Preparation for scars and scars


The appearance of scars or scars on the body always upsets us, and almost every person wants to get rid of them.

For some people they are only a cosmetic problem, while for others they cause a lot of discomfort in the form of itching, burning and pain. How to get rid of scars and scars? What pharmacological drugs can help in such cases? In this article, we will review popular drugs for the treatment of scars in children and adults, introduce you to the main indications and contraindications for their use and the principles of their action.

Remember that the choice of such products for external use should be made by a doctor. By following all his recommendations, you will be able to avoid mistakes and quickly get rid of unsightly marks on your skin.

Indications for prescribing ointments

Ointments for scars and scars can be prescribed in the following clinical cases:

  1. preventive measures to prevent the development of scars after surgical operations
  2. normotrophic scars, which represent a cosmetic problem
  3. atrophic scars caused by poorly healing boils, chickenpox or severe forms of acne
  4. stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss
  5. hypertrophic scars
  6. keloid scars
  7. tendon contractures after injuries
  8. ankylosis, causing restrictions in joint mobility
  9. Dupuytren's contracture.

List of the best ointments for scars and scars

The list will help you understand what ointment is needed to heal physical scars. We have collected all the products that experts most often prescribe to patients with skin blemishes.

We list the TOP 10 ointments for scars and scars, and also make a more detailed description below:

  1. Contractubex. The German drug contains heparin and allantoin. These components help break down scar tissue and improve regeneration.
  2. Dermatix. A Dutch-made drug in the form of a gel-like mass. It is used immediately after the wound has healed to prevent scarring.
  3. Fermenkol. Active collagen preparation made in Russia. Stimulates the resorption of existing scars and prevents new ones.
  4. Solcoseryl. The drug improves cell regeneration and nutrition. It is applied to the face for acne and post-acne. The ointment will be useful for dry wounds, frostbite, burns, and cuts.
  5. Imoferase. The cream is intended directly for the removal of scars and scars. Hyaluronidase, which is part of the cream, inhibits the growth of connective tissue and reduces swelling.
  6. Clearvin. The cream softens the skin, activates cellular metabolism, and improves blood circulation. Contains natural ingredients and belongs to Ayurvedic preparations.
  7. Heparin ointment. The drug improves blood microcirculation, which allows it to be used for stretch marks, hematomas, localized infiltrates and ulcerative lesions.
  8. Methyluracil ointment. Forces regenerative processes, improves renewal of epidermal cells. The ointment heals wounds by speeding up epithelization. Has protective properties.
  9. Vishnevsky ointment. The ointment resolves seals and activates restoration processes. The drug is distinguished by its dark color, pungent odor, and affordable price.
  10. Hydrocortisone ointment. It has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the growth of connective tissue.

No large-scale scientific studies have been conducted to compare the effectiveness of various ointments, creams and gels for scars and scars. But dermatologists and their patients highlight several undisputed “favorites”. In this article we will review just such drugs for scars and scars.


Ointment for scars and scars on the face and other parts of the skin Kontraktubeks is produced in Germany. In standard situations, this remedy is prescribed in cases where minor injuries are involved. It is also effective in combating traces of acne or chickenpox, as it can affect the rapid regeneration of new cells and soften scars by stopping the growth process of connective tissue components.

This medicine will also have a positive effect on increasing blood circulation and will have a disinfecting effect. Positive aspects include an anti-inflammatory effect and anti-allergic effect. Serae onion extract, allantoin and heparin are used as active substances in the production of this ointment.



Silicone products Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra in tubes of 6 and 15 g are produced by the Dutch manufacturer ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV. As the transparent gel mass dries on the skin, it transforms into a silicone film, under which an airless space is formed. The product has no smell. The cost is high - from 1500 rubles.

The Dermatix gel formula is based on two substances - polysiloxane and silicon dioxide. The composition of Dermatix Ultra additionally includes vitamin C. The complex effect of the substances ensures the elimination of itching and burning in the area of ​​the scar or scar, the softening and resorption of compacted tissues, and the reduction of pigmentation.

One of the gels can be applied to the scar immediately after the skin has healed. The affected tissue is first cleaned and dried. Then the medicine is applied in a thin layer and rubbed gently for several minutes. The manipulation is performed morning and evening for several months until the defect is completely eliminated (minimum 2 months).



Fermenkol gel is produced by OJSC NPK "High Technologies" (Russia) in tubes of 20 g. The same product is produced in the form of sets for electrophoresis (2 bottles of dry powder, 4 g each).

The gel is a transparent mass consisting of an enzyme composition of 9 collagenolytic proteases obtained from the digestive organs of marine invertebrates (crabs, etc.). Thanks to their properties, the drug breaks down some amino acids found in keloid and hypertrophic scars and makes them more elastic, flatter and less noticeable. At the same time, Fermenkol eliminates itching and pain in the scar area. The gel is applied in a thin layer to the previously cleaned and dried area of ​​the scar 2 times a day. Do not rub the product into the skin and allow it to dry on its own. The duration of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, no earlier than 15 days later, the course of therapy can be repeated.

