Rhinoplasty According to Nelatonu

Rhinoplasty according to Nelaton is one of the most popular methods of surgical correction of the nose, which improves its appearance and functionality. This method was developed by the Italian surgeon Giulio Nelaton, whose name gives the procedure its name.

The process of rhinoplasty according to Nelatom begins with the surgeon making a small incision in the skin along the line of the wings of the nose. He then removes excess tissue and reshapes the nose. Next, to create a more natural contour, the surgeon can use cartilage and bone that was taken either from the costal arches or from a prenatal source.

This method has many advantages over other rhinoplasty methods. One of the main advantages is that the risk of complications and recurrences is greatly reduced by using cartilage and bones taken from elsewhere in the body. Moreover, after surgery using the Nelaton method, the patient’s nose becomes more symmetrical. It is also important to note that this method allows for a wider and longer nose, which can be beneficial for people with allergic diseases.

However, this method also has disadvantages. Thus, during the operation the patient must be under anesthesia, which may lead to some complications related to breathing or bleeding. In addition, rehabilitation after this method can take up to six months, during which the nose looks unnatural.

Thus, the Nelatont rhinoplasty method is one of the most effective and safe ways to correct the shape and function of the nose. Its popularity increases every year, as more and more patients want to look natural and harmonious.