
Anti-curl is a person’s condition when he sees his problem only from one side and denies the presence of other options for solving it. A situation can be said to occur when a person insists on continuing their current behavior even in the face of arguments from third parties that indicate that this pattern of behavior will lead to negative consequences and make life more difficult for all parties involved.

*Curl is a belief in which a person puts his own interests above the common good.*

This contradicts obvious facts. But the one who adheres to this belief will adhere to it to the last. There may be conflict between individuals and conflict between society. The consequences of a conflict with society are mostly negative, and the conflict within an individual is less obvious to its participants, but the consequences can be much more significant, since you have to fight with yourself. For example, how to explain to a child what is more important: to establish a relationship with his mother or to study with excellent marks and in the future receive approval to enter a university? What is better: giving roses to your sister or giving a gift to your younger brother?

Why do they use such distorted thinking? They try to take the path of least resistance and look for ways to maximize complacency. Thus, those who constantly adhere to this ideal of thinking often begin to commit inappropriate actions in order to find themselves, because the search leads to a change in thinking and a rejection of previous ideas.

On this page we will look at what anti-frizz is and why it can be a serious problem for patients suffering from various ear conditions. Read below for a description of such operations!

What is an antihelix? The antihelix (angelix, English anthelix) is an inverted U-shaped fold of skin that is located on the outer edge of the auricle and can lead to a number of problems. This defect causes discomfort and in some cases can even cause chronic discomfort, hearing loss and other health complications.

Antihelix occurs for many reasons, ranging from ear infections or injuries to genetic predisposition. However, in most cases, the onset of antihelic occurs in young people and is associated with hormonal changes, improper biting or other problems related to the development of the body.

Most often, an antihelix does not pose a threat to the patient’s life and can be successfully operated on, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. However, surgery can also eliminate many potential complications and improve the patient's overall ear health.

What are the consequences for the ears due to the occurrence of antihelix? The presence of antihelic can cause a number of ear health problems and lead to certain complications. One of the main difficulties is chronic hearing loss, which can occur due to constant irritation of the skin located under the antihelical. Chronic hearing loss can be permanent and may be accompanied by tinnitus and other symptoms.

Another serious danger to hearing health is the possibility of wax plugs forming inside the ear canal. Earwax is caused by the accumulation of wax and dust in the ear canal and is one of the most common ear-related diseases. The presence of antihelisk increases the risk of wax plugs because it prevents the passage of wax from the ear canal to the opening of the middle ear, which leads from the outer ear to the inner ear. Antihelic can also cause ear infections and hearing disorders.

In addition, the presence of antihelic is a potential factor for incoordination, as it can not only cause chronic hearing problems, but also make it difficult to properly direct sound towards the head.

Treatment of anticheilics by professional doctors Surgical treatment of antihelics should be carried out by qualified specialists in the field of ear and nose surgery. They will conduct a full examination and analysis of the causes of the problem, and, based on this, will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Treatment for antichelicosis may include endoscopy of the ear to check the extent of the obstruction, if necessary. Listed below are the main treatments that may be used. Endoscopy This treatment involves using a miniature camera that is inserted through a slightly cut skin in the outer ear and secured there. The camera helps the doctor see the problem and determine the location of the antihelical. Upon completion of this examination, the doctor will be able to suggest effective treatment