Causes, symptoms and treatment of warts on the face

A wart on the face

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do warts look like on the face?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removing warts on the face
    3. Folk remedies

Warts on the face are benign growths, the growth of which is caused by the human papillomavirus. They can be different, but in any case they cause aesthetic discomfort, because... are in plain sight. In most cases, such growths do not provoke the onset of the oncological process, so they can be removed for cosmetic purposes with mandatory drug treatment to prevent relapse.

Causes of warts on the face

HPV 3d model

Human papillomavirus is the cause of epithelial changes. It is considered very contagious; when it gets on the skin, the microorganism takes root quite easily and, when the right moment comes, causes the growth of tumors in various parts of the body, including the growth of warts on the face.

The transmission options for human papillomavirus are:

  1. Contact. Most often, infection occurs through close contact of the skin or mucous membranes with the source of infection - another person infected with HPV. In this regard, the most common method of transmission of the virus is sexual contact. However, it rarely causes the appearance of warts on the face, more often provoking the growth of tumors on the genitals. HPV can also get directly onto the skin of the face through a kiss, or during a visit to a beauty salon, where they are not too concerned about sanitary standards.
  2. Domestic. Within 2-4 hours, the microorganism is able to survive outside the human body, for example, on any household items, personal hygiene items, handrails in public places. Particularly dangerous are places with high humidity - saunas, swimming pools, etc. Of course, in this option the risk is relatively small, but you should still be careful and maintain personal hygiene at a high level to avoid infection.
  3. Self-infection. Usually the growths appear at the site of infection, but sometimes the microorganism can be transferred by hand from one part of the body to another. So, often the cause of the appearance of warts on the face is self-infection. The greatest likelihood occurs if skin formations are already present on the palms, fingers, and in the periungual space. Also, the spread of infection is caused by careless hygiene and cosmetic procedures, for example, shaving, when one growth is damaged with a razor, but the wound is not treated in a timely manner and serves as a source of HPV.
  4. Congenital. We are not talking about transmission of the virus at the genetic level. Infection occurs during the child's passage through the mother's birth canal, which contains benign neoplasms caused by the papilloma virus.

After direct infection, it may take a long time until the first growths appear, including warts on the face. In some cases, neoplasms never appear, so the person is simply a carrier of the disease. On average, the incubation period lasts from 4 weeks to six months.

A convenient moment for HPV activation is a decrease in the body’s defenses, when the human body cannot suppress the pathogen without the help of drugs. The weaker the immune system, the faster warts will appear on the face, the more of them will form in a short time.

A number of factors lead to a decrease in immunity, including:

  1. External factors. This list can include constantly deteriorating environmental conditions, drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking tobacco. We should not forget about the role of nutrition: an unbalanced diet leads to deterioration of health and disruption of the functionality of the entire body, including the immune system. Self-medication with serious medications without making a correct diagnosis and without taking into account contraindications often has a negative impact on the ability to resist infection and prevent the growth of warts on the face.
  2. Diseases. Any disease weakens the body, but HPV pathologies of the immune system, for example, HIV, imbalance of nutrients, and skin diseases, play into the hands of HPV to a greater extent. To protect yourself from infection and progression of HPV, it is necessary to eliminate any health problems in a timely manner.
  3. Hygiene problems and insufficient skin care. The unhindered penetration of the papilloma virus into the epithelium on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin is often caused by the lack of basic personal hygiene habits. This is what causes warts on the face. Ungroomed skin suffers from dryness, irritation, and often becomes chapped; this leads to disruption of cellular metabolism, slows down recovery processes, provokes the formation of small cracks and, therefore, opens the way for infection and the development of a pathological process.
  4. Stress. The answer to the question of why warts appear on the face also lies in the psycho-emotional state of a person. Excessive physical and mental stress weakens the immune system, making a person practically defenseless against any infection.

See also what types of papillomas there are on the face.

What do warts on the face look like?

What do warts look like on the face?

