Pulmonary Cardiac Failure

Pulmonary heart failure

_**Pulmonary - heart failure**_ _ is a complex of diseases characterized by the inability of the heart to cope with increased loads on the organ due to damage to the lungs and breathing. This can also be called chronic heart failure. When the body is under high pressure, the heart begins to experience additional stress. Shortness of breath occurs, the person quickly gets tired and is unable to perform usual duties._

Breathing is one of the most important functions of the body. When cells don't get enough oxygen, they begin to fail at their job. As a result, an uncontrolled release of carbon dioxide into the lungs may occur, leading to malfunction

Pulmonary heart failure (PCF) is a condition in which the body cannot provide sufficient oxygen and nutrients to its tissues. This occurs due to a malfunction of the cardiovascular system or lungs. Pulmonary failure is one of the most severe forms of LSN and can lead to dangerous complications. This article will talk about the causes and treatment of LSN.

Causes of pulmonary heart diseases. Pulmonary heart disease occurs due to problems with blood circulation or breathing. The main causes of pulmonary failure include: - Damage to the lung tissue, such as inflammation, lung injury or surgery. -