Purelan 100 from oprelostei

4 minutes Author: Anastasia Egorova 1771


Motherhood is joy and happiness for every woman. However, at this time she has to face new problems. Quite often, immediately after starting breastfeeding, a woman develops cracked nipples. The situation arises against the background of improper breast latching or metabolic disorders in the body. The disease is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of discomfort for mother and child. The latter may refuse to eat at all. Today, there are a lot of remedies that will allow a woman to relieve her symptoms. Purelan for nursing mothers is an excellent solution to the problem. Thanks to regular use, a woman will be able to forget about cracked nipples.

Main active ingredients

Purelan is a cream that is produced in Switzerland. It consists of healing components that promote rapid healing of the nipples. It is also advisable to use this drug for prophylactic purposes. The ointment is quite thick and has a transparent structure with a yellow tint. For the convenience of customers, the manufacturer offers the ointment in three different volumes.

The cream consists entirely of lanolin, which is pre-cleaned several times. It contains no alcohol, harmful additives or preservatives. Additional benefits include the absence of odor and taste. That is why a woman can lubricate her nipple regularly and not be afraid that the baby will refuse food.

The composition is used for diaper rash in newborns. With its help, you can quickly and effectively moisturize the skin and prevent it from further drying out. All ingredients are hypoallergenic, so the likelihood of a negative reaction is minimized. To date, there are practically no complaints about the drug.

Features of using ointment

The instructions contain detailed information about the features of the drug. At the first stage of application, you should wash your hands thoroughly. After this, the woman should squeeze out a little breast milk and rub it on the areola. The composition itself should be applied only after complete drying.

A thin layer will be enough. The drug creates a protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface. This prevents the skin from drying out.

How to properly care for your breasts?

It is important for infants to be in a comfortable environment during feeding. Purelan is a tool for proper care. With its help, you can not only cure cracks, but also prevent inflammation at an early stage.

Additionally, breastfeeding specialists recommend following the following care rules:

  1. A woman must strictly adhere to all the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Cotton underwear does not have a negative effect on the skin. In this case, it will be possible to prevent drying out and irritation of the skin.
  3. Periodically, a small amount of Purelan cream should be applied to the nipples. Mommy should carefully read the basic rules of use. In this case, the maximum effect will be guaranteed.
  4. A warm shower helps improve blood microcirculation in the chest area. To do this, you need to direct its stream to the mammary gland for no more than twenty minutes. This will further increase the amount of milk.
  5. Breast massage has a positive effect on the skin and the body as a whole. For this, simple manipulations and stroking will be quite enough.

Purpose of the ointment

Purelan is a unique active ingredient that can be used not only to eliminate cracks in the nipple area.

The cream also helps get rid of the following pathological situations:

  1. Regular use helps prevent diaper rash in infants. The cream also helps get rid of existing skin irritations.
  2. The ointment can be applied to the wings of the nose if they are very red. The symptom is characteristic during the period of respiratory diseases. Additionally, during this period the patient may experience a runny nose.
  3. This drug helps eliminate burns or chapping. Positive effects are achieved through hydration and healing.

Today you can find only good reviews about this product on the Internet. Mothers often use it to ease their well-being and eliminate discomfort during breastfeeding. No negative effect has been identified, so doctors also often recommend using it.

Regular application to the areola area promotes rapid healing of cracks. This takes on average two to three days. The ointment is universal, because it can also be applied to lips, hands and heels. Additionally, it should be noted that the consumption of the product is not large, so it can be used for a long time.

In the pharmacy you can also find an analogue of the drug - Lanovit. It contains the same components, so it has healing and antimicrobial effects.

Special instructions for use

The product is incredibly effective. Before using it, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions. During the application process, the following nuances cannot be ignored:

  1. The ointment will have a positive effect even in small quantities. If you abuse the volume, the risk of yellow stains forming on clothes increases. It is best to apply the composition to the nipples and let it absorb. In this case, the maximum amount of effective components will penetrate the skin.
  2. If the cream is constantly in the refrigerator, its composition will become thicker. In this case, the ointment will be difficult to remove from the tube. However, upon contact with the skin, Purelan quickly warms up. Thanks to this, it can be easily applied to the surface of the skin.
  3. The ointment can heal lips if they are severely chapped. Only a small amount can be applied. Otherwise, the lips can stick together and cause a lot of discomfort to the woman.

