Sabal, Or Serenoa repens

Sabal, or Serenoa creeping

Palm trees - Arecaceae (Palmae). Parts used: fruit. Pharmacy name: sabal fruits - Sabalis serrulati fructus (formerly: Fructus Sabalis senrulati). Botanical description. The original form of this plant is a dwarf palm, which is native to the coast of the southern states of the United States. Sabal has a creeping rhizome, fan-shaped leaves with sharp serrated edges and spiny petioles. Small flowers are collected in a densely pubescent spadix. The “berries” - single-seeded drupes - are dark brown in color, smooth, and sometimes oily in appearance.

Collection and preparation. The mature fruits, the size of an olive and dark red to brown in color, are collected and either dried or processed fresh into medicine.

Active ingredients. Like all seeds and fruits, these berries contain fatty oil in abundance. Along with it there are essential oils, carotene, flavones, enzymes, tannins, sugar and sitosterol.

Healing action and application. Fruits or seeds are not directly used, but herbal preparations (extracts from fruits) are often used to treat diseases of the bladder and prostate gland, urinary retention, impotence, various inflammations of the uterus and underdevelopment of the mammary glands. In any case, when using and dosing sabal preparations, one must proceed from the doctor’s instructions.

Use in homeopathy. The scope of application of the homeopathic remedy Sabal serrulate coincides with that in official medicine. It is used both in the form of the original tincture and in dilutions D1-D1. Side effects are unknown.