Signs that indicate vomiting

Nausea and retching precede vomiting. If the patient's lips twitch and you detect upward tension of the false ribs, assume that vomiting will occur. As for the signs of the presence of bad, putrid juice that induces vomiting, then if the juice is hot, it is thirst, bad taste in the mouth and a clearly putrid odor from the mouth. A sign that the juice is purulent is detection of this by vomiting and severe irritation by stomach juice, although the stomach is light, since the juice causes suffering due to its quality, not quantity. A sign of the presence of good, non-malignant juice, which has such an effect due to its quantity, is the absence of stench and putrefactive odor from the mouth, bad taste in the mouth and malignant vomiting. If the juice is thin, vomiting is calmed by tart medicines, and if it is thick, thinning medicines are used. The presence of liquid juice is indicated by an abundance of moisture, an abundance of non-cancerous vomiting, an abundance of feces and an abundance of saliva, especially if the vomiting was preceded by indigestion. A sign that the cause of vomiting is a disorder of the nature of the mouth of the stomach is the following: the mouth of the stomach cannot withstand what comes into it and moves to vomit the contents. As for the signs of nature and vomiting due to the involvement of the brain, liver or uterus, these are signs of diseases of the brain, liver and other organs.