Fermenkol gel can be prescribed to adults and children of any age. Its use is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to collagenase and in hypotrophic and atrophic scars. The drug rarely causes adverse reactions such as redness, burning or itching in the scar area. They quickly disappear on their own immediately after stopping Fermenkol.



The task of Solcoseryl is the physiological healing of the skin, or epithelization. It is known that all minor and shallow scars heal by forming new epithelium, in other words, healing without a trace. Scarring is an abnormal healing pattern in which keloid tissue is formed instead of epithelium. Solcoseryl, like many other drugs for improving epithelization, is based on the action of biological factors. The drug consists of an amino acid set, which is obtained through processing from the blood of dairy calves. It can be considered that Solcoseryl is an external analogue of the well-known Actovegin.

This set of proteins is necessary for the skin as a source for its own synthesis of new compounds and to improve healing. Solcoseryl produces a regenerating, protective effect and accelerates wound healing. Indicated for use, in addition to fresh scars, for various abrasions and scratches, for mild sunburn and frostbite. The ointment is used up to 3 times a day, since the ointment base is quite light and is absorbed quickly. Also, a good way to treat fresh scars is to use the drug at night, under an ointment bandage. If there are infected wounds or an inflammatory reaction around the scars, then it is necessary to first eliminate the inflammation or perform surgical treatment.

The product is produced by the Swiss company I-C-N. The cost of one package of ointment weighing 20 g is on average 280 rubles.



This cream is indicated for the treatment of scars and scars in children and adults, and is a dietary supplement. It was developed by specialists in Indian or Ayurvedic medicine and contains various phytoextracts and antioxidants. Therefore, this remedy will most likely be used to prevent the occurrence of fresh scars and scars in those people who tend to have them appear at the site of scratches and minor skin injuries.

When applied, this cream penetrates well deep into the epidermis, improves oxygenation of skin tissue, and slows down the formation of melanin, so after an injury, a spot or scar will not undergo increased pigmentation. The cream is also successfully used in the treatment and prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women. It can be used on the skin of the face, for age spots, for puffiness under the eyes and in complex therapy for the treatment of acne. The product is applied to cleansed skin twice a day.

Clearvin is produced by the domestic company Realcosmetics, and is surprisingly inexpensive. One tube weighing 25 g can be purchased for 60 rubles.



The cream is intended directly for the removal of scars and scars. Hyaluronidase, which is part of the cream, inhibits the growth of connective tissue and reduces swelling. During a course of treatment, convex formations decrease in volume, the level of pigmentation decreases, and elasticity increases. Imoferase cream acts on old scars and scars, reducing their density.

The effect of treatment is noticeable after 3 weeks, the full course of therapy is 8 weeks. It is recommended to use the cream after operations, burns, cesarean section and in case of traumatic skin damage.



This anti-scar ointment is produced by the German company Sandoz Pharmacy. The drug contains camphor, heparin and urea. Each of these components has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on problem areas, gently relaxing the skin.

After regular use of this ointment, the surface in the scar area becomes smooth and even, which is achieved by increasing the rate of cell recovery, as well as improving blood circulation. The product also helps well in the fight against skin stretch marks that form after women carry a child or after sudden weight loss.



The drug from the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies comes in the form of a gel and spray. The gel is sealed in tubes of 6 and 15 g. The spray is in an aerosol bottle with a volume of 50 or 100 ml.

The composition of different forms is the same. On the treated area, the active substances form an airtight film.

Both Kelo-cote gel and spray contain polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. The substances have a comprehensive effect on scars:

  1. Activate collagen synthesis.
  2. Soften the defective tissue.
  3. Increases the elasticity of the adjacent skin.
  4. Inhibits the growth of fibroblasts.
  5. Eliminate discomfort.

Kelo-kot is applied to dry, clean skin 1 – 2 times a day. Once dry, you can apply sunscreen or makeup on top. Duration of therapy is 2 - 3 months or longer.

Side effects are rare when using Kelo-cote products. The use of gel/spray during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. Kelo-Kot is expensive - 3,500 rubles.


ScarGuard MD

Scarguard (Skarsgard) is a medicinal liquid intended to treat old skin lesions and prevent new ones. It is recommended to be used for preventive purposes after surgery or injury. The liquid is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. The product helps get rid of blemishes on the face and body.

The drug contains vitamin E, silicone and hydrocortisone. The last component has a pronounced healing effect. The medicinal liquid should be used 2 times a day for 2-3 months. The product is absorbed in 1 minute, a little is felt on the skin within 15 minutes after application.