Photo of warts on the face

Warts on the face are benign epithelial tumors, which are sometimes eliminated within 2-3 months with the help of the internal reserves of the human body. Only in extreme cases can they lead to cancer. Therefore, there is a common belief that it is not necessary to treat them. However, we should not forget about other dangers that they pose - the risk of infection for other people, the danger of injury and spread of the lesion, a significant deterioration in appearance, etc.

Without an accurate understanding of what warts on the face look like, these growths can easily be confused with other skin formations, the etiology of which is different from HPV infection, and the wrong treatment tactics can be chosen.

Trauma to a wart often leads to bleeding, because... the body of the growth is penetrated by a capillary network that supplies pathological cells with nutrients.

Facial warts may appear on the nose or forehead, on the cheeks or chin, around the lips, or on the eyelids.

At the initial stage of the pathological process, one growth appears, depending on the strength of the immune system, their number grows with varying intensity. It happens that single tumors grow together.

Types of warts on the face:

  1. Vulgar warts. This type of skin tumor, caused by the human papillomavirus, is the most common. Their sizes range from 1-10 mm. The outline is usually round and the shape is dome-shaped. The growth can stand out significantly against the surface of the skin, protruding beyond its limits by 3-5 mm. It feels compacted and rough. The color may vary depending on age - pale flesh-colored, grayish, brownish. It most often affects children and young adults.
  2. Flat warts are superficial. They are much less common than vulgar ones. Dimensions - 4-8 mm. From the name it becomes clear that the growth has a flat surface extending no higher than 1-2 mm from the skin. It is slightly rough to the touch; upon closer inspection, small fibers are visible. The outline is either rounded or irregular in shape. Color range: flesh-colored, yellowish, brownish. They belong to the category of youth, because most often affects children and adolescents.
  3. Flat warts with deep roots. Such warts on the face are diagnosed less often than other types. They also have dimensions of 4-8 mm. The surface is predominantly flat, slightly rising above the skin, but you can often notice a specific depression in the center of the growth. This is what indicates that the wart on the face has a deep root. This configuration of the tumor ensures the development of pain.
Any wart on the face, hands or other open parts of the body causes great aesthetic discomfort, interferes with applying makeup and performing hygiene procedures, provokes the development of complexes, and also serves as a source of infection. Because of this, you should definitely ask a dermatologist or cosmetologist how to remove a wart on the face most safely and effectively. This disease cannot be ignored.
  1. Read also: how to distinguish a wart from a pimple

Ways to treat warts on the face

The face is a calling card for most people, which is why when growths occur, many people wonder how to remove a wart on the face so that no traces remain. There are many ways, but in each case the approach to choosing a treatment regimen must be individual. Here, the localization is taken into account - on the nose, cheeks, near the eye, on the forehead, chin, and the type of growth, and the strain of the virus, the general condition of the body and the presence of contraindications. Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist after laboratory tests.

Treatment of warts on the face with medications

Preparations for the treatment of warts on the face

In the photo are preparations for warts on the face

The causes of warts on the face and treatment differ for each person. Moreover, at the moment there are simply no drugs aimed at directly destroying HPV. However, some groups of drugs - immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs - are able to provide the necessary effect. They restore the functioning of the immune system, resume the synthesis of the necessary immune cells, which in turn suppress the activity of the virus and block its reproduction.

Currently, doctors often prescribe the following medications to treat warts on the face:

  1. Amiksin. Stimulates the synthesis of interferons and bone marrow stem cells, provokes the creation of the necessary antibodies and significantly reduces the manifestation of immunosuppression. Helps suppress the reproduction of viral cells. Costs from 90 rubles or 45 hryvnia.
  2. Lycopid. An effective stimulator of phagocyte activity and the synthesis of specific antibodies. It starts the process of necrosis of epithelial tumors throughout the body, including destroying warts on the face. The cost is 600 rubles in Russia and 230 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Immunal. Used as an immune stimulant. It does not directly have antiviral activity, but helps strengthen the body. For the treatment of HPV, it is better to prescribe in combination with antiviral drugs. The price in Russia is 200 rubles, in Ukraine - 80 hryvnia.
  4. Kagocel. There are practically no contraindications, because is a very safe antiviral agent. With the correct dosage, it helps to normalize the production of interferons with a subsequent decrease in the viral load. The cost starts from 430 rubles or 200 hryvnia.
  5. Other drugs. Allokin-alpha, Cycloferon, Acyclovir, Arbidol, Isoprinosine, etc.

