Sanitary Control

Sanitary control is an important component of our lives. It is designed to prevent the spread of dangerous infections and protect people's health. In this article we will look at what sanitary control is and how it works.

Sanitary control is activities in the system of sanitary supervision, checking the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological standards and rules, which are carried out by specially trained sanitary service employees, on behalf of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. Sanitary control aims to identify cases of non-compliance with hygiene measures, as well as to determine how compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules affects human health and the environment.

The goals of medical examination of the health status of workers and the availability of necessary working conditions that meet hygienic requirements are closely related and interdependent. Their list can be represented by the following positions:

— identification of the initial forms of diseases characteristic of specific professions and industries with the aim of their timely prevention and elimination;

— determination of the degree of contamination of the workplace and the sanitary condition of the premises;

- development of hygienic recommendations for the optimal organization of labor and workplaces;

— establishing compliance of work clothes, shoes, hats with occupational hygiene requirements to ensure the prevention of occupational diseases, etc.

Consequently, a medical examination is one of the links in preventive measures when carrying out therapeutic and health-improving, anti-occupational measures and the prevention of occupational diseases. Its indicators reflect the results of targeted health-improving activities, the effectiveness of planned labor organization measures at the present stage and their structural transformations.