When purchasing Purelan, some mothers encounter an unexpected problem: it is not available at the pharmacy. That is why it is recommended to buy several tubes at once, so that at any time you can quickly cure cracked nipples. The ointment is universal, so it will help solve a lot of problems for every nursing woman.

Purelan 100 is a medicine that is widely in demand among women who are breastfeeding. It is designed to restore the delicate skin of the nipples damaged during lactation. The drug stimulates accelerated regeneration by improving intracellular metabolism.


Thanks to its natural composition, Purelan 100 is safe for mother and child. In clinical practice, its side effects are extremely rare. But to completely exclude them will help to consult a doctor before carrying out therapy.

Composition and release form

Purelan is manufactured by Medela, a Swiss company that specializes in producing products for mothers and babies. The cream is a dense, viscous, thick substance of brown color with a greenish tint.

Its smell is not pungent, but very specific. The drug is packaged in 37.0 g in yellow plastic tubes with a screw cap. Each is enclosed in a compact cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Purelan ointment is a one-component medicine. Its composition is represented by lanolin from the clinical-pharmacological group of natural antiseptics and regeneration stimulants. The substance is an analogue of an organic compound that is obtained by washing sheep wool.

What determines the therapeutic activity of lanolin:

  1. esters of high molecular weight alcohols (cholesterol, isocholesterol);
  2. higher fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, cerotinic);
  3. free high molecular weight alcohols.


Lanolin is an animal wax that is perfectly absorbed and has a regenerating effect.

The regenerating agent does not contain stabilizers, preservatives, flavors, or dyes. It is as hypoallergenic as possible and is well tolerated by newborns and their mothers.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effects of Purelan are provided by bioactive substances from the chemical composition of lanolin. To prevent cracks, the ability of the cream to form a thin but durable film on the skin is important. Oxygen necessary for biochemical reactions passes through it freely. But it is absolutely impermeable to pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Purelan is also characterized by other pharmacological properties:

  1. relief of sluggish and subacute inflammatory processes;
  2. reduction in the severity of pain;
  3. accelerated resorption of edema, including inflammatory ones;
  4. exfoliation of keratinized skin scales;
  5. retaining moisture in all layers of the dermis, preventing its evaporation;
  6. softening the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness.


Lanolin has the property of enveloping the skin with a thin film that is impenetrable to microbes.

Under the influence of bioactive substances Purelan 100, intracellular metabolism is accelerated. The blood supply to damaged tissues with organic compounds necessary for their regeneration improves. All this leads to the restoration of the skin on the nipples and the healing of painful cracks.

Lanolin from Purelan 100 is characterized by pronounced immunostimulating properties. It increases local immunity, thereby preventing the re-formation of cracks in the chest.

Indications for use

Using Purelan 100 is one of the best ways to avoid irritation and subsequent skin damage. As a preventive measure, the cream can be used throughout the entire feeding period.

And for treatment, doctors prescribe a cream when diagnosing the following pathological conditions:

  1. sore nipples, including those caused by inflammation;
  2. redness, irritation of the nipples, their microtrauma;
  3. formation of cracks, formation of bleeding erosions.

Often, defects in the nipples become consequences of hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency also leads to cracking of the skin in the corners of the lips. To restore it, Purelan is also used in the form of ointment and cream.


The ointment is also often prescribed for the treatment of angulitis (zaed)

Diaper dermatitis

It is also used to treat diaper dermatitis. This is a local inflammation of the skin of a child in the first year of life, caused by weeping or infection. Diaper dermatitis is manifested by swelling and redness of the skin, and an increase in local temperature.

Purelan, even after a single application, eliminates all symptoms with subsequent skin regeneration. It copes well with diaper rash, rashes, microcracks, erosions - complications of dermatitis.


Purelan is also used as part of complex therapy for diathesis in a newborn. This is not an independent disease, but a feature of the human constitution. Since there are many reasons for the development of diathesis, its clinical picture is very diverse. It can manifest itself as small and large rashes, itching, peeling, and red spots.

