The use of retinol acetate in cosmetology

Retinol for facial skin is used in the fight for its ideal condition. It successfully helps cope with acne, reduces wrinkles, and slows down aging. This vitamin has an unpleasant taste (many people remember fish oil) perfectly stimulates the body to produce natural collagen and prevents its withering.


Therefore, in order for your face to remain young for a long time, it is not necessary to rush to cosmetologists for radical measures. You need to learn how to use retinol correctly and constantly. And we will help you with this. This vitamin is not as simple as it might seem at first.

Effect on skin

Cosmetologists know retinol firsthand. At first it was used for problems with acne, for the treatment and prevention of this pathology. This is how its healing properties were revealed. Later, thanks to research, its ability to smooth the skin and increase its elasticity was determined.

New advances regarding the usefulness of this vitamin have proven that retinol in cosmetology is an effective remedy, especially in relation to human skin rejuvenation. It is recommended to take it not only with food, but also with special creams and lotions for facial skin care.

Having a low molecular weight of the substance, the vitamin easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and, accumulating there, stimulates cell division and strengthens collagen fibers. It also regulates the processes of pigmentation and keratinization of cells. Regardless of age and skin condition, it promotes the formation of new cells, smooth out wrinkles and improve the overall condition of facial skin.


The presence of dry and irritable skin is one of the main signs of vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, retinol acetate is indicated for use for:

  1. dermatitis of all forms as a sedative;
  2. inflammation of the lips (cheilitis) - the pathology is easily eliminated if they are constantly lubricated with an oil solution of the vitamin:
  3. disruption of protein synthesis, which makes itself known through rough, flaky skin;
  4. first wrinkles;
  5. skin cracks.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

Retinol is vitamin A in its pure form. In nature, it is found in sufficient quantities in fish oil, liver, butter, cottage cheese and eggs. The second form of the vitamin, carotenoids, is found in all green and yellow fruits and vegetables.


But it has been scientifically proven that even the most correct and nutritious diet cannot provide a sufficient amount of this substance in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take additional vitamin complexes with retinol, the need for which is very different in different seasons of the year. So, in winter it is required much less than in hot summer. The balance of this vitamin must be replenished after X-ray examination.

The main signs of retinol deficiency:

  1. early skin aging, wrinkles, acne and seborrheic dermatitis;
  2. pain intolerance;
  3. dry hair and dandruff;
  4. sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  5. frequent intestinal infections and gastritis;
  6. pain in the eyes, dryness of their mucous membranes, redness of the eyelids;
  7. vision problems in low light (“night blindness”);
  8. respiratory pathologies, if they occur frequently;
  9. exhaustion;
  10. anemia.

Beneficial features

No one disputes the benefits of vitamin A for the body. But retinol is no less important in cosmetology. Its correct and long-term use increases the production of hyaluronic acid, which affects skin elasticity.

But it not only rejuvenates the skin of the face, but also helps well in the fight against acne. The vitamin improves blood circulation, allows pores to function normally, and prevents scarring, which usually happens after acne.


Among the positive properties of retinol are:

  1. the ability to provide rapid skin regeneration;
  2. nourishing and moisturizing the skin, ridding it of toxic substances;
  3. relief of inflammatory processes;
  4. stimulating skin blood circulation;
  5. strengthening blood vessels and preventing the appearance of vascular networks on the face;
  6. getting rid of blackheads;
  7. alignment of the facial contour.

Everyone over 30 should start using retinol-based products in order to take timely measures to preserve youth and slow down aging. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account not just the presence of the substance in the cream or serum, but the level of its concentration. The higher it is, the more effectively the product will affect the restoration of elastin and collagen, and skin elasticity. In home care products, the figure should be at least 2%.

Which form should I choose?

Retinol has an oily structure. It reacts sensitively to light and loses its structure from it. Therefore, packaging with it is always dark in color and is not transparent. When choosing a drug, the best one is one that is distributed in doses, which minimizes the access of air to it. In its pure form, retinol is produced in the form:

  1. oil capsules - to use the required amount of vitamin. To do this, it is pierced with something thin and the contents are squeezed out. Therefore, the capsule is suitable for both internal and external use, for example, as part of masks;
  2. injection solution - the highest concentration of retinol is here. Therefore, the solution is used for its intended purpose and for the preparation of lotions, since this product does not leave greasy marks;
  3. oil solution - usually offered in a dark bottle. It can be applied to the skin before bed if it is dry, and taken (a couple of drops) before breakfast. This solution is suitable for adding to homemade scrubs;
  4. tablets - they contain the lowest concentration of retinol, since it is mainly produced in the form of a multivitamin complex. Tablets are suitable for internal use only.


