Renal-Splenic ligament


The renal-splenic ligament (lat. l. renolienale) is a connective tissue fold of the peritoneum that runs from the upper pole of the kidney to the hilum of the spleen.

Main functions:

  1. Fixes the kidney and spleen in the abdominal cavity, preventing the displacement of these organs.

  2. Provides venous and lymphatic drainage from the kidney and spleen. The veins and lymphatic vessels of these organs pass through the ligament.

  3. Can act as a conductive pathway for the spread of inflammatory and tumor processes between the kidney and spleen.

Thus, the renal-splenic ligament plays an important role in fixing the kidney and spleen, their blood supply and venous outflow. Damage or inflammation of this ligament can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the kidney and spleen.