Psychologists: more than 60% of women are ashamed of their feet

Feet are the part of the body that was found to be the most unattractive to more than 60% of women, both themselves and their partners. This discovery, made by psychologists, indicates that dissatisfaction with the appearance of the feet can have a negative impact on a woman's self-esteem and sex life.

A survey conducted by the Footner brand found that two-thirds of women admitted that they were embarrassed by the appearance of their feet, and one in five even refused to wear open shoes because of it. In addition, 30% of men fully supported women, agreeing that women's feet are the least attractive part of the body.

However, despite the widespread recognition of this problem by both men and women, the majority of respondents are not active in addressing this problem and do not take any measures to improve the condition of their feet and make them more attractive.

Only 10% of women use foot care products, spending about $15 a month on them, and this percentage drops to 6% during the winter months. Moreover, 30% of women surveyed admitted that they wear very uncomfortable shoes, sacrificing their comfort and foot health for the sake of fashion and visual appeal.

Interestingly, other researchers have come to the expected conclusion that most women (up to 90%) pay more attention to the condition of their partners' socks than to their feet. Men are often hesitant to throw away old socks and continue to wear them for about three years, not noticing how they become unattractive after prolonged use and repeated washing.

These study results make it clear that the problem of complexes associated with the appearance of the feet is common among women. It is important to remember that beauty and attractiveness are subjective concepts, and everyone has their own idea of ​​what is attractive. However, if this problem begins to affect a woman's self-esteem and sex life, it may be helpful to see a professional who can help understand these feelings and find ways to have a positive body image.