Who shouldn't

Retinol itself and products containing it are not recommended for everyone. Having the ability to penetrate the body even if it is used externally, vitamin A can cause health problems if it is in excess. Ignoring contraindications and restrictions can lead to other undesirable consequences. Retinol acetate should not be taken:

  1. if you are prone to allergies - this is especially true for those whose skin is too sensitive. Therefore, it is useful to test for an allergic reaction by smearing the substance on the skin on the wrist;
  2. for women who are about to give birth and are breastfeeding - the vitamin can affect the fetus during pregnancy and after it (through breast milk);
  3. for those who have pathologies of the bile ducts and liver, a drainage effect may occur;
  4. with active sun (especially if the skin is too white), ultraviolet rays provoke the formation of age spots that are not so easy to remove.

You should not start using vitamin A with large doses. Otherwise, the skin that is accustomed to it will not respond to its further healing effects. You should also avoid using retinol if you have open wounds or severe purulent rashes.

Cosmetics with vitamins

Every year, cosmetics manufacturers produce many products that contain retinol for the skin. You always want to choose the perfect product for your facial skin. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to its type. You should pay attention to the excipients. If everything is correctly arranged and fits perfectly, the result will always be effective.

Some of the best vitamin A products include:

  1. Retinol Fusion PM is a serum for night use. It helps fight fine wrinkles, varicose veins, and acne. Suitable for any skin;
  2. Korff Lifting is a pencil that contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Solves problems in the area around the eyes, especially fine wrinkles;
  3. Regetsin is a gel containing, in addition to retinol, zinc. Effectively solves acne problems, has a softening effect on the skin;
  4. Retin-A Trans - a cream containing the most active form of vitamin A, works well both for teenage rashes and for solving problems with aging skin;
  5. Advanced Revitalization Cream - a cream with retinol acetate that helps smooth the skin and eliminate expression lines;
  6. Avene Eluage is a cream against active skin aging and to give it elasticity. Indicated for dry skin. Hyaluronic acid, which is an active additional substance in its composition, helps to quickly smooth out wrinkles;
  7. L'OREAL Revitalift is an inexpensive but effective night cream with a beneficial effect on complexion and texture. Absorbs quickly without leaving any traces;
  8. Retinol + magnesium is a cream from Belarusian manufacturers that slows down skin aging and restores its elasticity.


It is impossible not to mention retinoic ointment produced in Russia, which can only be bought in pharmacies. The result after its use is visible immediately.

Features of application

Smearing your face with retinol is not as simple as it might seem at first. All products containing it, and it itself, do not have a quick effect. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If you need to get a quick result, your doctor may recommend a product containing retinoids of synthetic origin, which are structural analogues of vitamin A. Artificial retinoids are more aggressive, so their use without the advice of a specialist is not indicated.

Another feature of the vitamin that you need to know about. At the first stage of using retinol, the condition of the skin may not improve, but even worsen. Newly formed cells begin to displace damaged ones, and this process will manifest itself as rashes and peeling. It’s better to mentally prepare yourself for this in advance.

Cosmetologists advise applying retinol products to a cleansed face at night and in small portions. The skin will be able to gradually get used to the component. If the product is used for the first time, then at the slightest discomfort you should stop using it regularly. It will be enough to do this every other day.

As for the method of application, this is done using a spot method, starting from the area where the wrinkles are located, and then throughout the face. The order depends on the purpose for which the cream or lotion is used. To obtain a noticeable result and for a daily procedure, it is advisable to use the drug for two months, after which the application can be reduced.


