Signs of predominance of one or another juice

As for blood, when it predominates, the signs of this are identical with the signs of overflow in relation to the vessels. Therefore, from the predominance of blood, there is heaviness in the body, especially at the base of the eyes, in the head and temples, a desire to stretch, yawning, constant attacks of drowsiness, weakening of feelings, dullness of thought, exhaustion without previous fatigue, an unusual sensation of sweetness in the mouth and redness of the tongue. Often boils appear on the body, pimples appear in the mouth, and bleeding also occurs from places where blood vessels easily rupture, such as the nostrils, anus, and gums. The predominance of blood is indicated by the nature of a person, the previous mode of his life, country, age, customs, a long absence of bloodletting and dreams testifying to this, for example, when you see red things in a dream or that you are bleeding profusely, or that you have been dipped in blood, or see something similar to what we mentioned before.

A sign of the predominance of mucus is excessive whiteness of the face, flabby and soft body to the touch, coldness of the skin, abundance and viscosity of saliva, little thirst, unless the mucus is salty, especially in old age, weakness of digestion, sour belching, colorless urine, the ability to sleep a lot, general lethargy, relaxation of the nerves, dullness, soft, slow and rare pulse.

This is also indicated by age, customs, previous regime, nature of work, terrain, dreams, when a person sees water, a river, snow, rain and a thunderstorm with hail.

The predominance of bile is indicated by a yellow complexion and 6a eyes, bitterness in the mouth, rough and dry tongue, dry nose, pleasure from the cool wind, intense thirst, rapid pulse, weak appetite, nausea, vomiting of yellow and green bile, burning diarrhea, “ goosebumps,” as if being pricked with needles, age, previous regime, nature, customs, locality, time of year, work, dreams, when a person sees lights, yellow banners and sees yellow things in which there is no yellowness. He sees in a dream flames, heat in a bathhouse, the sun, and the like.

As for the predominance of black bile, the signs of this are gray color and pallor of the face, blackness and thickness of blood, excessive anxiety and thoughtfulness, burning at the mouth of the stomach, false appetite, thick dark, black or red urine, dark, hairy body, - excess black bile. bile rarely originates in white bodies with sparse hair, - as well as the frequency of occurrence of black bahak and bad ulcers, diseases of the spleen, age, nature, customs, locality, work, time of year, previous regime and terrible dreams when one dreams of darkness, abysses, black things and all sorts of passions.