The downside of the medication is its high cost (6,000 rubles per 15 ml). Products with similar composition cost several times less. You can buy ScarGuard MD on the manufacturer's official website.



This drug is known for its dermatotropic and provitamin effect. Dexpanthenol helps improve tissue nutrition, enhance the regenerative abilities of the skin, and improves cellular nutrition. This means that Dexpanthenol is able to prevent hypoxia deep in the skin it normalizes the consumption of oxygen by skin cells, which reduces the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts. As a result, the growth of newly formed scars and cicatrices is reduced.

Dexpanthenol is widely used in various sprays, creams for the treatment of burns and wounds. In this case, the ointment will be light yellow, with a slight odor, and is a source of pantothenic acid. In addition to the treatment of fresh scars and their prevention, Dexpanthenol is applied to burns and scratches, postoperative sutures, and trophic ulcers. It is used for diaper dermatitis and pimples in children, and for treating cracked nipples in nursing mothers. Dexpanthenol in the form of an ointment can simply be applied to dry skin to moisturize it.

The dosage regimen for this drug is on average 3 times a day, possibly at night, lightly rub the ointment into the surface of the skin. It is advisable not to apply Dexpanthenol to wet wounds. This product is produced by the domestic company Vertex 100 g of ointment can be purchased for 500 rubles.



These products should not be used in the following situations:

  1. in case of individual intolerance to ingredients
  2. for treating partially healed, inflamed or festering wounds
  3. in case of a tumor at the site of drug exposure
  4. in close proximity of the scar to the mucous membranes.

Preparations that resolve scars have virtually no negative effects on the body, since they are used only externally. In case of high sensitivity, there may be adverse reactions in the form of skin rashes, redness or itching. Therefore, before applying the cream to the scar site, it is recommended to do a sensitivity test.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are many recipes for removing scars. Let's look at some of them.

  1. The easiest and cheapest way to remove scars: treatment with vegetable oil. To do this, mix 400 grams of oil with 100 grams of beeswax, put on fire and cook for 10 minutes. The composition is applied with a napkin to the affected areas 2 times a day. The oil softens the skin and covers it with a film for speedy tissue regeneration.
  2. Camphor oil. A compress soaked in oil is applied to the scar and a bandage is secured. Use 2 times a day. Such compresses will help get rid of problems after a month of use.
  3. Lemon juice promotes tissue regeneration, nourishes the skin and exfoliates the stratum corneum. To carry out the procedure, simply cut a lemon in half and rub the juice into the scar. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for a month.

Even old scars can be removed with the correct use of medications. If you use drug treatment together with surgical removal, the result will exceed your expectations and not a trace will remain on the body.



In most cases, ointments for scars have a resolving effect. Their main task is to reduce the size of scars and eliminate redness. A distinctive feature is a longer effect (as opposed to a gel or cream) on the damaged area of ​​the body or face.



I bought revergen gel at the pharmacy for scars and hems it is intended to correct visual imperfections of various types of scars and scars, as well as to prevent their formation after surgical interventions and injuries.

A high-quality ointment for scars and scars should penetrate deep into the skin, soften it and make it more elastic. You can buy this product at a pharmacy or make it yourself.

Review of ointments

The most common ointments for scars and scars, including old ones, have a resolving effect. Such products are made on the basis of inert silicone. This substance does not react with other medications and also does not have a negative effect on the body. When purchasing an ointment, you should carefully study its composition, since not all products are made from completely safe ingredients.

Herbal creams often have an extremely weak effect. They can cope with small bruises, but will not affect scars in any way. Therefore, people with significant skin damage should not buy drugs made only from natural ingredients.


Kelofibrase is a silicone cream produced by a German pharmaceutical company. The drug can be used for colloidal scars, postoperative scars and hematomas. The cream is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. With its help, you can remove stretch marks that appeared after childbirth.

Instructions for use: apply the product in a thick layer to the damaged areas 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment takes from several weeks to six months. Postoperative sutures take the longest to dissolve.

The product is available in two variations: 25 g or 50 g. For the sake of your own savings, it is recommended to buy a large package. Average price of the drug: 1500 rubles. It can be ordered in online stores.

Zeraderm ultra

Zeraderm ultra is a silicone-based anti-scar ointment. Contains active oxygen, vitamins A and E. The product protects the skin well from exposure to direct sunlight (SPF 15). The ointment is suitable for the treatment of sutures after surgery, including defects left from caesarean section. Penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates its regeneration.

Skin damage is negatively affected by external factors: excessive air humidity, direct sunlight. Silicone-based medications form a film that protects the epidermis from external influences.

The product must be applied 2 times a day. The course of treatment takes 2-3 months. One package contains only 15 g, but due to its dense texture the cream is quite economical. Product cost: 2000 rubles.