It is better to start using a cream with retinol in the autumn-winter period. At this time, the skin is not exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Homemade masks with retinol

Do-it-yourself vitamin A products are not inferior to official manufacturers in terms of effectiveness. Here are some mask recipes:

  1. with aloe vera - 1 tsp. nourishing night cream that suits your skin type, mix 10 drops of vitamin A in oil and 5 drops of agave juice in a glass container and apply generously to steamed, clean skin. In 20 minutes. wipe off the residue with a cotton swab;
  2. with olive oil - mix the contents of one ampoule of retinol with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, apply to cleansed face, and after half an hour remove using a napkin;
  3. with cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and full-fat cottage cheese, mix 10 drops of retinol until smooth, and then apply to cleansed skin. After half an hour, the mask is washed off and the face is smeared with night cream;
  4. with sour cream - 1 tsp. full-fat cottage cheese, one ampoule of retinol and 1 tsp. Grind the fat sour cream, spread over the face and wait 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream according to your skin type;
  5. from butter and honey - mix 1 tsp. liquid natural honey, burdock and almond oils and 0.5 tsp. oil solution of retinol, apply to the face, gently massaging it. After half an hour, remove the residue with a napkin, retinol solution in the form of oil - 0.5 teaspoon. Mix all the ingredients, apply to your face and massage it lightly. Wait 30 minutes and then remove excess with a napkin;
  6. for problem skin – mix cosmetic white clay with egg white, gradually adding 3 drops of lemon juice and the contents of 1 retinol capsule. The resulting mixture should be as thick as sour cream. After applying it to your face, you should leave the mixture until it dries completely, then remove it with a moistened cotton pad or napkin.


Using all of the above products to rejuvenate and maintain the skin in perfect condition, one should not forget about the need to consume foods that contain a lot of vitamin A. These are meat, liver, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, etc.

Creams, masks and other products with retinol, if used regularly, can work wonders without Botox, fillers and constant visits to beauty salons. You can take care of yourself at home using the power of retinol. True, we should not forget that only an integrated approach to this issue will help your skin always remain at its best and delight you with its well-groomed, youthful and beautiful appearance.

To achieve healthy and youthful skin, you need to nourish it with vitamins. Retinol, or otherwise vitamin A, was one of the first discovered by scientists. Initially, it was used only internally, but over the years this remedy has become widespread in cosmetology. The use of retinol acetate for facial skin is due to its profound effect on the growth of healthy cells. The use of retinol acetate at home is quite common.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate is used for skin regeneration and restoration. It has a deep moisturizing effect. The molecules that make up vitamin A are lightweight, due to which they penetrate into the deepest layers. Retinol acetate acts on the outer layer of the epidermis while eliminating inflammation from the inside.

The drug for oral administration is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are preparing to conceive a child. Vitamin A components cleanse the body from the inside. For oral administration, tablets and even specially selected vitamin complexes are used.


But before you start taking retinol acetate, consult your doctor.

Beneficial properties for facial skin:

  1. increases the skin’s resistance to factors that irritate the epidermis from the outside, for example, sunlight;
  2. relieves itching during inflammatory processes;
  3. cleanses and removes toxins;
  4. improves blood circulation and provides the inner layers of the dermis with nutrition;
  5. strengthens the vascular system, eliminates spider veins;
  6. eliminates acne and improves pore function;
  7. renews the upper layers of the epidermis due to fruit acids;
  8. Having antioxidant properties, it helps to overcome the initial signs of aging and enhances collagen production.

Release forms

Retinol acetate is available in several forms:

  1. Oil solution. Has a texture similar to vitamin E. Used for dry, sensitive skin. The oils included in the preparation perfectly nourish and moisturize. To achieve the best effect, drink a teaspoon of solution after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Injection. Although this form is intended for injections and droppers, it is often used by cosmetologists. A water solution is more convenient to use, especially if you do it yourself at home. It does not leave greasy marks and has a high concentration of nutrients.
  3. Tablets and capsules. They contain a minimal amount of vitamin A. Tablets are often combined with other mineral and nutritional compounds.

Women who have used different forms speak best of concentrated solutions of retinol acetate, since it is the one that is more effective.

Indications for use of retinol acetate for the face

Vitamin A is often included in cosmetics for facial skin - masks, serums and creams. Cosmetologists recommend using vitamin supplements for women over 30 years of age. At this time, a deficiency of collagen fibers is formed. At a younger age, an alternative means of combating wrinkles will be proper nutrition and natural retinol masks. In its natural form, vitamin A is found in orange fruits and vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, etc.

