Miss Reaction

“Miss reaction” is an important component characteristic for identifying children with mental retardation. This test reveals the characteristics of coordination movements, motor memory, as well as the state of the cerebellum. It is often used to test a person’s level of mental abilities, determine the coordination of movements of the hands, fingers, and the eye. The reaction is calculated quantitatively in the number of streaks, whether the marks deviate to the right or to the left. The duration of time of movement of the tag is also measured. Therefore, the test is carried out using a special indicator ruler.

The goal is to find out the degree of coordination of human hand movements. Those tested in coordination tests include all ages and genders, and most importantly, different levels of mental development. During testing, you can find out the characteristic deficiencies in the coordination of movements of different parts of the body, determine how the test person performs a motor action or technique. The stimulus for performing a motor test is, for example, the sound of a click, a light signal, a word. The time of each individual contraction and relaxation of the muscle group under study is noted. Training methods involve following verbal instructions, so during the test it is very important to carefully monitor the child’s behavior,