Radiofrequency face lifting - what is it?

Radiofrequency lifting has been widely used for rejuvenation since 2000, although information about the effect of high-frequency current on tissue structure has been known for quite a long time.

Today, the procedure has gained popularity and has become an alternative to classical plastic surgery. In some aspects, it is even superior to surgical plastic surgery, as it improves the condition of tissues, stimulates the natural processes of regeneration, metabolism in the epidermis and dermis, improves blood circulation, nutrition and oxygenation.

What is radiofrequency lifting and why is it needed?

First of all, the question arises: radio frequency - what is it and how does it help slow down the aging process?

The answer is quite simple. Using special devices, problem areas of the skin are exposed to high-frequency current. Science is unlikely to call the vibrations caused by radio frequency waves in their pure form. That is why the method has a number of names - thermolifting, thermage, thermal lift.

These names are not accidental, since under the influence of radio frequency energy the epidermis and dermis tissues are heated, which contributes to a change in the natural structure. Consequently, processes occur in the treated areas that affect the condition of the skin, namely its rejuvenation.

Since the method is based on the use of high frequency eclectic current, there are a number of indications and contraindications for the use of radio frequency lifting. To achieve the desired results and not put your health at risk, you need to take into account all these nuances.

Note! If a specialist in a clinic does not inquire about the client’s possible contraindications, but simply prescribes a procedure, then the professionalism of such an employee and the class of the clinic should already raise doubts. Not only the result, but also the general state of health depends on the choice of the institution and the professional who will carry out the manipulation.

Indications and contraindications

There are a number of problems that can be solved with radiofrequency lifting. The client can be guided by their availability and contact a specialist with a specific question. But only a professional has the right to give an affirmative verdict regarding the need for the procedure.

And so, here is a list of problems that RF lifting will help you cope with:

  1. violations and defects of the dermis (treatment and rehabilitation);
  2. expression and age wrinkles;
  3. pronounced folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  4. drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  5. blurred oval face;
  6. appearance of a double chin;
  7. sagging tissue (ptosis);
  8. dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  9. dryness of the epidermis, low tone, sagging;
  10. age-related changes in various parts of the body (face, neck, décolleté, abdomen, hips, buttocks and other problem areas);
  11. scars, scars, post-acne, rosacea;
  12. stretch marks after childbirth and sudden weight loss;
  13. cellulite.

If we talk about age limits, then the opinions of experts differ. Some argue that even at 20 years old you can undergo radiofrequency lifting to prevent aging. Others are categorically against such preventive measures and recommend using this method at such an early age only to solve specific problems that are not amenable to other correction methods.

But everyone is unanimous in the opinion that at the age of 30-35 the effect of the procedures will be maximum. Although at a later age (up to 55-60 years old) the effectiveness is present. However, to achieve the goals, a longer course of procedures is required.

Contraindications for radiofrequency lifting must be taken into account, since using the method in the presence of certain health problems can lead to unpredictable consequences.

These include:

  1. age up to 20 years (without serious problems that cannot be solved by other methods);
  2. metal or silicone implants for any purpose;
  3. pacemaker or hearing aid;
  4. damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, cuts, ulcers);
  5. inflammatory processes on the skin in the affected area (of any nature);
  6. dermatological systemic diseases;
  7. autoimmune pathologies;
  8. endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
  9. hypertonic disease;
  10. oncology of any localization;
  11. acute period of chronic pathologies or other diseases in the development stage (flu, colds and others);
  12. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  13. critical days;
  14. blood diseases that cause bleeding disorders;
  15. taking certain medications (antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormonal agents, anticoagulants).

Some of these contraindications are relative (transient), some are absolute (that is, a complete ban).

How is the procedure performed?

Conducting a radiofrequency lifting session does not require any special preparation from the patient. But it should be remembered that any rejuvenation procedures that irritate the skin (all kinds of peelings, scrubbing or other cosmetic manipulations) should be carried out two weeks before the procedure. Perhaps this is the only warning.

Lifting using high frequency current occurs as follows:

  1. the skin is cleansed of any cosmetics (decorative, caring, oils and others);
  2. a contact composition (glycerin, special gels with active ingredients according to indications) is applied to the treated area;
  3. Using a special handpiece with radio frequency radiation, the specialist makes movements on the skin, warming it up to a certain temperature. This temperature is controlled by special sensors, which completely eliminates the possibility of burns;
  4. At the end of the session, the remaining contact agent is removed and a moisturizer is applied according to your skin type.

