Psychosis Asthmatolovy

Astamatol psychosis (p asthmatica) is a state of mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of neurotic symptoms in bronchial asthma. This psychosis can lead to various forms of behavioral disorders, including panic disorder, anxiety and depression. It is caused by persistent fear, anxiety and stress associated with medical problems.

Causes of asthmatic psychosis include: - Increased prevalence of household allergens in children. - The impact of harmful atmospheric emissions on the breathing and development of the body of children, as well as frequent visits to medical institutions for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

Symptoms of Astamatolov psychosis include: 1. Anxiety and restlessness: Children feel nervous and tense due to asthma. They often feel that they cannot control their symptoms and think that they are unwell. There may be tinnitus, increased heart rate, etc. 2. Decreased concentration: Due to physical symptoms and stress, children often become less focused, slower to make decisions, and perform worse in school. 3. Panic attacks: Some children experience sudden panic attacks, which are accompanied by rapid heartbeat, trembling, nausea and dizziness. They may think they may pass out or even die. 4. Psychosomatic symptoms: In some children, asthmatic pathology can cause chest pain, sweating, diarrhea, headache, rash, etc. 5.