Causes of acne on one side of the face

You will be surprised, but in modern medicine there is a map of acne. It clearly illustrates the connection between purulent inflammations on the face and diseases of the internal organs of a person. Diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, irritations of the gastrointestinal tract are especially clearly reflected on the face of the female part of the population: any destructive change in the body immediately makes itself known in the form of a red spot on the skin. We will tell you which organs in women are responsible for acne that appears on the face.

Where does the acne map come from?

It is generally accepted that the acne map came from Ancient China. However, numerous evidence proves that not only the Chinese were able to identify diseases by painful abscesses on the face. This diagnostic method was popular in India, Japan, and in later centuries in Europe.

Modern doctors The appearance of papules on the face is most often associated with changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. There is even an opinion that diseases are reflected on the face only in women, while this phenomenon is not observed in men. However, many experts reject this theory due to its inconsistency: over many years of practice there have been proven many timesthat acne occurs in all people, regardless of gender and age. In this article we will look at the relationship female body and purulent points located on various areas of the face.

Localization area and possible diseases

Let's consider typical zones localization of acne on the face and neck and find out what diseases may be hidden behind seemingly harmless pimples.

Inferior frontal zone

The affected area of ​​the frontal part is diverse. Most often, acne attacks the forehead itself, the bridge of the nose and the brow ridges. We hasten to please: in 90% of cases, acne in these areas is not a harbinger of a serious illness. They testify about the following points:

  1. The norm has been exceeded eating sweet and fatty foods.
  2. Poor selection of face and hair care products. This skin reaction indicates an increased content toxins in cosmetics.
  3. Bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Psychological disorders: depression, lack of sleep, stress.
  5. Wearing dirty headdresses.

Any of the above reasons can be eliminated without resorting to drug treatment. It is recommended to improve nutrition and change its regime, get rid of bad habits, and replace care products.

Superior frontal zone

If you have been experiencing persistent acne on the top of your forehead for several months, worth worrying about. First, visit a dermatologist to rule out natural causes of inflammation, and then see doctors who can check the following: possible diseases:

  1. Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. Depressed liver condition.

Wings of the nose

It can be said with almost one hundred percent probability that painful rashes that appear on the wings of the nose signal about inflammation in the bronchi. You should consult a doctor to stop the progressing process in time.

Often damage to internal organs manifests itself in the form of acne in women. The most unpleasant diseases are characterized by a galaxy of pimples on the cheeks. It is important to pay close attention to these manifestations and monitor on which cheek rashes have a constant frequency. Depending on this, the following diseases are distinguished:

  1. Left cheek
    Rashes on the left cheek are characteristic of stressful conditions. If you are often nervous and lack sleep, be prepared for the formation of cosmetic defects. In addition, acne on the left cheek can appear from excessive food consumption. Liver dysfunction is diagnosed as a serious disease.
  2. Right cheek
    Pimples on your right cheek indicate that you have a sweet tooth. Excess sugar in the body invariably affects this area of ​​the face. Also, spots on the right side indicate problems with the stomach or colds.

To avoid acne on the cheeks, it is recommended to carefully monitor the cleanliness of bed linen, hats and hair, and also visit a gastroenterologist.

Between the eyebrows

Persistent pimples in the area between the eyebrows often indicate something is going on in the liver. pathological process. If you observe such a picture for more than three months, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor for examination and making a diagnosis.


Acne on the temporal areas has unpleasant external and internal manifestations. The expected diagnosis in case of a large number of painful rashes is gallbladder damage. Less common are disturbances in lymph circulation or hypovitaminosis.

You can remove acne forever only by eliminating the problem: making them less noticeable is quite possible using methods available at home. Among them menu revision: Add more fresh vegetables and fruits. As additional measures, wipe your face with herbal decoctions, make vitamin and nourishing masks. Read the article on how to make them.

Chin, neck

Pimples in this area are the hardest to bear: they hurt, they are difficult to disguise, and healing is very slow. In women, this arrangement of inflammatory lesions indicates gynecological problems, Therefore, if you observe acne that does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, acne in the lower part of the face indicate digestive disorders or diseases of the endocrine system. In any case, it is better not to delay your visit to the clinic and get examined by the necessary specialists.

Around the mouth

Pimples around the mouth usually have a cause unrelated with internal organs: they appear from an excess of spicy and fatty foods in the diet and from non-compliance with hygiene standards. So cosmetic defectThis affects ladies who prefer not to spend money on lipstick, buying cheap, unknown brands.

To get rid of hated pimples in this area, review your menu and include fiber-rich foods in your meals. Refuse from night meals, so as not to burden the stomach and not provoke the appearance of inflammation on the face.