Radiofrequency facial skin lifting involves heating the dermis to 42°C, the procedure takes from 20 to 40 minutes (depending on the area being treated). Problem areas on the body are heated to 46°C for a period of 20 minutes to an hour.

The number of manipulations depends on several factors: the age of the patient, the severity of age-related changes, the condition of the skin, the area of ​​influence. The course may consist of 6-10 procedures with an interval of 5-7 (sometimes 10) days.

From the video you will learn how radiofrequency lifting is performed:

Rehabilitation after procedures

Radiolifting differs from any other anti-aging cosmetic procedure in that there is virtually no rehabilitation period, since the intervention does not involve violating the integrity of the skin. Namely, they become the cause of side effects and the need to comply with a number of post-treatment rules.

But to achieve the most pronounced effect, you should still adhere to a certain style of behavior for some time (so to speak):

  1. be sure to use moisturizers (cream, serum, thermal water) without aggressive chemical compounds;
  2. within a week after completing the course of procedures (in the periods between them it is not even discussed) it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, steam rooms;
  3. for several months (at least three) take vitamin C to enhance collagen synthesis;
  4. When going outside, especially in the warm season, use protective equipment with a UV filter.

Here, perhaps, are all the recommendations regarding post-nursing. The method has no seasonal restrictions - it can be carried out at any time of the year.

Important note! After a radiofrequency session, minimal results are noticeable almost immediately. But its severity will increase with each procedure and increase after completion of the course. The effect lasts for quite a long time. Experts indicate approximately 2 years. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure before.

Side effects and complications

Radiofrequency lifting of the face, as well as other parts of the body, is characterized by maximum safety and the almost complete absence of complications or significant side effects, if all contraindications have been taken into account.

Attention! Our body is a complex and unpredictable mechanism that can react inadequately to any manipulation, even the safest. Sometimes the development of an allergic reaction occurs in the complete absence of a predisposition to such manifestations in everyday life. In this case, you need to stop carrying out the procedures and will have to look for another method of rejuvenation.

Among the most common, but very quickly passing, side effects are:

  1. redness of the skin at the site of exposure;
  2. slight swelling;
  3. slight itching or tingling.

All these uncomfortable sensations go away on their own within a few hours; in the most extreme case, they can last up to 2-3 days, but no more.

If the symptoms do not go away or increase, you should immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

Negative consequences (if you can call it that) include a complete lack of result. This can happen for many reasons - the initial condition of the skin, the age of the patient, the devices used, the professionalism of the specialist.

There is an opinion, which does not have sufficient scientific or experimental confirmation, that the effect of radiolifting can have a directly proportional effect. That is, some experts believe that the result of rejuvenation achieved during the procedures can provoke a reverse reaction after a certain period of time.

Please note that this fact has not been scientifically proven and the connection between the aging process and radilifting procedures has not been established.

What do experts say about radiofrequency lifting?

Almost all experts are unanimous in their opinion - radio frequency lifting affects the structure of tissues at the site of impact. A method for eliminating defects caused by age-related changes (as well as some physiological ones due to a number of systemic pathologies) using high-frequency current is an alternative to surgery.

Moreover, surgery does not affect the structure of the epidermis and dermis, but only removes excess tissue in the problem area. Radio lifting, on the contrary, works differently. The non-invasive intervention stimulates vital processes in the body, which improves the condition of tissues.

Recently, radiofrequency vaginal lifting has been very often used as an alternative to a surgical method for eliminating certain gynecological pathologies. The production of collagen is stimulated, which improves the condition of the mucous membrane and tissues, which prevents the development of complications and a number of diseases of the female genitourinary system.

It's no secret that beauty requires sacrifice. But if there is an opportunity to make these sacrifices minimal, using modern scientific achievements in the field of cosmetology and medicine, then why not resort to the servants of technical progress?!