The following products for external use have the most gentle effect on the skin with warts on the face:

  1. Malavit. It has a gentle effect, eliminates pathogenic microflora from the upper layers of the epidermis, increases local immunity, activating natural antiviral mechanisms, and also disrupts the blood supply to warts, which contributes to their destruction. The price in Russia is from 188 rubles, and in Ukraine – from 110 hryvnia.
  2. Betadine. This is an iodine based ointment. It disinfects the skin well and burns out warts on the face. Helps the body fight the papilloma virus. Shows high effectiveness in the fight against various types of warts on the face, other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Price - 150 rubles or 80 hryvnia.
  3. Viferon. This is an interferon-based antiviral ointment with additional functions. The tocopherol contained in the composition not only enhances the effect of the main component of the medicinal formula, but also accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells and normalizes metabolism. Peach oil and other ingredients soften the epidermis and nourish it. The use of Viferon as part of complex therapy for the removal of warts on the face can speed up recovery and reduce the risk of relapse. Price - 150 rubles or 140 hryvnia.
  4. Papiderm. The composition includes plant components - potato shoots, cordyceps, maclura, black walnut, shiitake mushrooms, which have an antiviral and restorative effect. Should be taken both orally and externally. The complex effect ensures a rapid decrease in viral activity and destruction of growths. Cost - 360 rubles, 250 hryvnia.

Analogues of the above-mentioned topical products for warts on the face are Clareol, Ferezol, Panavir, Superchistotel, Dermavit and others.

In addition, vitamin and mineral complexes can be prescribed to treat HPV and get rid of warts, which have a significant beneficial effect on the entire body. The work of all organs and systems depends on the balance of vitamins, microelements, and macroelements.

Radical removal of warts on the face

Removing warts on the face

Removal of warts on the face is best done within the walls of a qualified medical facility with experienced staff and high-quality equipment. This will reduce the risks of wound infection and reappearance of growths, as well as minimize the chances of scar formation.

The methods for removing warts on the face offered by various clinics ensure the highly effective procedure and maximum safety. Most of them are minimally invasive. However, small wounds can often form, which usually heal in a matter of days. The patient is obliged to carry out daily treatment in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions and avoid injury, so as not to delay the recovery process and not provoke the appearance of scars.

The choice of method and the cost of each procedure is calculated based on the location of the wart on the face, the number of tumors and their type. The length of stay in the specialist’s office also depends on these same indicators.

Clinics offer the following methods for removing warts on the face:

  1. Laser burning. The most popular method, taking into account the ratio of the cost of the procedure and its effectiveness. Requires local anesthesia. It acts layer by layer, which ensures high-precision execution. When carried out correctly, it does not injure healthy cells at all. The execution time is several minutes. Healing of the scar and smoothing of the skin occurs in 10-14 days. The cost in Russian clinics is from 1000 rubles, in Ukrainian medical institutions - from 400 hryvnia. See also reviews about laser removal of papilloma.
  2. Radio wave removal. Excision using radio waves of various frequencies is considered the safest, less traumatic and painless method. The danger of bleeding is reduced to zero, because During the procedure, not only the wart on the face is excised, but also the blood vessels are simultaneously sealed. Due to its advantages and the absence of strict contraindications, the method is quite expensive. The price of the procedure is at least 2000 rubles or 700 hryvnia.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Excision occurs under the influence of electric current. This method is well suited for removing vulgar warts, but is practically not used for deep-rooted growths. After a rehabilitation period of about 7 days, complete healing occurs. With superficial exposure there are no scars. The minimum price for the procedure is 1000 rubles in Russia or 300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Cryodestruction. Allows you to easily remove both vulgar and flat warts on the face. However, it has its significant disadvantages - there is no guarantee of ultra-precise impact. It happens that the growth is not completely frozen, which is why it is necessary to repeat the procedure or resort to another method of destruction. In another case, a larger amount of liquid nitrogen may be supplied, followed by freezing and necrosis of healthy cells. The price in Russia is from 400 rubles, in Ukraine – from 220 hryvnia.
  5. Excision with a surgical scalpel. It is used to remove warts on the face in exceptional cases when the use of alternative methods is impossible or in the case of a large lesion. Local anesthesia is required. The method is the most traumatic, because... The tissue surrounding the growth is also removed with a scalpel. Bleeding almost always occurs, which is immediately stopped by the surgeon. Often it is necessary to apply cosmetic stitches. The recovery period is the longest and requires more attention to prevent infection of the wounds. The price is relatively low - 500 rubles or 300 hryvnia.
  6. Chemical destruction. Also, in many medical institutions, warts on the face are removed using chemicals that burn away the growths from the body. The impact should be targeted to avoid damage to skin cells. Some drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is better to avoid removing growths on the face at home so as not to provoke the appearance of burns and scars.
Radical removal of warts on the face eliminates visible skin defects, but does not guarantee that the growths will not grow back. A competent comprehensive treatment regimen, including antiviral drugs and immunostimulating agents, should always be prescribed.

Folk remedies to combat warts on the face

Rosehip decoction for warts on the face

You can get rid of warts on the face at home, since there are a large number of folk remedies that provoke the destruction of such growths. However, you need to remember that their independent removal almost always involves the risk of injury to healthy tissue and the formation of unaesthetic scars. Therefore, it is not recommended to use aggressive compounds to eliminate warts.

More gentle folk remedies for removing warts on the face are:

  1. Horseradish and salt mixture. Mix the ingredients - 5 g of salt and 10 ml of horseradish juice. Rub it into the wart on the face. To avoid damaging healthy tissue, you can use a cotton swab and apply the mixture pointwise. To remove a wart on the face more effectively, you can apply a compress to the affected area for 10 minutes, then wash with cool water. The daily frequency of the procedure is 2 times a day. If you have the slightest suspicion of an undesirable reaction - itching, redness, swelling - you should discard this remedy.
  2. Decoction for immunity. As a base, take 200 g of rose hips, pour 600 ml of water over the berries and cook for 20-25 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for 30 minutes. The decoction is divided into 4 servings and taken morning and evening for 30 days.
  3. Antiviral tincture. 100 g of wormwood herb is poured into 500 ml of pure alcohol and left for 2 weeks. The strained liquid is taken 5 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Can be used externally to destroy warts on the face.
  4. Decoction to boost immunity. 20 g of ingredients - St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, birch buds - are taken in equal quantities, poured with boiling water (250-300 ml) and kept on low heat for up to 40 minutes. Cool and take 150 ml every 8 hours if possible.
  5. Antiseptic tincture. The main ingredient is green walnuts, 200 g, crushed, pour 400 ml of kerosene. Leave for 10-15 days, strain and apply for external treatment of warts on the face or scars after their radical removal.
  6. Tea for HPV. Ingredients: 10 g each of tricolor violet and plantain flowers, 20 g each of clover, St. John's wort and calamus root inflorescences, 30 g of dill seeds - grind in a coffee grinder. Place the mixture for storage in a tightly sealed glass jar. For tea, take 20 g of the mixture and brew it in a thermos with the addition of 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours, take 1 glass three times a day for warts on the face.

Read also: how to remove papillomas with honey?

How to get rid of warts on the face - watch the video:

In addition to the proposed treatment methods, it would be a good idea to eat only healthy foods rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. This will certainly support the body and better resist the attack of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

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