Lavender oil from MeiYanQiong

Natural lavender oil from Meiyanqiong perfectly nourishes and softens the skin. The manufacturer claims that the product helps get rid of various defects, but this is not entirely true. Lavender oil can be used as a supplement to the main medication. Using this product will speed up treatment.

The oil should be added to the cream (2-3 drops) and applied to the affected areas. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a day. The product is inexpensive: about 500 rubles per 10 ml. You can buy it in online stores. The oil also helps get rid of acne and abnormal pigmentation.

ScarGuard MD

Scarguard (Skarsgard) is a medicinal liquid intended to treat old skin lesions and prevent new ones. It is recommended to be used for preventive purposes after surgery or injury. The liquid is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. The product helps get rid of blemishes on the face and body.

The drug contains vitamin E, silicone and hydrocortisone. The last component has a pronounced healing effect. The medicinal liquid should be used 2 times a day for 2-3 months. The product is absorbed in 1 minute, a little is felt on the skin within 15 minutes after application.

The downside of the medication is its high cost (6,000 rubles per 15 ml). Products with similar composition cost several times less. You can buy ScarGuard MD on the manufacturer's official website.


Fermenkol - gel against scars, hematomas and scars. An analogue of the drug is Contratubes. Fermencol should be applied to cleansed, damaged skin in a thick layer. You cannot rub the gel in it absorbs itself within 10-20 minutes. The product must be used 2-3 times a day for a month. You can repeat the course of treatment 2 weeks after the end of the first.

Fermenkol is also available in the form of an electrophoresis kit. The kit includes dry powder and liquid. A solution is made from these ingredients. It should be applied to a napkin and applied to the affected area. The course of treatment with electrophoresis lasts 10-15 days. To implement it, you will need a special device, the cost of which is 2500 rubles (on average).

The procedure allows active substances to penetrate deeper into the skin. Electrophoresis is the most effective remedy for combating old scars.

The price of the drug varies from 500 to 900 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies and online stores.


Contratubex is a watery gel designed to smooth and soften the epidermis. Used to treat minor injuries, but is ineffective against deep and old scars. The gel contains several active substances: onions, allantoin, heparin. The product helps to quickly get rid of hematomas (bruises, contusions). The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

The drug should be applied to damaged areas 1-2 times a day. You can use it to make medicinal dressings. The course of treatment takes from 1 to 3 months.

Cost of the product: from 400 to 800 rubles (depending on the volume of packaging). The drug is sold in pharmacies.


Clearwin is a cream that helps get rid of age spots, acne and scars. Not used to treat stagnant scars. The drug is made from natural ingredients: extracts of medicinal herbs, vitamin E and antioxidants. The product is even used to get rid of bags and dark spots under the eyes.

The cream should be applied 2-3 times a day. The effect will be noticeable after 5-6 weeks. The medication does not interact with other drugs. The cost of the product does not exceed 150 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies.


Dermatix is ​​a silicone-based gel designed to correct various skin defects. It is recommended for use for burns and injuries, as well as after operations. The product is produced by two companies. It is recommended to buy the drug from the manufacturer MEDA, as it contains vitamin C.

The gel must be applied in a thin layer directly to the skin defect. Do not rub. The product dries within 5-10 minutes. If necessary, excess gel can be removed with a napkin. The medication should be used 2 times a day. A noticeable result will appear after 5-7 weeks of use, but the full course of treatment will take at least 2 months.

Cost of the drug: from 1200 rubles for 15 mg. You can purchase it in pharmacies and online stores.


Solcoseryl is available in several forms of ointment and solution for injection. The medicine is made from the blood of healthy calves. The drug is intended for the treatment of dry and wet injuries, including trophic ulcers. Solcoseryl has a direct effect on the process of tissue regeneration. Before using the product, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.

The ointment may cause severe allergic reactions.

The medication should be applied 2-3 times a day in a thin layer. Course duration: from 1 to 4 months. Cost of the drug: 300-400 rubles per 20 grams. Solcoseryl is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription.


Keratan ointment is designed to smooth and restore the epidermis. The product contains levomethicin, an antibacterial substance. Levomekol contains exactly the same ingredient. Keratan ointment has a cosmetic effect rather than a therapeutic one. It can be used to soften and soothe the skin.

You need to apply the product 3-4 times a day. Course of treatment: from 2 weeks to 2 months. Cost of ointment: 890 rubles for 15 ml. You can buy it in online stores.

Ichthyol ointment

A universal and cheap ichthyol ointment is used to treat scars, scars, fungi and dermatosis. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The drug actively fights pathogenic microorganisms located on the surface of the skin. The ointment is not recommended for use as the main therapeutic agent.

The medication should be applied to cleansed skin 2-3 times a day. Course of treatment: from 3 weeks to 2 months. Cost of the ointment: about 100 rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is used to combat various skin defects: pimples, blackheads, fresh scars and abrasions. The drug has an antiseptic effect. The product activates blood microcirculation due to its irritating effect. Because of this, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated.