According to a number of eminent cosmetologists, RF lifting (radio wave lifting) is the future of the entire cosmetology industry. Not so long ago, when talking about rejuvenation methods, surgical operations were immediately mentioned as a kind of elixir of youth that could significantly delay the manifestations of aging. But RF technologies quickly attracted attention, because their effect is comparable to plastic surgery, but at the same time much less traumatic. Today, hardware cosmetology is more than capable of fully competing with plastic surgery.


RF lifting is a whole group of procedures based on the impact of electromagnetic pulses. This is one of the popular modern techniques, as it does not require a rehabilitation period and provides noticeable and lasting results. Under the influence of radiofrequency energy, tissues are heated, due to which stretched and old connective fibers of the tissue are reduced. This activates collagen production, which makes the skin more elastic and youthful. Thus, with the help of a radiofrequency pulse, it is possible to launch natural rejuvenation processes.


Radio frequency waves affect both the middle and lower layers of the dermis, including subcutaneous fat, reducing all wrinkles, removing bags under the eyes, improving facial tone and skin tone.

  1. Monopolar radio wave lifting. It is carried out once. It gives a rejuvenating effect, copes well with local fat deposits and cellulite in the abdomen and thighs, and does not harm the body.
  2. Bipolar radio wave lifting. A very gentle and gentle way to correct age-related changes. Skin tissues are heated only to 450 C, there is no magnetic field, unlike the monopolar type. The impact of the procedure is felt, but there is no pain. Full results can only be observed after a whole course of procedures.
  3. Tripolar radio wave lifting is a relatively new procedure that involves the participation of several electrodes in the process, which ensure switching of poles. In this case, RF energy acts at different depths of the skin. This technique combines all the advantages of the previous ones.


The appropriate type of RF lifting is selected individually depending on the area of ​​the procedure and the goals set.

Thermolifting is also based on radio wave radiation. Many people believe that radio wave lifting and thermolifting are the same thing, but there are still a number of differences:

  1. different exposure temperatures: with the radio wave method, skin tissue is heated to 40° C, and with thermolifting up to 60° C;
  2. frequency and current strength: thermage (thermolifting) involves the work of high-frequency monopolar energy, with RF lifting it is much weaker;
  3. During thermage, a complete change in the structure of collagen molecules occurs.


  1. Using a radiofrequency lifting device, energy is activated directly in the problem area. There are no side effects.
  2. Unlike other hardware methods of rejuvenation (IR sources, laser, IPL, etc.), skin burns are excluded, since the reaction occurs only between the epidermis and dermis, muscle tissue is not affected.
  3. The result after the procedure is usually noticeable immediately.
  4. This is a painless technique that does not require anesthesia.
  5. Does not require a complex preparatory period and rehabilitation.
  6. After the procedure, the appearance of scars is excluded.
  7. Suitable for any skin type on any area of ​​the face and body.
  8. Ideally combined with other cosmetic anti-aging procedures.
  9. No risk of infection.
  10. High accuracy allows you to influence a specific area without affecting neighboring ones.
  11. There are no allergic reactions.
  12. The procedure ideally copes with age-related skin changes and corrects the figure.


  1. Ptosis is sagging of facial tissues due to gravity.
  2. Cellulite.
  3. Stretch marks.
  4. Photoaging of the skin.
  5. Sagging skin after losing weight.
  6. Bags under the eyes.
  7. Loss of skin elasticity.
  8. Pronounced nasolabial fold.
  9. Expression and age wrinkles.
  10. "They squawked."
  11. Fat deposits, folds on the skin.
  12. Withering, sagging skin.
  13. Scars, cicatrices, post-acne.


  1. Presence of a pacemaker.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. A number of autoimmune diseases.
  4. Common infectious diseases.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Various viral infections.
  7. Period.
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Severe forms of hypertension.
  10. Gold threads on a certain area of ​​the body.
  11. Chronic diseases in the acute phase.
  12. Implants, pins, metal elements in the affected area (plates, knitting needles and other surgical prostheses).
  13. Damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure.
  14. Severe neurological diseases accompanied by fits and seizures.


  1. Immediately before the procedure, you should not use creams and decorative cosmetics.
  2. It is important to thoroughly clean the skin in the procedure area.
  3. Contact lenses and jewelry must be removed.
  4. If radio wave lifting is performed on the face, then men need to shave before the procedure.