Regardless of the form of symptoms, Purelan helps to get rid of them in the shortest possible time. The drug normalizes lipid metabolism and increases the protective properties of the skin.


Purelan 100 is used in the treatment of diathesis and dermatitis in young children


An absolute contraindication to treatment with Purelan is individual intolerance to lanolin. To detect it, a small amount of cream (about the size of a pea) is applied to the bend of the elbow and left for an hour. If during this time the skin does not turn red or swell, then there is no hypersensitivity to lanolin. However, it is worth monitoring the condition of the child, who may develop individual intolerance to the cream.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of Purelan 100 recommend using it as prescribed by a doctor. He will assess the condition of the skin on the nipples and, if necessary, additionally prescribe antimicrobial agents. If the doctor has not determined an individual dosage regimen, you should follow the recommendations of the annotation.

During treatment, you must follow the rules of asepsis. First, thoroughly wash your hands with soap, and then the damaged skin of the chest and face. It must be dried for better absorption of lanolin, which has the properties of an emulsifier. The cream is applied to the nipple in a small amount and left until completely dry.

There is no need to wash off Purelan - the longer the product is on the skin, the faster it recovers. Ingestion of lanolin by a child does not in any way affect his health.


One of the conditions for the quick effect of the cream is its constant presence on the skin.

The duration of the therapeutic course varies. Deep cracks heal in 10-14 days. A few days are enough to eliminate microtraumas. Purelan 100 is also suitable for daily breast skin care.


There have been no cases of overdose of Purelan 100 ointment and cream in clinical practice. A pathological condition does not occur even with prolonged use.

Side effects

Lanolin metabolism occurs directly in the skin. Therefore, the risk of developing systemic side effects is completely excluded. Allergic manifestations are possible on the skin. They are indicated by swelling, redness, skin irritation, rash, itching, and soreness. You need to quickly wash off Purelan and be sure to seek medical help.


If you experience discomfort or allergies, wash off the ointment (cream) and seek medical help.

special instructions

The Swiss manufacturer produces Purelan in two dosage forms - cream and ointment. The latter is less thick, is absorbed faster by the skin, and immediately has a therapeutic effect. Therefore, doctors usually prescribe ointment for severe nipple pain.

Purelan cream is usually used to protect already damaged skin. It prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering cracks.

Doctors recommend that women during pregnancy prepare their breasts for feeding with it. Lanolin softens the skin and prevents injury even when the baby is actively sucking.

Pregnancy (and lactation)

Lanolin does not have teratogenic or mutagenic properties. Purelan 100 is safe and does not harm the baby or nursing mother. Its use is permitted during pregnancy to prepare the nipples for the upcoming lactation.


Purelan 100 is also used for preventive purposes: to prepare nipples for feeding

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. But after opening the tube, the cream should be used within 2-3 months. Purelan should be stored at room temperature in places protected from direct sunlight.

Young children's access to the drug should be limited. If the cream separates, changes color or smell, it cannot be used for treatment or prevention.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

When purchasing Purelan 100, you do not need to present pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor.

Drug interactions

Purelan is compatible with any local and systemic agents used in the treatment of cracks. But it must be applied 20-30 minutes after applying local antibiotics, antimycotics, and antiseptics.

The price of Purelan 100 varies slightly in different pharmacy chains. The average cost of a package of cream is 390 rubles. You can buy the ointment for 320-360 rubles.


Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, Panthenol, Sanosan have a therapeutic effect similar to Purelan 100. A cheaper analogue of the drug is Lanovit cream, which contains lanolin.


One of the popular analogues is Bepanten

Expert opinion

Purelan is one of the most effective drugs for treating cracked nipples. This is the name for skin defects that are characterized by severe damage to thin, sensitive skin. Clinically, the cracks manifest themselves as such sharp pain that they can “give” under the scapula.

Their infection poses a threat to the child’s health, including the development of an intestinal infection. Vitamin deficiencies, general malaise, and improper feeding techniques predispose to their formation. Purelan helps prevent cracks from forming. Its use allows you to get rid of them in just a few days of treatment.


Natalya, 38 years old, Murmansk

When choosing a quality remedy for cracked nipples, I read a lot of reviews about Purelan 100. Women described it as an effective remedy that quickly restores the skin. They especially emphasized the safety of the cream, its gentle, gentle effect. After the purchase, my expectations were completely met.

