
The incision is a deep and narrow crack in the forehead. It appears as a result of a wound or blow and can have different shapes and depths. Typically, the incision is located vertically or obliquely, passing above the eyebrows or slightly above them.

The incision is primarily the result of an external force that requires medical intervention from a surgeon to stop the bleeding and remove the wound. The incision can cause a lot of pain and lead to many negative consequences. This damage can involve the eyebrows, scalp, tissues of the scalp itself, and can even extend to the skull bone. This is why, if you receive an open wound through the skin of your forehead, it needs to be treated as soon as possible.

You must first thoroughly rinse the wound with any antiseptics, and then apply a bandage with ointment or antibiotic cream. The main purpose of dressing is to prevent infection and speed up healing.