Depending on the zone in which the radio waveguide will be exposed, the cosmetologist selects the necessary program. A unique gel conductor is applied to cleansed skin, after which the cosmetologist massages the skin with special attachments (maniples) along the necessary lines. The procedure can take from 15 minutes to 2 hours. After radiolifting, you can immediately see the effect of tightened and rejuvenated skin of the face or body. During the session, warmth and slight tingling are felt.


RF lifting, performed by an experienced specialist using modern equipment, almost never ends in side effects. Sometimes redness and slight swelling occur, but this goes away literally within two days.

After the procedure, you should avoid various physical activities, going to the sauna, bathhouse, solarium and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, skin hyperpigmentation may occur.

To achieve a lasting result, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 5–8 times with an interval of 12 days. The first visible results will be noticeable after 1 session. The rejuvenation process will begin fully after 21 days, when active production of collagen and elastin fibers begins. After completing the full course, to maintain the effect, it is important to visit a cosmetologist’s office once a year.

If you are thinking about getting rid of wrinkles and nasolabial folds, enlarged pores and tightening the oval of the face, with the help of radio wave lifting, which cosmetologists so kindly offer us in beauty salons, first find out the whole truth about this “safe” and quite expensive procedure, and only then make a decision - to do or not to do.


Dermatologist Amina Pirmanova in her latest video told the whole truth about what RF lifting is and how this modern procedure affects facial skin. What Amina is trying to convey in this video is summarized in this article.

RF face lifting what is it?

Thermolifting has been used in cosmetology for quite a long time as one of the methods of anti-aging therapy. It is also called RF lifting, radio frequency or radio wave.

This is one of the most popular salon procedures for facial skin rejuvenation.

According to cosmetologists, radio wave exposure causes the skin to produce large amounts of collagen and elastin, which in turn helps to tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles after the first procedure.

As a result, the skin texture noticeably improves, pores narrow, and the appearance of the skin changes for the better.

At the same time, the emphasis is on the safety of RF lifting - it has virtually no side effects or contraindications. Radio waves do not affect internal organs and act only on the dermis.

The effect of the procedure lasts for 2 years.

How does the radiofrequency lifting procedure work?

For this procedure, a special device is used, which, using special manipulators, affects the skin with radio frequency waves.

Radiofrequency lifting uses high-frequency alternating current to heat the skin tissue.


The depth of current penetration depends on its frequency - the lower the frequency, the deeper the alternating current penetrates into the tissue. Conversely, the higher the current frequency, the more superficial the thermal effect on the skin will be.

Alternating current, which is used in radio frequency lifting, has a superficial and thermal effect and does not heat up the internal organs.


This is due to the so-called skin effect, that is, the effect of radio frequency waves only on the upper layers of the skin.

The entire course consists of 6-10 procedures (once every 2 weeks), ensuring a reduction in skin area by 10-20%.

The duration of one procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes.

After completing the course, it is recommended to come once a month for a maintenance lifting session.

The long-term effect lasts for a year and a half or more.

Photos before and after using radiofrequency lifting



Pros and cons of radio wave lifting: benefits and harms

Pros - benefits

As cosmetologists promise, radio wave lifting improves the shape of the face, eliminates fine wrinkles and stretch marks, and tightens the skin.

The advantage over other anti-aging procedures is as follows:

— comfortable and easily tolerated by the client

- the method is non-invasive (no injections), therefore any infection is excluded

— pronounced effect immediately after the first session

- the effect lasts for a long time - for a year or more.

Cons - harm

The thing is that high-frequency alternating current is a powerful magnetic field.


High frequency currents are generally believed to be harmless when passing through the human body due to the skin effect. However, electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation generated in the presence of high frequency currents are likely to have harmful effects on living organisms

Of course, someone may object and say that one procedure will definitely not cause harm. But is the radiation level within acceptable standards?

The maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation, which should not have a negative effect on the human body, is 10 μW/

The radiation intensity of the average RF device is 4.5 W/, and this is not the most powerful device.

It turns out that electromagnetic radiation from an RF device is 45 times higher than the permissible limit.

When living tissue is irradiated with electromagnetic waves, electrochemical processes occur that disrupt cell function.

The biological effect of the e/m field under conditions of prolonged exposure accumulates, as a result of which long-term consequences may develop, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer, brain tumors and hormonal diseases.

