or castor oil to it.

For better hair care, fair-haired girls can add a small amount of lemon juice or chamomile decoction to the composition.

Dark-haired girls can laminate their hair by adding nettle decoction to the composition.

If you want to get a more voluminous head of hair, use mustard, colorless henna and the yolk of one chicken egg in the lamination composition.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to some situations that are undesirable and uncomfortable when laminating hair with gelatin:

- avoid getting the gelatin composition on the scalp, nothing bad will happen, but an itchy or burning sensation may occur,
- do not dilute gelatin with boiling water, because you risk killing its beneficial properties.
- try not to leave any gelatin lumps that will interfere with combing your hair.

Perhaps that's all! Use gelatin face masks, gelatin hair lamination and be beautiful and well-groomed, and this is possible without extra material costs.

Gelatin is made from bone tissue and animal cartilage by boiling it in water for a very long time.

It strengthens collagen, a protein that is essential for skin, hair, nails, joints and ligaments.

Preparation of the “medicine”:

- 1 teaspoon of edible gelatin granules;
- 1 glass of water;
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice or a little ascorbic acid powder.

Dilute the gelatin granules with warm water and allow it to swell. It is best to soak gelatin in the evening. When it is completely dissolved, add lemon juice or vitamin C powder (the acidic component improves the digestibility of gelatin).

If small lumps remain, place the solution on the stove and heat slightly, stirring. Then it will probably dissolve.

Take this drink daily, 30-40 minutes before breakfast (on an empty stomach). The course is 10 days. In a month you can conduct another course. And in just a year - 3-4 courses of 10 days.

With regular ingestion of gelatin, your joints will work better, your hair will become more elastic and stronger, your skin will become more toned, and your nails will stop peeling and breaking.

In modern cosmetology, products that are usually used to prepare food are often used, because these are natural and organic ingredients. The benefits of gelatin for facial skin were proven relatively recently, when experts set out to learn how to enrich the body with collagen from the outside.

This is how the idea came up to use this product internally and prepare masks based on it to restore the elasticity of the dermis.

What are the benefits of gelatin for facial skin ↑

Women often wonder: is gelatin healthy? Reviews from many leading cosmetologists agree that this ingredient really has a positive effect on the condition and appearance of women's skin. So, with regular use of gelatin masks, you can regain your blooming appearance and significantly reduce the network of wrinkles.

The substance itself, as is known, is made from industrial waste, bones and cartilage of animals. The result is a dry granulated (or crumbly, pressed) concentrate, which is widely used in confectionery. Edible gelatin is the basis of jelly, many sweet mousses and other desserts.

However, what is the main feature of such a product? The thing is that gelatin capsules are almost pure animal collagen. And, according to experienced cosmetologists, it is able to compensate for the deficiency of this substance in human skin cells. Over the years, natural elastins begin to be produced by our body in a significantly smaller volume, which is why sagging skin, loss of elasticity and tissue ptosis occur. A lack of collagen quickly affects a woman’s appearance - she ages rapidly, the contours of her face blur and lose their clear contours.

Our dermis resembles a microscopic mesh, with small gaps between molecules and cells. It is thanks to them that the skin can breathe, as well as absorb from the outside and absorb substances applied to it that are part of masks, creams and lotions. Collagen molecules, getting together with the gelatin mask on the surface of the skin, penetrate the cells and restore elasticity and turgor, rejuvenating the appearance.

How gelatin affects facial skin ↑

With regular use, gelatin masks and compresses can restore your beauty and youth, making your face smoother and fresher. To do this, you can use both homemade recipes and finished products from the beauty industry based on animal collagen.

The easiest way to nourish the dermis with useful substances is to make a homemade gelatin mask. To do this, fill the ingredient package with a small amount of water at room temperature. Then we wait for the gelatin to swell, knead it until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply the mask to cleansed and prepared facial skin, leaving for twenty to thirty minutes.

  1. Preservation of youth: this measure will help prevent the worsening of wrinkles and facial furrows.
  2. Return of elasticity: with systematic care (3-4 times a week), such a mask can improve the condition of the dermis.
  3. Even complexion and smooth skin: in addition to the rejuvenating effect, gelatin masks also work well against dull complexion and skin texture.

After using the recipe, you need to apply a moisturizing day cream or facial milk to retain the elastin fibers inside the cells and consolidate the resulting effect. With regular use, masks based on edible gelatin return the skin to a toned appearance and give a noticeable lifting effect.

If your ingredient does not dissolve well in cool water, then heat the mask in a water bath. In this case, the grains and granules will quickly dissolve, and you will get a homogeneous thick paste, ideal for cosmetic procedures.

Gelatin inside for facial skin ↑

In addition to folk recipes that include masks, gelatin can also be taken orally, since this ingredient is food grade. To do this, you can either prepare desserts based on it (for example, jelly with fruit juice), or consume it in a simply diluted form, a tablespoon a day shortly before meals.

When taking gelatin orally, it is also important to further strengthen the soft tissues and fibers of the dermis, for which it will be important to purchase a special vitamin complex. It is best to choose one that includes a group of B vitamins, which are incredibly beneficial for facial skin and its youth.

If the taste of pure gelatin seems unpleasant and specific to you, try diluting the substance not with plain water, but with juices (preferably fresh juices). It will not only taste better, but also be much healthier for the body.

In addition to a noticeable cosmetic effect, taking dietary collagen can relieve aching joints, strengthen bones, and restore mobility to the body. It also takes excellent care of your nails and is good for the beauty of your hair. However, if you have kidney disease and a tendency to constipation, it is better not to abuse the miracle product. In this case, cosmetologists and doctors recommend limiting yourself to masks and recipes for external use.

Let me remind you that cosmetics need to be selected taking into account the needs of your skin. In the article “How to determine your facial skin type” take online tests and see which one is most similar to your skin.

If you take a gelling substance in food, it is important to follow a schedule and not skip doses to drink the product in a course. In this case, dramatic and positive changes will be noticeable soon after completing the course. This will also allow you to forget about peeling nails and dry and flaky skin for a long time. After gelatin capsules, your face will look moisturized, nourished and radiant.

In order for collagen to be better absorbed, it is necessary to supplement the diet with vitamin C. By entering into synthesis with animal protein, this substance increases its penetrating ability, which is why the course of administration will be more effective.

I recommend that you read in more detail about the importance of vitamin C for the human body in my article “Vitamin C – signs of deficiency or excess and its dosage”

Recipe for female beauty ↑

The following recipe for facial rejuvenation is well known among people: a teaspoon of animal collagen is placed in a glass of warm milk, after which it is left for an hour and a half so that it swells well. Then you need to thoroughly stir the mixture and add a teaspoon of bee honey. This will improve the taste of the healing drink and additionally enrich it with useful microelements. Drink this drink on an empty stomach, shortly before meals. It will also be useful to add a couple of drops of lemon to saturate the body with vitamin C.

Typically, the course of admission varies within one month - from 20 days to 31. If you have severe problems with skin and hair health, then it is better to drink collagen twice a day for one month. But at the same time, make sure you have regular stools - often animal protein provokes problems with stool.

The primary benefit of gelatin for facial skin is the ability to maintain a blooming appearance and take care of your appearance and beauty at home, without expensive creams and painful procedures. You can easily combine masks with a course of taking collagen internally. For older women, it is recommended to repeat these sessions every couple of months to prevent wrinkles from getting worse.