Suicide Altruistic

**Suicide** is the act of taking one’s own life, committed by a person consciously, at his own request.****

In medicine, **self-abduction** is considered voluntary self-harm; it is considered a type of intentional self-harm. People called suicide **voluntary strangulation.**

Committing suicide can be a way out of life or a form of protest behavior (for example, adolescent risk groups). The basis of many suicidal actions is the desire for self-death.

Suicides are divided into **physical** and **mental**. Physical (committed through an act of deprivation of life) are divided into:

*Hysterical; * True (hallucinatory-paranoid); * Affective; * Paralytic; * Organic and somatogenic;

Self-abductions of mentally ill patients are characterized by painful experiences of delusional content, similar to mental torment, in which the patient takes persistent actions aimed at destroying the personality. Many patients are in a twilight state of consciousness at the time of self-abduction.