What follows from all this? The fact that radiofrequency lifting exerts its thermal effect solely on the skin does not make it 100% safe.

Because, in addition to the thermal component, there is also a magnetic component, which is not usually discussed.

Advertising for the procedure promises us to gently stimulate the fibroblast (the cell responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin) and force it to synthesize new collagen. This collagen will make your face look young, toned and free of any hint of wrinkles.


It’s not like that, says Dr. Amina.

Radiofrequency lifting refers to extreme methods of rejuvenation, which means it is based on the destruction and damage of skin cells and fibrous structures. We pay for the short-term lifting effect with early skin aging.

The basic idea of ​​the procedure is to cook collagen and elastin under high temperature.

If we take a piece of beef and cook it in a pan, it will shrink in size. The same thing will happen to the collagen in our skin.

The lifting effect, which is expected immediately after the procedure, is based on this.

At the same time, temperature destroys not only collagen and elastin, but also cells - platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes and partially fibroblasts. Nucleic acids are released from them, the process of inflammation develops, and the very effect of the disappearance of fine wrinkles, which we see immediately after the procedure, is associated with inflammation, which is expressed by swelling.

When the swelling goes away, all the small wrinkles will return to their place. Inflammation forces the surviving fibroblasts to urgently patch the hole, producing fibrous scar collagen.

In addition, the body perceives any extreme increase in temperature in the skin as a burn and reacts accordingly. Therefore, the most common complication of RF lifting is burns.

The harm of RF lifting - video from dermatologist Amina Pirmanova

If you have planned RF lifting, be sure to listen to the opinion of dermatologist Amina Pirmanova. This information will give you complete information about this anti-aging procedure and allow you to make an informed decision.

Home radio wave lifting device, where to buy

RF lifting can be done independently at home. For this purpose, special compact devices designed for home care are used.

The most popular is an RF lifting device developed by the French brand Gezatone.


The device has 4 functions:
1 — rf-lifting
2 — myostimulation
3 - lifting and lymphatic drainage (for swelling on the face)
4 – relaxing massage

To carry out the RF lifting procedure, a special gel is required, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure and also minimizes the possible reaction of the skin to the effects of the device.

According to the instructions for the device, rf lifting must be done every day for a month, and then 2 times a week is enough to maintain the effect.

The price of the Gezatone device (model m1605) is 6,000 rubles.

Where to buy Gezatone - on the OZONE website (

Indications and contraindications

  1. Aging skin and changes in facial contours
  2. Excess skin on eyelids
  3. Wrinkles around the eyes
  4. Stretching and sagging skin
  5. Cellulite and skin unevenness
  1. Presence of pacemakers in the body
  2. Damage to the skin in the treatment area
  3. Some dermatological diseases (lupus erythematosus, rosacea)
  4. Infectious diseases
  5. Diabetes
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period
  7. Dermatologist Amina Permanova adds that RF lifting is especially dangerous for pregnant women, for people with diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems, for allergy sufferers, for people with immunodeficiencies.


Prices for radio wave lifting in Moscow

Face - price from 3000 rub.
Neckline - cost from 2000 rubles
Neck — 1700 rub.

RF face lifting: what is it, pros and cons before and after: 3 comments

I recently learned about radio wave lifting from a program on Channel One. They described some of the advantages of this procedure, so I was interested. After reading you, I understood what and how it really is (Now I understand that for me personally this method is too extreme and risky (subcutaneous caking, too high temperatures - scary). Therefore, I will continue to use my lifting serum and anti-aging cream. I take series ProBioDerm, Bakzdrav produces. By the way, I bought it out of curiosity, what is probiotic cosmetics, now this name is on all sides. I like it, the effect is noticeable. The cosmetics are natural, contain lysates and peptides. It would be interesting to read on your portal about probiotic cosmetics and lifting properties of L-Bont peptides - this topic is very popular now!

We will definitely consider this issue!

I was offered to do such a procedure at the salon. I decided to look on the Internet and read what people write. There are a lot of rave reviews, but some made me wary and I believe them. In short, when the skin is heated, subcutaneous fat tissue sinteres with the skin, and this gives the effect of tightened skin. But over time, after this, the skin sags even more. So I'm against it.

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