I started using Purelan 100 already in the third trimester of pregnancy. I rubbed it into my nipples and left it until completely dry. Therefore, I did not have any problems during the breastfeeding period. But I still lubricated the areola and nipple with squeezed milk and Purelan almost every day.

Purelan 100 (review) from 300 rub.


A good product for breastfeeding women. Used to improve the condition of the skin of the nipples.

Natural emollient hygienic medicine. Application: dry skin, cracked nipples, dermatitis. Price from 612 rub.

Analogues: Bepanten, Levomikol, Our Mother. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Purilan 100 cream. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of drug

Purelan 100 cream is a product for the hygienic care of the skin of the nipples of women who are breastfeeding. Belongs to the pharmacological group of dietary supplements and dietary supplements.


Active ingredient and composition

The active ingredient is natural 100% lanolin. This is wool wax, which is obtained by boiling sheep's wool. As a result of the thermal process, a fatty sediment – ​​lanolin – settles to the bottom.

Purelan also contains additional components - esters, fatty alcohols, carbohydrates and fatty acids (the chemical composition of lanolin).

Pharmacological properties

The Purelan model has a wide spectrum of action:

  1. repels moisture;
  2. accelerates tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  3. nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the nipples;
  4. prevents cracks;
  5. restores turgor;
  6. disinfects.


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Lanolin molecules are identical to skin cells, due to which the active component quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and acts directly there, and not on the surface.

When used externally, they are not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Pharmacokinetics - not studied.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. inflammation and dryness of the nipples due to lack of moisture;
  2. cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  3. sensitivity and burning in the nipple area;
  4. abrasions from diapers in children and adults;
  5. dry lips, chapping, cracks;
  6. dry mucous membranes in infectious diseases;
  7. cracked heels caused by excessive dryness or fungal disease;
  8. dermatitis of different etymologies: psoriasis, eczema, mycosis.


Purelan cream can be used by adults and children from birth. This is one of the popular drugs needed in the maternity hospital to care for women’s breasts and children’s folds.


Contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Also, the drug should not be applied to trophic ulcers due to the risk of worsening the disease.

Directions for use and dosage

Before applying the drug to the nipples, you need to wash your breasts and express a little so that the milk does not flow. Due to the oily but light consistency of Purelan cream, a dose of approximately 1 mm in diameter is needed. This is enough to soften the nipple and areola.

Before feeding, the drug does not need to be washed off; it is not toxic and not harmful to the baby’s oral mucosa.

In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Purelan 100 medela is designed specifically to soften and protect women's nipples during breastfeeding. During pregnancy, it can be used on the abdomen and chest to prevent stretch marks.

Oils and vitamins included in the chemical composition of lanolin can provoke the production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for skin elasticity.

When used in infancy, the drug protects the baby's delicate skin from diaper rash and aggressive external factors. Lanolin creates a breathable biological film on the upper layer of the epidermis and performs protective functions.

Side effects

This drug may have contraindications and side effects. In order not to harm your health and your baby, you must first read the instructions for use of Purelan 100.

Side effects may include allergies - itching, burning of the skin, urticaria. In this case, you need to stop using the drug and replace it with another similar drug.


special instructions

Considering the fact that the main active ingredient of Purelan is of animal origin, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before the first use. This is necessary to avoid an allergic reaction.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to delicate skin (the bend of the elbow or behind the ear) and leave for several hours. If there is no redness, itching or rash, then the drug can be used.


There have been no cases of overdose with Purelan in the history of pharmacology. Doctors advise following the dose so as not to provoke an allergic reaction to lanolin.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to use simultaneously with other products for external use.



If for some reason it is impossible to use this product, the doctor replaces Purelan with analogues. There are several types:

  1. Ingredients: Lanolin cream, FemoFit, Psori-cream, AirStream from Faberlic.
  2. According to the mechanism of action, Eplan, Levomekol, Heal-ka, Zazhivitel balm, Panthenol.
  3. Analogues according to indications – nipple cream Mustela, Mama Comfort, healing cream for nursing mothers from the company Avent, Our Mama.

Separately, it should be noted that the direct and closest analogue of Purelan is Bepanten.