Reflex Orthostatic

The orthostasis reflex is a protective mechanism for maintaining balance and maintaining a person’s consciousness in a standing position. Triggers when the body position changes: deviation from the vertical position (to the side or in front) by more than 30° due to rapid withdrawal of medications, physical activity, eye movements, sleep in the absence of verticalization, etc. Activation of the reflex occurs due to the combined functioning of receptors: pain, proprioceptive mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors of the skin, baroreceptors of the aortic arch, carotid sinus and low-pressure veins, chemoreceptors of baro-

Orthostatic reflex The orthostatic reflex depends on the location relative to the Earth and can be downward (when the body rises from a horizontal position) or upward. This mechanism works in the body as an automatic response to vertical stimulation of the head to maintain the necessary balance.

There are several reasons why we have a vasovagal reaction, due to which the heart and other body systems adapt to a new mode of operation due to a change in posture. Lack of oxygen at the Earth's surface leads to vasodilation, which increases blood flow to the brain, lungs, limbs and regulates blood pressure. Therefore, the descending vasovagal response is a protective response to decreased pressure on the head or loss of oxygen. The ascending response controls the increase in blood circulation that occurs when we begin to stand or walk, as well as when the volume of blood in the vena cava of the lower extremities or upper torso increases. As a result of the orthocycle reflex, our blood increases in volume. In a healthy person, the vasal reaction occurs quickly and does not require much time. During this process, the carbon dioxide content in the blood increases, and therefore a feeling of thirst occurs. This response is safe if it is activated without hesitation and ensures rapid restoration of normal blood pressure levels when posture changes. If the vasal reflex is absent or slow, this may mean that this mechanism is interfering with the effectiveness of the descending reflex or is not working at all, even at rest. As a rule, the omostasis reflex is absent in people with low blood pressure, such as patients who abuse drugs, i.e. in those people who avoid using “legs up”. This reaction is also talked about when there are problems associated with air pressure when entering a confined space, for example, under water (looking to the side. For some people, the orthostatic regulation function can work continuously and can lead to orthostatic disorders. Physiologically, orthostatic hypotension occurs due to an incorrect impulse that is sent by the brain to the heart in an upright position.Blood pressure is the main indicator