Salicylic acid for wart removal

The content of the article:
  1. What is salicylic acid
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Reviews about salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a substance obtained by the synthesis of sodium phenolate with carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid. Upon contact with the epidermis, it has a cauterizing effect. It is used for medical and cosmetic purposes against warts, papillomas, condylomas and other skin diseases.

What is salicylic acid?

The photo shows an alcohol solution of salicylic acid for warts 

The name of the substance comes from the Latin word “salix”, which means willow tree. The bark of this plant served as the product for the first isolation of salicylic acid. Later they learned to produce it chemically.

To synthesize the substance in autoclaves heated to 180°C, sodium phenolate is combined with carbon dioxide, after which the reaction product is treated with hydrochloric acid. The resulting substance is colorless, has the form of needle crystals or crystalline powder, and is odorless. Salicylic acid is highly soluble in alcohol, moderately soluble in water at temperatures of 70°C and above, and almost insoluble in water at 50°C and below.

Acid derivatives are actively used. Doctors resort to the help of sodium salicylate, salicylamide, acetylsalicylic acid, phenyl salicylate, aminosalicylic acid and others.

Given the substance’s ability to dissolve, it is most often used in the form of an alcohol solution of 1%, 2% and 5%. This salicylic acid is used for warts, oily seborrhea, acne, chronic eczema, psoriasis, dyskeratosis, ichthyosis, and calluses.

The price of an alcohol solution of salicylic acid is from 13 rubles in Russia (from 4 hryvnia in Ukraine) per 40 ml bottle.  

In addition, salicylic acid is also found in the ointment. The active substance content varies from 30% to 60%. It is used for signs of skin growths, but is mainly used to treat burns and wounds. An indirect analogue is Lassara paste.

The price of salicylic ointment is from 27 rubles in Russia (from 18 hryvnia in Ukraine) per container of 25 g.

A patch with salicylic acid for warts also worked quite well. In addition, it is used to remove corns and calluses. The concentration of salicylic acid in it does not exceed 30%. The most popular drug in this series Corn plaster. An analogue is a patch Salipod and Leiko.  

The price of the Corn Plaster is from 50 rubles in Russia (from 21 hryvnia in Ukraine) for 1 piece.

Analogs of salicylic acid for warts are other acids, in particular trichloroacetic, acetic, and retinoic. However, it is salicylic acid, according to dermatologists, that has the mildest effect, due to which, along with medical centers, it is also used at home.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid for warts

Despite the fact that this substance can be used at home for the treatment of dermatological diseases, do not forget that it is a strong chemical that has a destructive effect on the epidermis.

Most often, salicylic acid is used for flat warts, vulgar papillomas and spines, that is, those neoplasms that are caused by the human papillomavirus, but have a low degree of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid in the treatment of warts:

  1. Antiseptic. The acid suppresses the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, due to which the wound is cleaned of putrefactive secretions and the activity of pathogenic bacteria is reduced.
  2. Locally irritating. At the site of application, salicylic acid penetrates the epidermis quite deeply, it literally burns the skin.
  3. Keratolytic. The outer layer softens and gradually becomes discolored, so that the skin affected by HPV is easily separated from the surface of the skin.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Eliminating the inflammatory process speeds up healing. This happens due to increased blood flow to the treated area of ​​skin.

This substance has undeniable advantages. Firstly, its use does not require special training; you just need to read the instructions and you can start processing. Secondly, when using it there is no need to take serious precautions, as when manipulating more active drugs. Thirdly, removing warts with salicylic acid is a fairly effective and inexpensive procedure.

The remainder of the product can be used for pedicure removal of calluses and corns. It is not recommended to do a manicure using this product: the skin on your hands is more delicate than on your feet, and you can get a chemical burn. Here the drug can only be used spot-on.

Instructions for using salicylic acid for warts

The photo shows the process of removing a wart with a salicylic acid patch.

When starting treatment, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove warts with salicylic acid in one go. However, the procedure is simple, takes little time and does not cause much discomfort, so performing it several times is not difficult.

Before using any product containing salicylic acid, thoroughly wash and dry the treatment area.

If a spine is to be removed, it should be lightly rubbed with a pumice stone or the keratinized part of the wart and the ridge around it should be cut off with scissors. It is strictly prohibited to damage other types of neoplasms.

Algorithm for removing warts using an alcohol solution of salicylic acid:

  1. Treat the skin around the tumor with zinc ointment. When applying the product, try not to spread it onto healthy skin.
  2. Apply a few drops of the solution to the wart.
  3. Allow the substance to absorb well.
  4. If the area being treated is subject to friction or pressure (for example, the sole of your foot or the crook of your toes), cover it with adhesive tape.

Repeat the procedure for treating warts with salicylic acid in the form of a solution every day until the growth disappears, but no more than 7 days in a row. If the growth is large and has not gone away after a week, give the skin a couple of days to rest and repeat the weekly course. So up to 6 months of use.

If you are treating a spine, you can help the process by constantly cleaning off dying epidermal cells with pumice. Any other types of warts should not be touched.

How to remove a wart with salicylic acid patch:  

  1. Immerse the area with the new growth in warm water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Wipe the growth and the skin around it dry.
  3. Apply the patch so that it completely covers it.
  4. Leave the product for 48 hours.
  5. Remove the patch and wash the treated area with soap.

This procedure must be repeated until the wart disappears, but no more than 4 times. If after this the growth still does not go away, give the skin a week to rest and carry out the course again. So no more than 4 courses. If even after the fourth course it was not possible to remove the wart with salicylic acid in the patch, turn to other methods of treatment.

