Open bite

An open bite is an incorrect bite in which the upper jaw partially overlaps the lower jaw, causing the upper teeth to overlap the lower teeth (although this depends on the situation: it happens with an open lateral bite, when the lateral teeth are also broken, and in other cases only the upper tooth is considered open row). An undesirable variant of the bite, characterized by incomplete closure of the jaws. An open bite can have a negative impact on the proper alignment of teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay, plaque formation, and other oral health problems. Also, with such a bite, it is possible to change the position of the head, disrupt the respiratory tract, blood circulation, etc., in some cases the psycho-emotional state is affected. There can be several reasons for an Open bite: previous illnesses (influenza), disorders of the development of the jaw or jaw apparatus in childhood, heredity, postpartum complications (muscle strains, injuries, cramps, etc.), limited mobility of the temporomandibular joints. The anomaly can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. The last form of deviation is much more dangerous. If the child does not have teeth, a plate may be installed. Children older than the threshold (usually 7-8 years) are recommended to wear braces of various designs. The child needs to maintain careful hygiene, brush his teeth twice a day and use special brushes for additional cleaning of the spaces between the teeth. It is important to teach him not to chew too hard food. Depending on the degree of jaw discrepancy, an open bite has various manifestations and features and can appear either in the upper part of the dentofacial system or on the lower jaw arch. Based on the degree of overlap of the upper or lower jaw, **3 clinical stages can be distinguished:** - I degree - open cutting, traumatic, scar-atrophic, ersatz, traumatic and morphologically altered types of bite are distinguished; - II degree - 5 types of open bite according to Levy; - III degree – 4 variants of open bite according to Germanovich and Elibrechter.

An open bite is a condition where the upper and lower jaws do not meet completely and form a gap between the teeth. This can be caused by various reasons, such as improper placement of teeth, lack of space for them in the jaw, impaired tooth growth, etc.

Possible consequences of an open bite

An open bite can cause many problems, including:

1. Problems with the stomach and intestines. Open spaces between teeth can cause food trauma, which in turn can lead to diseases of the digestive tract. 2. Oral health problems. Incomplete closure of teeth can create a space where bacteria and food debris accumulate, which is a favorable environment for the development of tooth decay and other diseases. 3. Problems in pronunciation of sounds. An open bite can cause problems pronouncing sounds such as "s", "sh",