The ointment should be applied 2 times a day. It should be applied in a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​the epidermis. It is advisable not to rub. The course of treatment takes from 3 weeks to 2-3 months. Cost of the drug: no more than 100 rubles. Sold in every pharmacy, available without a prescription.


Heparin ointment is used to treat bruises, abrasions and hematomas. It can also be used to treat small and fresh scars. The ointment accelerates tissue regeneration and restores elasticity to damaged skin. The product should not be applied to open wounds or wet lesions.

The drug must be used 1-2 times a day. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. Course of treatment: from 1 to 3 months. It is recommended to use in symbiosis with more powerful medications. Cost of Heparin ointment: 70-80 rubles. Sold in pharmacies.


Madecassol ointment is manufactured in Turkey and Switzerland. Used for the treatment of shallow dry lesions of the epidermis. The drug has an antimicrobial effect and also stimulates regeneration. The product is suitable for getting rid of burns and post-operative scars.

Madecassol should be applied 2 times a day. Before using the ointment, treat the skin with an antiseptic. The course of treatment lasts about 1.5-2 months.

Cost of the drug: from 100 to 700 rubles (depending on the place of purchase). The only negative: it is very difficult to purchase Madecassol, this product is not available in pharmacies. You can search in online stores.


Epitonex is a multifunctional product intended for skin care. It is used to resolve scars, accelerate wound healing and get rid of age spots. The best remedy for minor skin lesions (price/quality ratio).

The cosmetic product is applied to the damaged area for 2-3 months. It should be used every day 2-3 times. Cost of cream: from 250 rubles for 35 ml. Sold in pharmacies and online stores.


Rubtsevitis is a good ointment for softening colloidal scars. The drug accelerates tissue regeneration, nourishes and smoothes the skin. The product is ineffective against deep scars. It can be used to treat contracture (joint disease).

The ointment must be applied 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment takes from 1 to 3 months. Cost of the drug: about 400 rubles for 15 g. You can buy it in large pharmacies.


Under the name Lidaza, absorbable preparations are produced in the form of ointments and solutions. The active substance in the products is hyaluronic acid, which restores skin tissue. Lidaza in gel form affects small hematomas and scars. The medicinal solution is administered intramuscularly and is used for more serious injuries.

The gel should be used 2-3 times a day for 1.5-2 months. It should be spread in a thin layer and left until completely absorbed. Cost of the drug: from 350 rubles. Sold in pharmacies.


Methyluracil is available in the form of suppositories, tablets and ointments. The drug is a powerful stimulator of tissue regeneration. The ointment contains petroleum jelly, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin. It has pronounced therapeutic effects: softening, healing and antibacterial.

Tablets can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. It is recommended to use the ointment no more than 2 times a day. Apply to skin treated with an antiseptic. The course of treatment takes from 5 weeks to 3 months.

Cost of the drug: from 300 rubles. Sold in pharmacies and online stores.

Folk remedies

You can make effective ointments for scars at home. For greater effect, it is recommended to take vitamins A and E. With their help, the skin will recover much faster.

Ointment with mumiyo

To prepare you will need:

  1. medical Vaseline (100 g)
  2. mumiyo (5 g)
  3. purified water (25 ml).

Mumiyo should be mixed with water and left for 10-15 minutes. Vaseline should be melted in a water bath and the solution with mumiyo should be added to it. The mixture should simmer until the Vaseline changes color. After this, the pan can be removed from the stove. The mixture will need to be brought to room temperature.

Instead of Vaseline, you can use baby cream without additives. Vaseline is known for its softening and healing effect, so it is more suitable for this recipe.

Homemade ointment should be used 1-2 times a day. It should be smeared with a thin layer without rubbing into the skin. The resulting amount of mixture will be enough for 1.5 months of regular use.

Blue clay remedy

Blue clay softens and restores the skin. With its help you can make an effective and safe ointment. You will need to take a bag of blue clay and tea tree oil. You can also use shea butter.

Clay must be diluted with water (ratio 3:1). The output should be a thick mixture. You can add a few drops of essential oils to it. This ointment should be used once a day for a month.

For the best effect, apply the product to a patch and attach it to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Beeswax and lard

To make the product you will need:

  1. beeswax (50 g)
  2. spruce resin (50 g)
  3. lard (30 g)
  4. butter (20 g).

The lard must be melted in a water bath along with beeswax. Then add butter and spruce resin to the hot mixture. Mix thoroughly and leave for 20-30 minutes.

The resulting mixture should be applied to skin defects once a day for 1-2 months. With this ointment you can get rid of old scars and scars.

There is a special procedure - subcision, designed to remove large, old and deep skin defects. Also, some people give themselves collagen injections at beauty clinics. This method is suitable for filling shallow scars. The latest radical treatment method: laser resurfacing.

