The simplest yard sports facilities

The editors of the website often receive letters from numerous of our readers asking them to tell us in detail about this or that. sports facility typical yard sports grounds. As is known, not everything courtyard areas can boast of a good sports town or a mini complex for physical education. Many enthusiasts are trying to solve this problem on their own. It is for such people that this and subsequent articles in this section are dedicated.

When constructing courtyard stadiums, they use two main options for equipping sports facilities:

  1. A courtyard mini-stadium, including one sports and playground, a sports and recreation center equipped with a variety of sports equipment and exercise equipment, and short warm-up treadmills.
  2. A courtyard stadium equipped with a complex of sports equipment and training equipment. In essence, it is a physical education and sports room (hall) in the open air. This version of a courtyard stadium is the most common, accessible, and widespread. It is as close as possible to where people live. In terms of its equipment, it best suits the interests and capabilities of people living in adjacent houses.

Difficulties are associated, as a rule, with the selection, manufacture, acquisition, placement and installation of sports equipment and exercise equipment. We have developed in our country several options for equipping courtyard stadiums, differing in the presence or absence of sports and playgrounds for various games - volleyball, basketball, handball, hockey (by the way, about the latter - here is an interesting organization for the production of hockey boxes), and the location of equipment and exercise equipment.

In the next series of articles, we will briefly look at the classic sports facilities that are equipped in our backyard areas. Each such sports facility will contain a brief mini characteristic, application features and standard sizes, if necessary, for independent implementation from available means...

The proposed options can be changed taking into account the size of the free yard space, material and technical capabilities, interests and characteristics of those involved. We hope that you will find the technical description of the main equipment and training equipment recommended for installation at a backyard stadium, which we will provide you with in our next materials, useful.

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