Speech Automatic

Automatic speech is the reproduction of a well-learned series of words (a sequential series of numbers, days of the week, months of the year, the alphabet, etc.).

Automatic speech differs from normal spontaneous speech in that it does not require the active participation of consciousness. A person can produce automatic speech without thinking about the meaning of the spoken words.

Examples of automatic speech:

  1. Repetition of days of the week, months, alphabet.

  2. Count from 1 to 10 or higher.

  3. Reciting the multiplication table.

  4. Quoting well-memorized texts (poems, proverbs, sayings).

  5. Saying familiar phrases when greeting, goodbye, thanking.

Thus, automatic speech is speech in its most automated form, which does not require the participation of consciousness. It demonstrates the brain's ability to learn and automatically reproduce speech sequences.

Automatic speech for AI

In the modern world, artificial intelligence plays an important role in various areas of human life, from medicine to transport logistics. However, one of the most difficult tasks is to create artificial intelligence that is able to understand natural language and speak to a person in natural language. One method to solve this problem is to use automatic speaking systems, also known as speech information systems. These systems use pre-recorded voices to play back pre-prepared text. The first representative of this technology are paper readers, which were previously used to read books. These were then replaced by electronic displays that flashed words such as "next page." Later, electronic books appeared, where users typed all the information on the keyboard, and then the printed pages were reproduced with sound - again from the built-in speaker. It was these samples that became the beginnings of modern speech information systems. Today, speech information system is the ability to record your voice and listen to it as your own playback. It helps create text based on already recorded information or translate text from one language to another. However, one of the main disadvantages of such a system is that it is not able to simultaneously recognize and reproduce complex phrases or long sentences, since it has a small memory and limited capacity to process the information necessary to understand and reproduce them. Thus, automatic speech is necessary to help people with limited hearing abilities better perceive information. Additionally, it can be used in schools and libraries to improve the communication skills of students and librarians. Overall, automatic speech plays an important role in many areas of life and has great potential for future development.