Now you know which organs are responsible for acne on the face of women. Please note that the information is provided for informational purposes: do not attempt self-treatment in advanced cases. The best solution would be to see a doctor.

A skin rash, especially on one side of the face, may be the result of poor hygiene or the presence of diseases of the internal organs. If your skin is dry, oily or covered in acne, you need to wonder what’s wrong with your body. Squeezing a pimple does not mean solving the problem, because without knowing the true cause of the rash, you can cause an infection and ultimately make the situation even worse.


Causes of acne

Often, the appearance of acne on the face of teenage boys and girls will not surprise anyone. Hormonal changes in a young body are typical between the ages of 13 and 16 years. But when adolescence is behind, the appearance of a rash, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, causes other concerns. Negligent attitude and lack of facial skin care leads it to a state of inflammation, pollution and clogged pores.

The main reasons for violations of hygiene rules are:

  1. Washing every other time or, conversely, frequent facial cleansing procedures, as well as the use of one towel by several people.
  2. Using cheap cosmetics and/or not washing them off before bed.
  3. Untreated cuts after shaving.

The cause of an unexplained rash on the face may be:

  1. Diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders.
  2. Hormonal imbalance mainly affects the female sex during pregnancy, menopause, and before menstruation.
  3. Taking hormonal and contraceptive medications.
  4. Depression or stress.
  5. Excessive consumption of medications, sweets or carbonated drinks.


Talking on the phone for a long time and constantly holding it on one side can cause acne formation.

Sometimes it is observed that acne on the face is concentrated on the right or left side, while the other side remains clear. An unexpected factor in infections are things that are used in everyday life:

  1. Pillow and habit of sleeping on one side every night, for example, on the left side. Down or feathers inside can be a breeding ground for microorganisms and cause an allergic reaction from this side.
  2. Dust and dirt on a cell phone, as well as long conversations and the formation of sweat on the cheek can contribute to the development of bacteria and inflammation, usually on the right side.

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Many years ago, the sages of ancient China learned to determine the presence of internal diseases by the appearance of pimples on the face in certain places. It is worth paying attention to the pimples that often appear on the left side of the cheek - they reflect the condition of the liver. There is an area of ​​nasolabial folds close to the cheeks and a rash on them indicates a disease of the ureters (asymmetric to the placement of the organs). By conditionally dividing the face into zones, you can understand which organ needs to be checked. Experts have collected possible options, which are presented in the table:

To treat acne at the pharmacy, dermatologists recommend buying ointments - “Baziron”, “Skinoren” or “Zinerit”. Each person chooses the most comfortable facial care for himself and cosmetologists can help in treating problem areas. Specialists offer cosmetic laser correction procedures, Botox injections and other manipulations that reduce inflammation and eliminate the effects of acne. Thanks to several sessions, you can smooth and rejuvenate the skin, discolor scars and scars.

On the left. I’m 19 years old, I’ve had acne for about 3 years now, it can pop up everywhere on my face from time to time, but it’s not terrible, I can cover it up with foundation. But on the Left cheek - they appear constantly and are still so inflamed, red, 1-2, as a rule, they can be squeezed out, but I stopped doing this a few months ago - after I realized that then it gets even worse. And if you squeeze it out and lubricate it with a wax, they first go away, and then they become inflamed again there. I do not know what to do. I checked with the doctors - everything was fine with the ovaries and everything else, they said it was hormones and would go away after adolescence. But that's why it's on the LEFT SIDE. This happened to someone. experts

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Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Which side do you sleep on?

Sometimes wipe your mobile phone with alcohol or miramistin

It’s the same for me! and also on the left side! I can’t understand why.. I was thinking about a mobile phone, but I usually keep it next to my right ear..

Acne on the chin is a problem for a gynecologist. sphere. On the cheeks - problems with the gastrointestinal tract. On the left - maybe you like to prop up this particular cheek with your hand, and there the conditions for acne are more favorable.

and on my right. the left one is always clean...maybe it really is a cell phone. I didn't think about it at all. and I also sleep mainly on the right side of my body.

The pancreas is projected on the left cheek - think about what’s wrong with it, do an ultrasound, maybe you have an enzyme deficiency

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And what is projected on the cheek under the right eye?? I have a lot of pigmentation there

Which side do you sleep on?

Sometimes wipe your mobile phone with alcohol or miramistin

Acne on the chin is a problem for a gynecologist. sphere. On the cheeks - problems with the gastrointestinal tract. On the left - maybe you like to prop up this particular cheek with your hand, and there the conditions for acne are more favorable.