Elimination of neoplasms using salicylic acid-based paste:

  1. Apply a small amount of salicylic acid paste to the previously prepared area with the tumor.
  2. Rub it thoroughly into the wart until completely absorbed.
  3. Just as with the alcohol solution, if the area being treated is subject to friction or pressure (for example, the sole of the foot or the crook of the fingers), cover it with adhesive tape.

This manipulation should be carried out 2 times a day until the growth completely disappears, but no more than 2 weeks in a row. Then give your skin a rest and do a second course if necessary. Treatment should last no more than 2 months.

It is worth paying attention to special instructions for the use of salicylic acid for warts. This applies to all types of drugs containing the substance. First of all, they should not be applied to nevi, birthmarks, vitiligo, even if they have warts, especially on the face or in the genital area. If you are treating children for multiple warts, start with one area and see if an allergic reaction occurs. If the solution gets on the mucous membranes, rinse the area as soon as possible with plenty of water.

Contraindications to the use of salicylic acid

Despite the fact that this remedy is intended for use by a wide range of patients, some of them are better off refusing treatment for tumors.

The use of salicylic acid for warts is contraindicated:

  1. For allergy sufferers. First of all, this applies to people who are directly prone to skin manifestations of allergic reactions. In particular, patients with eczema, atopic dermatitis, urticaria and other dermatological problems.
  2. For kids. Treatment of children under 3 years of age with chemical acids is completely prohibited, and treatment of children under 7 years of age should be carried out only in specialized medical or cosmetology centers by certified specialists.
  3. Pregnant and lactating. This is due to the lack of necessary studies on the effect of the use of salicylic acid on the fetus and mother's milk.
  4. Suffering from kidney failure and adrenal gland diseases. The drug, even in negligible doses used to treat skin diseases, can have an effect on the kidneys, which will be negative for people registered with nephrologists and endocrinologists.
  5. People with problems of the circulatory system. Here we are talking, first of all, about poor blood clotting. Because salicylic acid cauterizes tissue, it can cause capillary disruption, which can cause bleeding in certain patients.

Results of using salicylic acid for warts

Photos before and after removing a wart with salicylic acid on the nose

Salicylic acid against warts is an effective means of combating skin tumors. Provided that the drug is selected correctly and all recommendations in the instructions are followed, the growths go away in more than 70% of cases.

An ointment with salicylic acid is considered the most effective, since the concentration of the active substance in it reaches 60%. In second place is the patch, where it is up to 30%. In last place is an alcohol solution containing no more than 5% of the substance.

Young warts disappear within 1-2 weeks as a result of the use of salicylic acid. Old growths need to be treated with the substance for sometimes up to 6 months.

Along the way, to improve the effect and accelerate tissue regeneration, doctors prescribe general health-improving drugs to patients to boost immunity. Most often we are talking about vitamin complexes and tableted minerals.

Real reviews of salicylic acid for warts

Many acids, including salicylic acid, are popular means in the fight against skin tumors. Sometimes treatment is delayed for months, but the affordability of procedures compared to salon methods for removing growths is winning over more and more people. Therefore, on the Internet you can find many reviews of salicylic acid for warts:

Oleg, 45 years old

We became acquainted with the salicylic acid-based corn patch after a child developed warts. Our 12-year-old boy is actively involved in sports. Martial arts on weekdays; a swimming pool is added on weekends. There was no investigation into where exactly he contracted the human papillomavirus. But the presence of warts and several papillomas made it clear that this virus was present in the child’s blood. The growths appeared after my son suffered a protracted cold. Then, against the background of reduced immunity, warts grew on the arms and legs, and on the neck papillomas. On the advice of a dermatologist, the cervical papillomas were removed in a beauty salon. And two warts on the fingers were removed with a corn patch with salicylic acid. They passed within 2 weeks. The warts were hidden from prying eyes, which did not cause embarrassment for the child. He explained to friends that there were cuts on his fingers; this helped to avoid teasing and unpleasant looks from the parents of the child’s friends while attending a children’s party.

Alina, 33 years old

During pregnancy, a wart formed on the foot. The gynecologist categorically did not recommend doing anything with it, although I heard that these tumors are also removed from pregnant women. 9 months into pregnancy, another 2 years of breastfeeding, and the wart became so old that it began to greatly interfere with walking. I started treatment in the winter so that I could wear socks, because in the summer I was afraid of injuring the burnt area or rubbing it while wearing sandals and causing an infection. A friend recommended salicylic ointment for papillomas, but I decided to listen to the doctor! I used a 5% alcohol solution of salicylic acid against warts. The treatment was long 4 months, but did not cause much discomfort. The first week there were practically no changes. I already wanted to give up this idea, but I read that this could happen, so I continued. After washing my feet in the evening, I applied a couple of drops of acid to the spine and within a minute I put on my socks and went to bed. There was a slight burning sensation and itching, but it went away in literally 5-7 minutes. The range of wart colors ranged from almost white to almost black. But gradually the painful tissues disappeared, and beautiful, pink skin appeared underneath. I was afraid there would be a scar, but it passed. By the beach season I was already free of ugly warts and, what’s nice, I didn’t fork out a lot on procedures.

Olga, 57 years old

Unfortunately, I am very susceptible to the appearance of warts. They constantly come out on the fingers. I have been using Salicylic paste for many years. I smeared the wart, sealed it, repeated this 3-4 times, and after a week there was no trace of the growth. The most important begin treatment as soon as the tumor begins to erupt. Then everything will go quickly and painlessly.

How to use salicylic acid for warts - watch the video:


Salicylic acid for warts is a decades-proven remedy for combating skin tumors. However, please note that before using it, you should consult a dermatologist who will confirm that your tumor is not melanoma or another type of malignant tumor. You should also definitely visit a doctor if long-term use of the drug does not produce results.

  1. Read also about Verrucacid for the treatment of papillomas