For what problems is the use of retinol acetate indicated:

  1. dark spots;
  2. acne, pimples, comedones;
  3. presence of wrinkles;
  4. skin has lost elasticity;
  5. pores are overly enlarged;
  6. uneven color and texture of the face;
  7. rosacea;
  8. poor functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is recommended to use such cosmetics in winter, because low temperatures give vitamin A a greater effect. In addition, it is better to apply cosmetics before going to bed at night, since metabolic processes are activated at night.

Homemade face masks with retinol acetate

Vitamin A face masks are easy to prepare at home. This is a worthy alternative to expensive store-bought products. They will help make the skin elastic, restore youth and a healthy appearance.


  1. Anti-inflammatory. You will need 10 drops of retinol acetate in liquid form, 1 teaspoon of agave extract and a tablespoon of baby cream. Mix everything and apply to your face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse your face with water.
  2. Moisturizing, for dry skin. Mix one vitamin capsule and a tablespoon of oil. You can take jojoba or olive oil. The solution is distributed over the face without rinsing. After some time, blot the remaining mixture with a paper napkin.
  3. Rejuvenating. Mix burdock oil, honey and almond seeds, 1 teaspoon each. Add the drug solution in the same proportion and mix well. Apply to face and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Mask with clay and retinol acetate for acne. Dilute any type of clay with mineral water in equal proportions and add one capsule of the drug. Apply to face, leave for 20–25 minutes, then rinse.
  5. For oily skin. Vitamin A and a dairy product, such as whey or kefir, are mixed. A napkin is soaked in this mixture, applied to the face and left for half an hour.
  6. For dry skin. When the face is dry and flaky, an oil solution and glycerin in liquid form will help. The mask is applied to the face and is not washed off afterwards.

Reviews about the drug

Ekaterina, 42 years old: “I have heard a lot of positive reviews about retinol acetate. I tried it to improve my complexion, as my skin is dull and sallow. I added an oil solution to cosmetic products with aloe, and my face began to look fresh and acquired an even color.”

Valentina, 30 years old: “I was looking for Belarusian cream with vitamin A in stores, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I decided to add the pharmaceutical product to the cream myself. I bought injection ampoules and added them to the jar. But the skin turned red and tightened after applying the product. It turned out that the concentration of retinol acetate was too high, I added too much. Now I add less and the result is pleasing. The face is refreshed and tightened, wrinkles have decreased.”

Vitamin A has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, retinol for facial skin can accelerate metabolic processes, which is why it is often used for acne and to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate and palmitate are vitamin A that is often used to regenerate facial skin. It is characterized by strong regenerating and moisturizing properties. At the same time, the molecules of this substance have a very small molecular weight, due to which they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to influence not only the studded layer, but also the deep ones, eliminating internal inflammatory processes.


Retinol for face

It is prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and preparation for childbirth. This substance helps cleanse the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. By the way, there are special tablets or entire complexes of nutrients and minerals for internal use.

Benefits of retinol for facial skin:

  1. It is a natural antioxidant. It helps to increase the resistance of the epidermis to external irritating factors, protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays, and relieve itching during the inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin A is able to cleanse the skin of various toxins;
  2. The substance helps improve blood circulation. This allows you to provide the necessary nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis;
  3. The product strengthens blood vessels. This is a significant advantage in eliminating blood vessels on the face;
  4. Retinol peeling will help remove acne, subcutaneous pimples and blackheads, as well as ensure normal pore function. It is performed together with fruit acids, due to which it completely renews the top layer of the skin;
  5. It helps fight the primary signs of aging due to its strong antioxidant and moisturizing properties. It strengthens collagen and elastane fibers, and also “provokes” their increased work.

Retinol is available in the following forms:

  1. Injection. Despite the name, it is often used in cosmetology practice. It is this form of retinol that is most convenient to use at home. It absorbs quickly, leaves no residue on clothing and is known for its high concentration of nutrients;
  2. Oil solution. Externally, it is very similar to a solution of tocopherol acetate or vitamin E. It is recommended to apply it to dry or sensitive facial skin. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, this type of vitamin will help not only deeply nourish, but also moisturize the skin. For the best effect, you can drink a spoonful of acetate in the morning on an empty stomach;
  3. Tablets or capsules. Known for their low vitamin content. Here, retinol is most often combined with other nutritional and mineral components.

