To Keep Your Feet Healthy With Diabetes

To keep your feet healthy with diabetes

  1. Maintain normal blood sugar levels.

  2. Inspect your feet regularly, paying attention to abrasions, calluses, abrasions, and wounds in time to take appropriate measures.

  3. Wash your feet with soap. Trim your nails after a bath, when they are soft, and do it correctly: the edge of the nail should be straight, not rounded. Use blunt-tipped scissors for this purpose to avoid accidentally cutting the skin around the nail bed. Do not use a metal file or cut the skin around your nails. Gently remove rough skin with a pumice stone. Do not lubricate the spaces between your fingers with cream, it can cause diaper rash.

  4. Always wear shoes that are comfortable for your feet. Shoes should not press, rub or squeeze.

  5. Never walk barefoot, be it on the sea beach, in a forest clearing, or in an apartment. This will allow you to avoid microtraumas to the skin.

  6. Give preference to socks or stockings made of natural fibers (cotton, wool). Don't forget to change them daily.

  7. Be sure to consult a doctor if you have problems with your feet: a dry callus is in the way, a wart has appeared, a small wound does not heal. Never delete anything yourself. Don't wait for small problems to turn into big ones. Use pumice carefully.

  8. Do not overheat or overcool your feet. Blood circulation and innervation of the limbs in patients with diabetes are already impaired. Choose shoes and socks according to the weather and type of activity.

  9. Remember the dangers of smoking. Nicotine causes vasospasm, thereby impairing blood circulation. If you smoke, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. And it’s better to quit smoking altogether than to buy expensive vasodilators: trental, nicergoline, sermion and regularly do intravenous infusions. Remember that a few cigarettes smoked per day will completely negate the effect of treatment.

  10. Don't forget about the benefits of exercise. They normalize blood circulation in the extremities. When starting them, remember that any wound on the skin of the legs is a contraindication to physical activity.