What is the best choice for treating skin lesions? Complex therapy consisting of several drugs (1 main and 1-2 auxiliary) should be used. The best remedy is selected individually for each patient by a dermatologist.

Scars and scars remain on the human body after operations, injuries and cuts. Some people perceive them as a cosmetic problem, others feel pain, itching and burning in the affected area.

You can get rid of scars and scars with the help of medications and folk remedies. Another option is to remove the defect by laser resurfacing. But while the flaw is fresh, it can be removed quickly thanks to the use of a special ointment, cream, gel or patch.

What scars can be removed with local remedies?

Based on the experience of doctors and cosmetologists, recently formed scars are better treated with external agents. During the first time after surgery, metabolic processes continue to occur in their tissues. Normotrophic scars are located at skin level and are barely noticeable due to their pale color. Easily removed by local means.

Atrophic scars have a flabby structure. They look sunken and have a pinkish tint. Examples include postpartum stretch marks on the body of women, scars after cauterization of skin tumors. Atrophic scars are easily removed using products that contain a silicone component and are used with electrophoresis.

Keloid and hypertrophic scars are the most pronounced. They are striking with their bluish-reddish tint and lumpy structure. These scars feel dense to the touch. They cause mild pain and itching. No ointment for resolving scars will cope with keloids and hypertrophic scars. Their correction requires an integrated approach, which includes laser resurfacing, plastic surgery and the use of absorbable medications.

What are the indications for the use of external remedies for scars:

  1. Keloids.
  2. Dupuytren's contracture.
  3. Hypertrophic scars.
  4. Normotrophic scars.
  5. Prevention of tissue scarring after surgical skin incision.
  6. Atrophic scars after furunculosis, chicken pox, acne.
  7. Tendon contractures as a consequence of injury.
  8. Striae after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.
  9. Ankyloses that limit joint mobility.

Some drugs for the correction of scars and scars are not allowed for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women. There are also products that have age restrictions for use. The doctor will advise which ointment is best to use in a particular case.

Review of effective drugs for various scars and scars

The list will help you understand what ointment is needed to heal physical scars. We have collected all the products that experts most often prescribe to patients with skin blemishes.

Let us list them and describe them in detail:

  1. Contractubex.
  2. Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra.
  3. Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra.
  4. Kelo-cat.
  5. Mederma.
  6. Kelofibrase.
  7. Fermenkol.
  8. Skargard.
  9. Scar Aesthetic.
  10. Regivasil.


The drug from the German pharmaceutical company Merz Pharma contains Serae onion extract, sodium heparin and allantoin. Contractubex gel is packaged in small tubes of 10, 20 and 50 g. Its color is light brown, its smell is neutral.

The pharmaceutical properties of the drug are as follows:

To prevent the appearance of scars, doctors prescribe Contractubex gel after the operated tissue has completely healed. According to the instructions, the product is applied to the damaged area up to 3 times a day with light massage movements. The course of therapy is 1 month. It takes about 6 months to remove an old scar. After the evening procedure, which is already performed before bedtime, an airtight bandage must be applied. The area can be sealed with polyethylene.

When using Contractubex, it is important to avoid exposing the scar to direct sunlight, cold exposure and intense rubbing. The gel can be used by children, adults, pregnant and nursing mothers.

The effectiveness of the product depends on the regularity of the procedures. With daily use along with steaming the skin and performing physical procedures, the desired result will be achieved faster. The cost of the drug starts from 450 rubles.

Zeraderm (Zeraderm Ultra)

As the best remedy for scars and scars, it is worth considering the Zeraderm line (Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra). 15 g gel tubes are produced by the Dutch drug manufacturer Rofil Medical Aesthetics.

Contacting the skin, the product is converted into a silicone airtight film. The “greenhouse effect” underneath promotes rapid resorption of the scar.

What properties do Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra gels have:

  1. Soften and flatten scar tissue.
  2. Eliminate itching, burning and inflammation.
  3. Accelerate cell renewal.
  4. Protects skin from ultraviolet exposure.
  5. Eliminate postoperative erythema.

Zeraderm preparations can be used as soon as the wound has healed. The damaged area is pre-cleaned and treated with a thin layer 2 times a day. The product is rubbed in with smooth movements. The course of therapy depends on the age and structure of the scar. Minimum – 2 – 3 weeks, maximum – several months. The price of the Zeraderm line is from 700 rubles.

Zeraderm gel is based on the substance polysiloxane. This is a high molecular weight silicone compound. Zeraderm Ultra additionally contains vitamins E and K, coenzyme Q10 and ultraviolet filter SPF-15.

Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra

Silicone products Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra in tubes of 6 and 15 g are produced by the Dutch manufacturer ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV. As the transparent gel mass dries on the skin, it transforms into a silicone film, under which an airless space is formed. The product has no smell. The cost is high - from 1500 rubles.