The pancreas is projected on the left cheek - think about what’s wrong with it, do an ultrasound, maybe you have an enzyme deficiency

and between my eyes - on the bridge of my nose (the glasses are not ours) what is this?

On my lower right cheek, what organ is wrong?

On my lower right cheek, what organ is wrong?

I have a rash on both cheeks, on my head, forehead and on the temples of my face. and nothing helps. what's wrong with me. thanks in advance for your answer

In general, I advise you not to use cosmetics and wash your face with plain water without gels. The skin will cleanse itself very slowly and be less nervous. Drink soothing teas.
They started for me when I started using cosmetics as a teenager, eyes and so on. or when you're on your period, one pops up and let's quickly cover it up with cheap stuff - and that's it. Now they pass, and if they do, they don’t happen so much. I don't use cosmetics. And so that they completely pass - MCH

and if there is acne on the right cheek, what should you do, what is it from?

And what is projected on the cheek under the right eye?? I have a lot of pigmentation there

I have this problem, I can’t get rid of them, it’s on the left side.

Oh people, if only you knew how they got me specifically and blackheads and pimples and what, for about 3 years from the beginning, my whole face then went away after some time, but then again all over again, now only the forehead is clean and the left side is still clean but on the right, this is a disaster, especially in the last 5 days, what can smart people do? Is there anyone who can help, otherwise I can’t really save them from them.

Damn, for the first time in several years I had pimples, about 20 of them. Most of them were on the left side of my face. I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm 13 years old soon.

I have the same thing, only on the right side of my face... and the left side is clean. what could it be?.

My left side is clean, but on the right side there’s a sudden rash - it’s terrible, I don’t know what it is?!
If you think about how you sleep, I always sleep differently, not always only on one side, back or stomach.
So, for information, I'm 15

I have the same. ""! It’s really annoying because I still have glasses (I don’t even know what to do!

I have acne on the left side of my forehead. On the other parts of my face, everything is fine, not big pimples. But on the forehead there are big ones. What does this mean?

I used to have it on my left, it wasn’t on my right, then it went away on my right, then on my forehead and in short it changes, now it seems like the left one is clear and the right one has pimples on the right

I think it’s a matter of lifestyle, you don’t always need to go to the doctor, just analyze what you eat\. If there is a problem with the liver, it is the right side near the jaw, I speak from personal experience, if it is the pancreas, then the left side is near the jaw, I have had this for many years, it happens that my face is clean for 5 months and then bang. and it’s clear that I have a juvenile complex)) Although my years are far from that of a juvenile, So decide for yourself, but on an empty stomach every morning a glass of water is sacred. Drink liquid, otherwise our stomachs are tired of shawarma and other wickedness, and from there comes inflammation, and when you ruin your body, it becomes inflamed from bread. (joke) but there is some truth.

By the way, acne can be caused by nervousness, I drew conclusions from myself. for example, if you are nervous and pimples break out, it’s terrible. because apparently the nervous system hits the weak points right away, for many this is far from the case, although in fact there is a huge +++ in this because the body gives you the alarm that take care of me, otherwise it will be bad in the hospital ward. There are people who have nothing protruding and they can be very sick with the same liver, it’s phenomenal but true, especially when you see or hear how someone died by the age of 40 with a liver or stomach, while not suspecting anything about what he (her) has something happened. So rejoice, people who have such a problem, it is clear that it needs to be solved, but it is much better than not understanding what is happening, I think this is like a gift from heaven, look, you have health problems, right? Ah, well, thank you :) If we speak the language of our organisms,
By the way, all the factors of the problem can be established by yourself, if your memory can trace your lifestyle, and the doctor will help you, but how long will it take to tell about the tests, etc., etc.. it’s probably better to test yourself, unless of course you have a super infection in the stomach, which is quite likely, or worms that tear the stomach into pieces. these are factors without which it is impossible to understand what’s what. So my dears, listen to yourself, yes.. there are contradictions in the text, but the doctor is also a person, he will at least relieve you of stress, help you understand, analyze, and so on, if everything is too confusing then consult a doctor.
Attention! I am a simple person and am not a doctor of medical sciences. And by the way, go out into the sun, it solves hundreds of problems. Good luck.

Of course, you can draw a couple of conclusions about a person’s energy, some may find it funny, but acne, like illnesses, gives a signal about unresolved spiritual problems, for example, not accepting yourself as you are, not loving yourself and the world around you. According to Freud, this is buried very deeply in the subconscious, so each of us needs to understand ourselves, I see this as a way out. If you have found a way out for yourself, share it with other people here, they will definitely be grateful to you, even if you don’t know about it.
