Vampire face painting

Vampire face painting or “Dracula” It can be light and harmless, or it can be very realistic. Let's make the first option for the child. In order to draw “Dracula” on his face, we will prepare everything necessary - white face painting, red and black paint. Let's also select a sponge and a thin brush.

We make the tone of the face with white face painting, then you can use a sponge to make the cheekbones, work on the eyebrows. In Dracula they are scary and menacing. Now let's make the fangs. To do this, we will make triangles on the lower lip with white face painting and make a small red droplet on them (we will create artificial blood). The eyelids can be painted over with dark black paint. The outline of the eyes should be outlined with a black pencil. You can take a regular cosmetic one. Alternatively, you can do minimal face painting of the vampire. That is, only work on the eyebrows and fangs. This will be enough for a child.

Very soon the scariest, most mysterious, most unusual holiday will come, on which adults and children transform into heroes from a wide variety of fairy tales - Halloween. This means that it’s time to think about how to do face painting for a vampire.


Interesting Facts

Before we talk about how to properly apply Halloween makeup for a girl or guy, it’s worth listing a few interesting facts about the main event that came to us from the USA.

  1. Worldwide, this event ranks second in terms of profitability. Christmas is considered to be the most expensive holiday.
  2. This event is celebrated in mid-autumn, after the completion of land work.
  3. The symbol of this holiday is the evil Jack O'Lantern, named after the man who repeatedly deceived the devil himself.
  4. On this day it is customary to dress up as ghosts. There is an opinion that such a disguise will avoid attacks by spirits.
  5. The most dangerous sign is to wear clothes on the left side on a holiday. It is believed that anyone who makes such a mistake will soon meet a witch.

Most people before this event think about how to do vampire makeup for Halloween. This is the most powerful character, endowed with the power of the devil. It will protect a person’s energy from evil spirits.

What is face painting?

Why is it recommended to do vampire face painting for Halloween? How does this technology differ from applying regular makeup?


Face painting is a very bright pattern distributed over the skin of the face or body. To create such creativity, special durable paints are used. A similar mask can be painted using regular paints, but it is still recommended to give preference to a special consistency. It does not dry the skin, does not irritate it and is washed off quite easily.

Drawing for a girl

It is recommended to create a vampire face painting for a girl in a discreet way so that the face does not look “overloaded”. It only takes a few touches to create a beautiful look. To do this you will need several components:


  1. white face painting;
  2. black and red paints;
  3. thin brush;
  4. small sponge.

The first thing to do is to evenly lubricate the skin with nourishing cream and allow it to be thoroughly absorbed. Residues must be carefully removed with a napkin. The skin is protected from irritation and dryness, now you can begin the procedure of applying vampire face painting. Creating an image for Halloween is divided into several main stages:

  1. White face painting should be carefully applied to the face, using a sponge to treat the area of ​​the cheekbones and eyebrows.
  2. In the chin area, draw two black fangs pointing down. Between them you need to create a small red droplet - imitation of blood.
  3. A little vampire should have a bright look. You can create it using shadows and a black pencil.

After the end of the holiday, you should rinse your face thoroughly with water and apply a moisturizing lotion to the skin.


Vampire face painting alone is not enough to create this image. You need to pay attention to even the smallest details. The hair must be carefully combed to create the effect of slight negligence. You need to complete your hairstyle with a headband with horns; it is recommended that they have a glowing effect.

The final step is choosing clothes. You need to find an outfit with shades of black and red and dark shoes. It is recommended to make a dark cloak - the main attribute of a vampire.

How to paint a boy

Vampire face painting for boys can be tougher and more daring. Masculine nature allows you to create such an image. To work you will need:


  1. Makeup Brush. The stiffer the pile, the better.
  2. White and black face painting.
  3. Thin brush for painting with paints.
  4. Sponge

The technology for creating an image is similar.


  1. The first thing to do is take a sponge and carefully spread the white face painting over the skin of your face. First, you need to densely paint over the light areas, and then the dark ones.
  2. It will take approximately 15 minutes for the base to dry completely. Now you can move on to the process of applying small details.
  3. Using a thick brush, highlight the areas of the cheekbones and eyebrows, you need to make them more expressive.
  4. Next, take a thin brush and black face painting. You can draw thick eyebrows and fangs. Additionally, make smooth lines in the cheekbones and forehead.

As a hairstyle, it is permissible to make a small brush on a boy’s head and cover it with strong-hold varnish. For a vampire costume, you can use black leggings, a dark jacket, a wide belt and a red cloak. It is recommended to wear long boots on your feet; the larger they look, the better.

Adults like to have fun too

As mentioned earlier, Halloween is a holiday that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Many nightclubs host themed events. In order to get to the party, you first need to create an unusual image. In this case, you may need a technology for applying Halloween makeup for a girl.


The first thing you need to do is treat the skin so that there is no irritation and drying effect. The face should be thoroughly washed using foam, lotion or gel. It is recommended to additionally do deep cleaning using a scrub with small granules. The final step in preparing the skin is applying an emollient cream.

The skin is protected from the penetration of harmful chemicals, now you can proceed to the main procedure - applying face painting.

  1. As a basis for creating an image, you can use face painting or white paints. The coloring composition evenly covers the skin of the face and ears. If paint is used, it is recommended to apply several dense layers with a soft sponge.
  2. Wide eyebrows and sharp fangs are drawn with black paint and a thin brush. It is recommended to make several thin lines in the cheekbone area in order to create a menacing effect.
  3. Eyes are a very important detail. It is desirable that they be very bright. You can create this effect using mascara, eyeliner and pencil.
  4. The final part is applying matte black or red lipstick to the lips.
  5. If desired, you can additionally decorate your face with sparkles, rhinestones or small stars.

It is not at all necessary to create a special costume for a night party. The main focus will be on the face. All that remains is to put on a dark dress and shoes.

The simplest option


If you need to create face painting for a vampire, then this version of the image will turn out to be as bright and rich as possible. If there is no special composition suitable for leather, then you can use ordinary paints, preferably gouache. The difference is that they need to be applied in several layers to prevent them from cracking. You should start creating a new part only after the previous one has completely dried. After completing the event, be sure to thoroughly wash your face and apply a thick layer of moisturizer.


Halloween is the only holiday whose traditions allow a person to experience a character that is completely unknown to him. The most popular character among boys, girls and adults is the image of a vampire. Creating face painting for Halloween (vampire) will allow you to get the most vivid and rich effect. There is no need to rush to the salon; this procedure can be easily done at home.

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