
Retinalm is a medicine containing human retinal to improve vision and slow down age-related changes in the retina. The drug can be prescribed to both adults and children (from 1 year of age) and has a wide range of indications.

How does Retinalm work?

Retarlarmin particles are injected into the superficial layers of the retina and give it the opportunity to recover at the expense of its own potential. This technique is aimed at improving the structural condition of binocular visual elements and restoring their function. Thus, Retarlaramm is a protective agent in the fight against signs of age-related pathology of the retina during the deterioration of its functions against the background of aging of the body, in particular, with myopia, retinal detachment, glaucoma and other diseases. Along with this, Retilram can be used as an improver of energy exchange between the retina and the vessels supplying it. Thanks to this, an improvement in the quality of vision and an increase in its acuity is achieved relatively faster. Patients with age-related retinal degeneration showed the greatest effect; the treatment results were similar, even if the observed patient could not confidently distinguish shades of colors. Regression of symptoms began within a few minutes after administration of the drug. In addition, after several treatment sessions, light resolution noticeably increased, which indicates positive dynamics in a wide range of myopia. In what cases and how is Retilad used? The drug is prescribed for the treatment of central and peripheral dystro