Rectal Exam

Rectal examination is one of the most common medical diagnostic methods. It is carried out to identify various diseases of the rectum, including colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor that forms from human intestinal cells.

Colorectal malignant tumor poses a great danger to human health, since symptoms often may not appear for a long time, which makes diagnosis in the early stages much more difficult. Colon cancer can be detected using other medical methods, such as colonoscopy. However, this research method can only detect visible changes in the intestinal mucosa. A rectal examination can also detect abnormal changes in the walls of the rectum at a depth of up to 4 cm. This examination is usually carried out in a doctor’s office using a special instrument - a rectal speculum. In this case, the patient lies on his side, bending his knees and moving them forward. Unfortunately, there are certain contraindications for the correct conduct of this study. For example, severe bleeding from the rectum. Therefore, before conducting the study, it is imperative to discuss all contraindications and possible risks with your doctor.

A rectal examination is a method of examining the rectum using mirrors or a flexible endoscope to diagnose various diseases. In addition, it can be used for a more detailed study of the vaginal mucosa, which often changes in various diseases of the lower female genital tract.

Rectal examination is a simple and inexpensive diagnostic method that