
Parasites are organisms that feed at the expense of other organisms, often causing them harm. However, not all animals that actively reproduce and are useful are parasites. There is the phenomenon of pseudoparasitism, which includes a number of examples of organisms benefiting from the presence of other organisms. Parasites are active feeders and their survival often depends on the presence of a host that provides them with food and space to reproduce. In contrast, pseudoparasites do not live off the host, although they may benefit from it in the form of food or protection. In the article below we will look at examples of pseudoparasitic relationships and the ways in which they can be beneficial to living organisms.

Pseudoparasitic relationships occur between organisms that do not necessarily harm each other or parasitize one another. There are different types of pseudoparasites and parasites in which one organism benefits and the other is not harmed. Here are some examples of such relationships:

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