
Agrimony: a healing plant with many uses

Agrimony, also known as field buck, jack lice, cinquefoil, Greek liver grass, and pigtail, is a plant of the Rosaceae family. It has valuable healing properties and is widely used in folk medicine and pharmacy practice.

Botanical appearance of the agrimony is a perennial plant with a pubescent stem reaching a height of up to 1 meter. The stem bears large leaves, which have an intermittently pinnate structure and are up to 20 cm long. The yellow flowers of the agrimony are collected in a terminal spike-shaped raceme and bloom alternately from June to September. The distribution of agrimony covers Northern and Central Europe, the Balkans, Russia, climate-favorable regions of Asia and North America. It prefers dry grasslands, bushy hills, forest edges and roadsides as habitats. The agrimony fruit, equipped with hooks, spreads with the help of animals and people.

The above-ground part of the flowering plant is used for medicinal purposes. Agrimony collection is carried out from June to September, with the highest quality material obtained when collected in June and July. The herb can be air dried or hung in bunches. When artificially drying, the temperature should not exceed 40 °C to preserve the active substances.

Agrimony contains tannins, tri-terpenes, some essential oil, silicic acid, mucus, flavonoids and other related substances. These components determine its healing effect. Tannins have antidiarrheal properties, and in combination with bitters and essential oil, agrimony has a positive effect on gastrointestinal diseases, including cases associated with insufficient secretion of enzymes or weak outflow of bile.

Agrimony is widely used as a tea to treat diarrhea, bile stagnation, loss of appetite and biliary colic. It is also used as a gargle for inflammation of the mouth and throat, which is especially useful for speakers and singers, helping them to keep their voice in good shape. However, agrimony's effectiveness as a diuretic has not been proven, so its use in this area should be discussed with your doctor.

In addition, agrimony is used in the cosmetics industry. Agrimony extracts are added to shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products as they help strengthen hair and reduce hair loss. Agrimony can also be included in creams and lotions for skin care, as it has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is important to note that before using agrimony for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to make recommendations regarding dosage and possible contraindications, based on individual health conditions.

In conclusion, agrimony is a plant with many medicinal properties that has found use in folk medicine and cosmetics. It can be useful for gastrointestinal problems, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and in hair and skin care products. However, before using agrimony, you should consult a medical professional.