The Dermatix gel formula is based on two substances - polysiloxane and silicon dioxide. The composition of Dermatix Ultra additionally includes vitamin C. The complex effect of the substances ensures the elimination of itching and burning in the area of ​​the scar or scar, the softening and resorption of compacted tissues, and the reduction of pigmentation.

One of the gels can be applied to the scar immediately after the skin has healed. The affected tissue is first cleaned and dried. Then the medicine is applied in a thin layer and rubbed gently for several minutes. The manipulation is performed morning and evening for several months until the defect is completely eliminated (minimum 2 months).

Gels Dermatix, Dermatix Ultra, Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra are well tolerated by patients and are suitable for children and adults. They can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The drug from the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies comes in the form of a gel and spray. The gel is sealed in tubes of 6 and 15 g. The spray is in an aerosol bottle with a volume of 50 or 100 ml.

The composition of different forms is the same. On the treated area, the active substances form an airtight film.

Both Kelo-cote gel and spray contain polysiloxane and silicone dioxide. The substances have a comprehensive effect on scars:

Kelo-kot is applied to dry, clean skin 1 – 2 times a day. Once dry, you can apply sunscreen or makeup on top. Duration of therapy is 2 - 3 months or longer.

Side effects are rare when using Kelo-cote products. The use of gel/spray during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. Kelo-Kot is expensive - 3,500 rubles.


The gel from the German company Merz Pharma called Mederma is sold in 20 g tubes.

This is a clear medicine with a specific odor. Consists of allantoin and cepalin (Serae onion extract). The complex effect of the components allows you to achieve goals such as:

  1. Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  2. Stimulation of collagenesis, blood circulation and skin cell renewal.
  3. Saturation of keratinized tissue with moisture.
  4. Softening and dissolving the compacted area.
  5. Elimination of blood clots.
  6. Antibacterial effect.

With the help of an anti-scar ointment like Mederma, you can quickly remove fresh blemishes. Their age should not exceed 12 months. The product perfectly smoothes stretch marks, removes postoperative scars, traces of post-acne and unsuccessful tattoo removal, scars after chemical and thermal burns and scars after cosmetic peelings.

Like other products, Mederma is applied to a clean, dry scar (3-4 times a day) and rubbed into the tissue for 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed. The movements of the palm are zigzag with light pressure. The course of therapy can be short, 3 months, or long, up to six months or more. Price – from 500 rubles.

In rare cases, Mederma gel provokes adverse reactions. Patients note redness, rashes, itching, tingling and swelling in the treated area.


A pleasant fresh aroma, rapid absorption and excellent hydration of scar tissue - this is how Kelofibraza cream can be characterized. The product of the German concern Sandoz Pharmaceut GMBH is sold in tubes of 25 and 50 g.

There are no silicone compounds in Kelofibrase. The cream is based on three active ingredients:

By promptly applying ointment for scars after surgery, you can achieve the following results:

  1. Reducing tissue swelling.
  2. Improving local blood circulation and regeneration.
  3. Softening and moisturizing rough fabric.
  4. Elimination of blood clots.
  5. Increased elasticity.
  6. Rapid resorption of pathological tissue.
  7. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The principle of scar treatment with Kelofibrase cream is simple. Apply a thin layer of the product to the affected area and massage the scar until the cream is completely absorbed. The frequency of procedures is 2–4 per day. Fresh scars are treated 2 times a day, old or rough scars - 3-4 times a day. The last procedure is performed at night with a compress. The cost of the cream is 2500 rubles.

The age category of patients who can use Kelofibrase cream to remove scars and scars on the face starts from 1 year. Newborns under 12 months of age, pregnant and lactating women cannot use this product.


Fermenkol for scars is a gel in a 20 g tube and a set for electrophoresis (2 ampoules with dry powder per package). The drugs are produced by the Russian JSC NPK High Technologies.

The transparent gel consists of several enzymes obtained from marine invertebrates. Beneficial collagenolytic proteases break down the amino acids of keloids and hypertrophic scars, eliminate itching and pain and make the defective area less noticeable.

How to use Fermenkol:

The price of Fermencol gel starts at 700 rubles.

The use of Fermencol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the collagenase component. Also, the product will not help patients with atrophic and hypertrophic scars.


Scarguard corrective liquid cream for scars and cicatrices, judging by patient reviews, promotes the fastest possible softening and resorption of the scar. Skargard has three active ingredients - vitamin E, silicone and hydrocortisone. This is the most expensive corrective product. Skargard cream is on sale at a price of 6 thousand rubles.

Apply the liquid preparation with a special brush 1 – 2 times a day for 4 weeks. The affected area is pre-washed and dried with a soft towel. The treated area may be coated with sunscreen and decorative cosmetics applied.