Reviews claim that a concentrated solution of retinol for the face has the most powerful effect.

Instructions on how to use retinol

Masks with this vitamin have excellent effectiveness: they significantly speed up metabolic processes, due to which you can get rid of various skin problems in a short time. They can be used to eliminate almost all known aesthetic skin problems. The simplest application option is to apply the solution in its pure form.

Apply the solution to cleansed skin and do not wash off the mixture. If possible, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight. If it is more convenient to do it during the day, you can leave the solution for 20 minutes.

For acne on the face Retinol in oil helps a lot. You need to mix blue clay in equal proportions with water, then add ½ part of the vitamin to the mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave until it hardens. You can repeat it every other day.

For severe comedones or ulcers You can make masks with aloe and vitamin A. The leaf of the plant is broken off and cut along the growth line of the spines. The pulp is scraped out with a teaspoon. After this, it is mixed with a vitamin ampoule. For severe inflammatory processes, only 3 masks are enough to relieve skin soreness.

Lifting effect provides a remedy with raw potatoes and eggs. This mask with retinol has not only a strong cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. Potato helps tighten collagen fibers, while egg and retinol nourish and refresh the epidermis. Half a potato is grated on a fine grater, and 1 egg and 1 spoon of retinol are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest, neck and face.


Photo - Retinol and tocopherol

Also for intensive hydration The use of retinol and honey is suitable. This natural sweetness has excellent nutritional and brightening properties. Honey is heated to a liquid state, after which vitamin is added to it. If desired, you can also add any suitable vegetable oil. Keep the mixture on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

The only thing more useful than one vitamin is a mixture of them. For deep nutrition and hydration and eliminating age spots, it is recommended to buy acetate, tocopherol and vitamin B12 at the pharmacy. All these substances are mixed in equal quantities and applied to problem areas. An important fact is that it is not advisable to use the mixture just a few hours after its preparation - all the vitamins have evaporated and there will be no effect. Keep the solution for no more than 30 minutes. You can repeat it 2 times a week.

Video: retinol for acne and wrinkles

Professional and pharmacy products

Many cosmetics manufacturers (both domestic and foreign) offer girls various ready-made products with vitamin A. Let’s consider the most famous names of products with retinol for the face (the list contains both creams and masks, tonics and ointments):

Name Properties
Retinol Fusion PM Night serum with retinol for face It contains pure, concentrated retinol, which helps solve the problems of breakouts, early wrinkles or spider veins. This cosmetics is used for all types of epidermis.
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream RoK is an effective night moisturizer with retinol for the face. It is used in particularly difficult cases when the skin is dry and prone to flaking. In addition to vitamin A, the composition also contains shea butter and ascorbic acid.
Korff Lifting pencil with hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, compressing elastane fibers. Retinol deeply moisturizes the skin at this time.
Regetsin A special medicinal gel with a powerful vitamin composition. Prescribed for seborrhea, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Eliminates pain, itching, whitens the epidermis.
Proteik Gf Contains pro-xylan and retinol. Helps eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Retin-A Cream (Tretinoin) Sold by prescription only. It has an effect similar to AHA peeling, so you need to use the product carefully. Intensively restores the skin, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles.
Belita-Vitex Retinol+magnesium Belarusian manufacturers are known for the high quality of their products. Belita cream is a worthy replacement for expensive imported products. It contains magnesium, which provides intensive tissue restoration.
Thiogamma This is a rejuvenating tonic with vitamin A. It is used as an additional means of combating wrinkles. Does not contain alcohol, so can be used for dry and sensitive skin.
Shiseido Benefit WrinkleResist24 Mask for the skin around the eyes. Helps instantly remove swelling and bruises. Its duration of action is 5 minutes, so the drug is classified as an emergency drug.

Of all the listed products, it is necessary to highlight Russian-made retinoic ointment. You can buy this product with retinol for the face only at the pharmacy, its price is about $1. According to reviews, this remedy will help solve almost all age-related problems, and the effect is noticeable after the first use.