After drying, Skargard cream forms a film on the scar, the effect of which is similar to the effect of a compressive bandage. If necessary, therapy can be extended up to six months. The liquid product is suitable for the treatment and prevention of all types of scars. It does not provoke adverse reactions. However, Scarguard cream is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Scar Aesthetic

Scar Esthetique is a cream from the American company ScarHeal, designed for healing scars. Tube volume – 60 ml.

The composition of the cream is quite rich. In addition to silicone, it contains 23 more active components, including:

  1. Beta carotene.
  2. Arnica.
  3. Shea Butter.
  4. Bow Serae.
  5. Chitosan.
  6. Coenzyme Q-10.
  7. Vitamins A and C, etc.

The active components of the cream soften and smooth out compacted tissues, activate collagen production and improve skin aesthetics. The product is prescribed to eliminate stretch marks and various scars that remain after operations, burns and injuries.

According to the instructions, Scar Esthetique cream is applied to a clean, dry scar and rubbed with gentle massaging movements. The frequency of treatment of the defect is 3 – 4 times a day for 3 – 4 months.

Side effects when using Scar Aesthetic cream are manifested by rashes and redness of the skin. Negative reactions disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug.


The American company ScarHeal produces another effective drug for scars and scars - this is RejuvaSil gel in tubes of 4, 10, 15 and 30 ml. In addition to silicone, the product contains squalene, ascorbic acid and Emu oil. Like other corrective medications, Regivasil gel is used 2 to 3 times a day.

A small amount of the product is applied to the scar, rubbed and wait until it dries completely. Then, as necessary, the skin is treated with sunscreen. If the scar is on the face, you can apply makeup after the treatment procedure.

Regivasil gel is prescribed only to adult patients, including pregnant and lactating women. If a rash or red spots appear, treatment is stopped.

Inexpensive remedies for scars and scars

As you know, foreign drugs for scars and scars are sold at a high price, so they are inaccessible to most consumers. However, even poor patients can get rid of the skin defect.

For them, pharmacies have budget options:

  1. Clearvin cream is an Ayurvedic preparation that removes traces of post-acne, postpartum stretch marks and age spots. It evens out the skin texture, brightens it and exhibits antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. The cream increases the elasticity of the dermis and accelerates the process of scar resorption. Clearwin is inexpensive - 100 - 150 rubles.
  2. Heparin ointment. A powerful anticoagulant, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and resolves existing scars. The second component is benzocaine, which works as an anesthetic. The substance benzyl nicotinate improves the absorption of heparin and dilates blood vessels.
  3. Sledocid ointment. This ointment for scars and scars is the most effective and inexpensive remedy that copes with post-acne and old scars. It relieves inflammation, restores skin cells in the affected area and prevents tissue scarring. Use Sledocid twice a day according to an individual course. A 15 g tube of ointment sells for 100 rubles and a little more.
  4. Balm Rescuer. The medicine copes with scars and scars that remain on the body after burns and injuries. The balm does not contain any chemical components. Its formula is based on beeswax, olive and sea buckthorn oils, calendula extract and vitamins A and E. Natural ingredients quickly resolve fresh blemishes and relieve inflammation. Apply the balm to the problem area under the bandage in a thick layer. A 30 g tube sells for 120 – 150 rubles.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil. The product, rich in vitamins, fatty acids and microelements, removes old scars as much as possible. The oil improves local blood supply, saturates the skin with moisture, causes the growth of healthy cells and exhibits antibacterial properties. It is recommended to apply sea buckthorn oil to the scar under a bandage. This product is not suitable for allergy sufferers.
  6. Tea tree essential oil. The drug is diluted with water 1:3. If a burning sensation or other discomfort occurs during the treatment process, it means that the drug is poorly accepted by the body.

Inexpensive treatments for scars and scars include salicylic acid. This is an aggressive substance that can be used in concentrations of up to 10%. Acid can increase skin irritation and cause even more scarring. It can only be used in consultation with a dermatologist.

Silicone patches

In consumer reviews of various products for scars and scars, comments about the effectiveness of silicone patches are increasingly appearing.

These small plates are attached to the damaged area and over a certain period of time exhibit the following beneficial properties:

  1. Moisturizes and softens compacted epithelium.
  2. Improves the mobility of affected tissue.
  3. Gently stretch the skin while stretching the scar.
  4. They inhibit the growth of fibroblasts, which prevents the area of ​​the scar from increasing.

Silicone patches are a worthy alternative to ointments and gels intended for the correction of scars. They remove both fresh and old traces of injuries and operations.

P.S. However, you should not use any corrective agent without the doctor’s knowledge. Only a specialist can determine the type of scar.

Knowing the type of defect, the doctor will select the most suitable treatment option. The sooner treatment is started, the more chances the patient will have for a favorable resolution of the problem.